initial support for Hauppuage HD-PVR (19 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 22, 2008
Home Country
Canada Canada
Hi again

fast reply i like it

i am using the rca audio input my current settop box from sky only has that (rearly crap box )
I had a lot of problems with the Hd-pvr jumping back to AC3 all the time and no sound but now it is set to rca front input and acc sound

P/s i also tryed the dpc latensy checker and all is fine

Regards Dyrvig:D

Try using GraphEdit. It's really easy (once you know how)
- Just launch MP, if it's full screen press alt+enter once you are in.
- Launch GraphEdit
- Go To File and select Remote Graph
- You should have only 1 graph in the list, select it
- Look for anything unusual or post a screenshot

You mentioned that even recorded TV does the same thing. I haven't experienced this one.
Does it stutter at the same spots all the time or random?


Portal Member
July 15, 2008
Home Country
Brazil Brazil

Hi again

I am using the 1.5.6 driver for the hdpvr i tryed the 1.x.x but every time i restart the server it shows up in mediaportal as unknown i dont know why

regards Dyrvig:oops:


Portal Pro
August 22, 2008
Home Country
Canada Canada
Hi again

I am using the 1.5.6 driver for the hdpvr i tryed the 1.x.x but every time i restart the server it shows up in mediaportal as unknown i dont know why

regards Dyrvig:oops:

I haven't tried the 1.5.6 drivers so far. I've been using for a while with "mostly" success.

BTW, I like you systems. How do you like your intel G45 miniitx ?


Portal Member
July 15, 2008
Home Country
Brazil Brazil
Hd-pvr + stuttering

Hi again

I tryed to do that in Graph edit and select remote graph there was only one but i only got a blank screen do i have to download the hole packet from Microsoft or only the small program this is on the client if i am right with mediaportal running and live tv

The problem with recorded tv stuttering i funny it seems to come and go during playback but i i move the recorded file to the client and play it as a video i plays fine with absolute no stuttering that the reason i think it is a stream problem

I used to use a server with a pvr 150 and mediaportal 1.0 and it dident have this problem but it is also diferent format i think (not H264)



Portal Pro
August 22, 2008
Home Country
Canada Canada
Hi again

I tryed to do that in Graph edit and select remote graph there was only one but i only got a blank screen do i have to download the hole packet from Microsoft or only the small program this is on the client if i am right with mediaportal running and live tv

The problem with recorded tv stuttering i funny it seems to come and go during playback but i i move the recorded file to the client and play it as a video i plays fine with absolute no stuttering that the reason i think it is a stream problem

I used to use a server with a pvr 150 and mediaportal 1.0 and it dident have this problem but it is also diferent format i think (not H264)


Then I would also think it's a network issue.
Try the usual network troubleshooting like make sure all your cards are on full duplex. Perhaps try 100mbps instead of 1000mbps. Try copying a file over the network and see how many MBs/sec...


Portal Member
July 15, 2008
Home Country
Brazil Brazil
Hd-pvr + stuttering

The intel g45 mini itx is very nice i am using it in a silverstone ML02 65mm hight the only problem is that it dosent have any ata ports only sata and now i have to find a slim slot-in dvd drive for sata here i brasil not so easy

I am originaly from Denmark but have been living here for 6 years Sao Paulo (20million ) so most of my hardware i bourgt in denmark during visits here the new stuff arrives late and is expensive



Hi again

I will try to find any problems with my network the funny thing is that during live tv if i open taskmanager the network is running 1-2% 1000Mbps this i the same on the clients and the server . I will try to change to 100mbps and se if i can get that graph edit to work

P/s i have tryed to switch of the windows firewall on both the server and client but same problems my network uses dynamic Ip could that be a problem the server also but is always the same and linked to its ip in mediaportal server :D




Portal Pro
August 22, 2008
Home Country
Canada Canada
The intel g45 mini itx is very nice i am using it in a silverstone ML02 65mm hight the only problem is that it dosent have any ata ports only sata and now i have to find a slim slot-in dvd drive for sata here i brasil not so easy

I am originaly from Denmark but have been living here for 6 years Sao Paulo (20million ) so most of my hardware i bourgt in denmark during visits here the new stuff arrives late and is expensive



Hi again

I will try to find any problems with my network the funny thing is that during live tv if i open taskmanager the network is running 1-2% 1000Mbps this i the same on the clients and the server . I will try to change to 100mbps and se if i can get that graph edit to work

P/s i have tryed to switch of the windows firewall on both the server and client but same problems my network uses dynamic Ip could that be a problem the server also but is always the same and linked to its ip in mediaportal server :D



I'm not sure about your graphedit problem but it seems that we narrowed your issues to be network related (most likely). If you wan't graphedit to work, try google. I remember there was some issues if you didn't have a file called something like proppages.dll(?)

Dynamic IP won't be the issue. using dynamic IP will only slow down the first lookup to the DNS server (your router) to get the ip address from a machine name. Then the ip address is cached locally.


Portal Member
July 15, 2008
Home Country
Brazil Brazil

Thanks Sjeffrey

I will log off now to go home to try to fix my network

thanks a lot for your help i hope the Hd-pvr will be better supported in furture release 1.1.0

Dyrvig :D


Portal Pro
August 22, 2008
Home Country
Canada Canada
In my case the HD PVR is on and somehow massive freezing occurs when starting a TV channel. Can i assume its related?
It can work fine for days, even with the HTPC going to standby and back on, without issue. I can't see any pattern.

I get the same thing once in a while. Everything is fine, change channels and then I'm locked up.
I have to then power cycle my HD PVRs and restart TVServer service.

Some people schedule a shutdown/powerup of the HD PVRs everyday and it seems more stable.
The more sofisticated one was using IRSS to send a IR signal to IR outlet to force a shutdown and power-up.
I plan to just use a outlet timer and a scheduled task to restart the service.


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    After reading through countless pages on this thread I can not determine the success rate of the Hauppuage HD-PVR and Media Portal. I am considering getting this but obviously people are only posting issues with it . Is there a tutorial on setting it up?

    I apologize if this has been asked before.


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