Search this thread for the .dll files put out by sjeffery and WileE. I believe it's tvlibrary.dll. You replace that in your MP TV Server directory and it stops that stuttering. Also, you'll need to change your PMT timeout in the TV Server Config to 1-5 (might have to try that setting a couple of times, and don't forget to restart the TV service everytime you change the setting for it to take affect).
Ok, I decided to be nice and do some leg work for ya. Here's WileE's patch: (This is for 1.0.2) If you start from this post and read for a couple of pages, you'll find sjeffrey's patch. It's to fix stuttering when using optical instead of RCA audio.
P.S. If you're on 1.1.0 Alpha then this patch should already be apart of the code.
Ok, I decided to be nice and do some leg work for ya. Here's WileE's patch: (This is for 1.0.2) If you start from this post and read for a couple of pages, you'll find sjeffrey's patch. It's to fix stuttering when using optical instead of RCA audio.
P.S. If you're on 1.1.0 Alpha then this patch should already be apart of the code.