initial support for Hauppuage HD-PVR (9 Viewers)


Portal Pro
June 28, 2009
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that's lame =(
TiVo can do it, so it must be able to be done! <-- is that even a real sentence? o.0

On the sage forums I saw someone who said they had one box streaming with firewire, and the other going through the hdpvr with firewire just changing the channels, I guess I need to do some espionage and dwell deeper into foreign territory (the sage forums) and see if I can find anymore info over there.

Thanks for the info guys, it helps a lot, at least I know what I am looking for now.
I'll let you know if anything ever comes of it, but for the immediate moment, I am going to worry about getting this thing stable and imaged.


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  • August 14, 2007
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    If you are just looking for channel changing why deal with firewire at all? A blaster like the UIRT or Microsoft works just as well and in the UIRT's case is probably faster.

    Very few STB's allow you to disable their OSD, I know Dish doesn't. Tivo might but they are a specialty product; your average cable company probably could care less about the feature.


    Portal Pro
    June 28, 2009
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    the main reason being I have 2 blasters and 3 places needing blasting =)
    also, if I get another stb, we'll have more blasting issues which could be avoided with firewire, if it is simply attained.

    if i could somehow remove the stb osd tho, that would be excellent.
    The option is there in the stb's main setup menu (accessed by going into settings while the box is turned off), but the entire setup menu (except screen size) has been disabled by good old time warner...


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  • March 30, 2009
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    Can't change channels

    Hi all!!
    After what has seemed like months I was finally able to get my HD-PVR. Got it all set up got MP to recognize it able to get the TV server to know what channels it get. The problem I am having is getting the channel to change. I have a IR Reciever/Blaster from Hauppauge that came with my 2250, (apparently they don't have a model with this anymore and the IR blaster port is directly on the card now) it receives IR signals and has two 1/8" plugs in the back of it for the included blasters. It looks strikingly similar the USB UIRT. I currently have IRSS TVE3 plugin blasting my cable box (Cox) in all of its test but when I go to my tv and try to change the channel it doesn't to anything.

    I am also using 4 The Record 1.0.4, and I know there is version out. I was never successful in getting plain MP to display my TV guide information and I have navigated away from that and up until installing the HD-PVR I haven't had too many issues. I am also now using the Schedules Direct plugin for 4TR to get my guide info, This is new for me. I was using and XMLTV grab from microshaft prior. The new guide information does not list channel numbers it just says channel name.(EX before "700 HBOHDP", now "Home Box Office HD Pacific") I have linked the channels in the 4TR plugin in the TV server plugins to each other. I know I have rambled on and there are many factors into why this isn't work but any help would be appreciated... I am looking your way Chesh.



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  • February 5, 2009
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    ForTheRecord TvGuideImporter now has an option to select how you want the channels imported. Just pick it from the drop down for whatever matches in your MediaPortal setup. If you select the exact same format for showing the channels then 4TR will auto link the channels from MP to it's set.

    P.S. is where you can find that version of the importer.


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  • March 30, 2009
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    ForTheRecord TvGuideImporter now has an option to select how you want the channels imported. Just pick it from the drop down for whatever matches in your MediaPortal setup. If you select the exact same format for showing the channels then 4TR will auto link the channels from MP to it's set.

    P.S. For The Record - View topic - For The Record is where you can find that version of the importer.

    GOOD GRAVY you are fast Chesh!!! Thanks for link when I get home I'll give it a try and see if that works. Do you think this will take care of the channel changing via the IR blaster?


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  • August 14, 2007
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    I love 4TR :) I donated to them, it's that good.

    Microwav, you are just asking for grief trying to use a Hauppauge blaster. If you don't want to spring for a UIRT at least get the Microsoft MCE (eHome) one, those go for like $30 on Amazon, and come with a pretty decent remote.


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  • March 30, 2009
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    I love 4TR :) I donated to them, it's that good.

    Microwav, you are just asking for grief trying to use a Hauppauge blaster. If you don't want to spring for a UIRT at least get the Microsoft MCE (eHome) one, those go for like $30 on Amazon, and come with a pretty decent remote.

    I don't know yet, the Hauppauge seems to be working, It receives the IR from my remotes (Harmonly 880) and it seems to blast my cable box in the setup screen in the TVe3 plugins, but not when I try to change channels, I'll have to try that link that Chesh gave me and rename my channels to see what that does. IRSS sees it as a "microsoft" ir thingy.

    For me and my relationship with Media Portal is more of a trial and error one, nothing seems to work right then I uninstall/reinstall then it works and I am afraid to try something else. But its fun and I have really awesome set up I knew MP was capable of doing certain things but to have it do it well and looks beautiful, that is what really impresses me.

    Donations, I have a list of programs and communities that I will be donating to very very shortly.


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  • August 14, 2007
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    My friend :)

    I wasn't speaking casually: I know what your problem is. It's that blaster. We've all been through it here. Sure, it appears like it will work. And perhaps outside of MePo and IRSS it does. But for your needs, with this capture box, with MePo TVServer, you are wasting time. It's never going to work well enough for you. Get one of the recommended blasters (USB-UIRT, followed by the Microsoft eHome - the Microsoft one, not some crappy knock off) and save yourself some grief.


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  • March 30, 2009
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    Well this was unexpected. Got home and decided to see if MP and the Hd-PVR recorded a show manually I set up during the day. (set the cable box to the channell and just had MP record for desired time) that worked. After seeing that and realizing there was a light at the end of the tunnel I plunked around on the guide and live tv and magically the channels are being changed. Don't know what has happend but I am not going to question it until it stops working. Now just to rename all my channels.

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