initial support for Hauppuage HD-PVR (4 Viewers)


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  • February 5, 2009
    Spokane, WA
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    Ok, I got 4TR installed, imported all the channels with the SD importer, turned on the plugin in MP, fixed my shares in the TVServer Plugin, and created a recorder/tuner for MP in 4TR's management console. I've got a whole bunch of channels that aren't linked, and this is where I'm guessing I have to ask for help again. Is it better to just do a manual link of the channel in the TVServer plugin, use that SQL script to link XMLTV id's, or rename the channels in 4TR management console so that they match the channel names I have in MP already? I'd prefer to keep my TV Guide setup the way it was which was {num} {callsign} so that they're all in numerical order as I know where they are, and I really don't want a ton of duplicates to fish through. What's my next step?


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  • August 14, 2007
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    Really depends on how many channels you have:) I have about 40 (I have Dish Net's HD only package) so it ended up being easier just to do it by hand, though somewhat tedious. If you have hundreds you might want to give the sql script a look.

    I really wish 4TR did a better job using existing schedules/channel listings. Their importing isn't bad, but they don't give you a lot of options if your channel format is different from theirs. The nice thing is once it's done it's done, unless you need to add new channels.


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  • February 5, 2009
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    So, rename the channels in 4TR so that my guide still looks the way that I'm used to? I guess I'm just a little confused as where 4TR gets the names of the channels for the guide and how they're displayed. I just want my TV Guide to look like nothing has changed (so the wife doesn't kill me), but have 4TR controlling everything now.

    Ok, so, I'm renaming the channels in 4TR and they're auto linking in TVServer, so that's all good. Now, I just need to know what I have to run to have SD import in scheduling data. I did the initial TV Guide Importer, but do I run that command line option in quiet mode to update SD in 4TR, or is there some other command?


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2008
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    I had over 200 channels so renaming wasn't really something I wanted to do.
    Anyways, if it's not too late, I sent you an email...


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  • February 5, 2009
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    So, my USB-UIRT just came in. Quick question for you guys about how it works. I understand the box has a blaster and a receiver in it and then it also has a hole in the back for plugging in a extended blaster (sorry if that's not the right terminology, dunno what else to call the blaster eye). Anyway, are you guys using it to receive and blast, or just receive and blasting with something else, or do you have the usb-uirt box setup so it can blast your STB's and receive from a remote? I've got my extra blaster that's already plugged into my hauppauge card (just the blaster part, no receiver) and it's glued to my STB where it's IR eye is. Can I effectively just unplug that from my hauppauge card and plug it into the back of the usb-uirt and away I go with the rest of the setup? Thanks for any suggestions.


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  • August 14, 2007
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    First, did you buy it with the receiver piece? I don't believe he installs them by default, it's like an extra 12 bucks.

    Second, in theory the IR bug you already have should work if it's the same 1/8 jack, but didn't the UIRT come with it's own?

    The UIRT will blast out itself, from the front - if you have it pointing out, towards a back wall, it's actually powerful enough to bounce the signal off and back to your component, so you don't even need a bug. I use my bug for my second STB (set that up in IRSS).


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  • February 5, 2009
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    All that I got was the black box on the end of a USB cable, which I'm hoping is a receiver?? The UIRT didn't come with it's own bug, but like I said, I do have 2 of them. So, I can just unplug the one that is currently my blaster and plug it into this. What's the receiver piece look like?


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2008
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    It took me a while to figure out the damn 1/8" but it's actually fairly simple.
    First, you definetly have sender and receiver. The optional component is 56Khz which most people don't need.
    If you only have 1 receiver then you probably just need to put the UIRT somewhere on top of it and it will bounce off couch, wall or coffee table and your receiver will get the signal.

    I just got a second STB and had to use the external blasters because both STBsare using the same IR codes. All I had to was use a old headphone jack and cut the wire. Take both IR blasters you got with HD-PVR (obviously I need 2 HD-PVRs to use 2 STBs) and cut the wires. You then hook one side of one of the blasters to red and the other side to ground wires, do the same with the other but connect white and ground. Test using virtual remote or TVServer plugin, port 1 and port 2 are external, port 3 is the internal one. Make sure you restart TVServer after, I wasted 30 minutes trying to figure out why it wouldn't work in mediaportal...


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  • February 5, 2009
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    Wow, so you can actually hook up 2 external blasters into the minijack? That's kinda cool. Can I just take the minijack blaster that came with the HD-PVR and plug that directly in, or do I have to splice, ya think? So, in theory, I should be able to set the uirt right next to my STB and it's transmitter should be powerful enough to bounce off of the couch that's 6 feet away or so and back the STB? Interesting if that I'll have to give it a shot.

    Thanks again for all the help last night sjeffrey! I ran another import this morning at 4am, and it looks like 4TR picked up one of those missing channels. I wonder if for some reason there's a timeout happening while downloading program detail and it's missing data. How long does it take you guys to download your guide data? I set mine to grab 15 days before this run, and it took 2hrs and 5 mins to download all the data. I started another import at 10:31 am and it's currently noon. Odd that it takes so damn long when MP can download the whole guide data (even when you have none) in a couple of mins. Also, I still have tons of blanks in my line-up. I tried to register an account on the 4TR forums, but they're email system is down currently, so I can't get the info about my temporary password, and can't activate the account....sweet! I still have lots of holes all over my guide though. Like, completely missing program information, just a blank spot where something should be, even if it was No Data Available. I dunno, gonna let this import run, and maybe I'll post some screenshots just so ya can see what I'm talking about. At least it was simple enough to switch back and forth between regular TV client and 4TR. Now the wife won't have to kill me this weekend.


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2008
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    I think WileE has 4 so I'm only half way there :)

    For the import, I haven't checked how long the it runs but it does take time.

    The IR blaster from the HD-PVR is a 1/16" or something (smaller then 1/8")
    You might be able to get an adapter, but from experience it will cost you more than getting a cheap pair of headphones. The reason why the USB-URIT uses a 1/8" is to allow you to have 2 blasters on the same plug.
    You could splice and use only one but the box itself should be able to tune your STB without external one...

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