If you are using the HDPVR blaster port, be advised it is known to cause issues and lock the HDPVR up.
so, if you start having issues, look there first.
I've actually been having good luck with the Hauppauge blaster. I've got mine plugged into my HVR-1600 and haven't had an issue yet. Every now and again it gets confused when I've got all 3 tuners going, but for the most part, it just works. I just hope ixian keeps on recompiling it for the newest builds as they come out, otherwise I may actually have to setup my USB-UIRT. (Yeah, I bought one about 4 months ago, but as the old saying goes; "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Hello all! First I gotta say when my HD-PVR works it's great! Thanks to everyone who has helped!
However it doesn't always work. Here is typical scenario. I can tune/change channels just fine in MP watch tv pause etc. But when scheduled recording comes on some times it records only part of the show and then abruptly stops. Afterward When I try to watch live tv I get an error no tuner card available (something like that, I know I should have really written it down)
4 The Record sends an email stating:"Failed to tune to channel 701 HBO2PHD" and "Failed to start recording Eastern Promises on recorder/tuner MediaPortal TV Server (card 1)" and this is an 1hour 24mins into the program.
It takes a restart of my HTPC to get things running again. Other times it just doesn't record and MP can't locate my "Tuner". But TMT software sees it just fine and I can manually record that way.
I was thinking the HD-PVR is over heating (I had it sitting on top of my cable box) But since TMT can use it I think if ruled that out.
Other question: What controls the recording quality and format? Is it the TMT software?
the TME software controls the settings for the HD-PVR.
It sounds like you are experiencing the infamous stability issues.
these are usually caused by:
old drivers
using the blaster
Some have had success by removing the hdpvr cover, others have claimed success from discontinuing use of the blaster, some going to the extreme of taping the blaster sensor with black tape to block any ir signals from reaching it at all.
Others still have bought ac power timers to power cycle their hdpvr daily.
on a side note, if it does this, usually power cycling the hdpvr, then restarting the tvservice (not the whole machine) is all it takes.
Make sure you are using driver 1.5.6 and are not using the built in blaster. If you still have problems, check your model revision - if it's below "D" you are going to have problems with heat.
I'm still using the drivers from Sept (or maybe it was August) of '08 without a hitch. I tried upgrading them to the newest ones back when 1.0.1 came out, but they ended up giving me the stuttering issue. And, as for blaster, I was successfully using the HD-PVR's blaster for quite a long time till I decided to buy another Huappauge card which came with a blaster and have been using that ever since. Also, side note, my first HD-PVR only made it 1 week. It was a rev. B. Hauppauge was extremely cool about replacing it and even did a next day air for me. Can't beat customer service like that.
After messing around with different settings and placements (over heating?) I am still having the same stability issue as I previously stated. Some times it seems records just fine but inevitably the HD-PVR just stops communicating with MP or TV Server. Sometimes it will go for almost 24 hours without issue, while others its just a quick 10 mins before it gives up. I gotta say when it works it looks nice.
I am not using the blaster from the HD-PVR
HD-PVR is Rev D 2
My drivers are up to date
TME is the latest version
I tried switching from SPDIF to RCA stereo
I don't think its over heating.
still no luck. Unless anyone has further input I am consider one or two options, return it and get another one. And or complete reinstall of OS and MP. I'd rather not do the last one since I it has taken me this long to get things the way I like it. I appreciate everyones help.
Hi i am wondering if someone could help me out im having a small issue with the HDPVR and wondering if anyone had any advice. When i change channels the TV stalls out for a second, Looses all signal, My screen goes blue which is the color my receiver puts out when there is no signal, Then in say 2-3 seconds it will start up stall then run really fast for a second or two until it is caught up. Any ideas on what is causing this. I have a feeling it might be a bit refresher or some other setting. Any advise would be great thanks