LCD plugin supporting more than 70 display types (now with full graphics support!!!) (3 Viewers)

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  • September 27, 2004
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    archimede said:
    I just have a couple of questions:
    1. when I am in myHome, I'd like to display the selected item in the menu, but I'm to able to! If I try to use "#selecteditem" nothing is coming out
    2. when playing an mp3, the right info are displayed, but only if in myMusic; as soon as I go back in myHome, and the music goes on, the default values are displayed (mp & time).

    As I said earlier in reply to someone else, I haven't found a way to determine the selected menu item yet. The #selecteditem property is not filled and #selectedmenuitem or so is not available. I'll have to contact the MP developers for this one.

    For your second problem, what (in an ideal world) would be displayed on the screen while you are for example playing a CD, recording a TV program and are navigating in the home menu?

    My plan was to show only the current menu item (as soon as I am able to)
    in order to be able to navigate through the MP menu's without the need to put the TV or display on. (Remember, some users only have a 1x16 or 2x16 display, so there is no way to show all information in the display without scrolling)



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 27, 2004
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    Just uploaded LCD Test program that supports all LCDHype supported displays.
    See first message in this thread for link.

    Now starting with new version of plugin...



    Portal Member
    February 24, 2005
    JoeDalton said:
    mfo said:
    Thank you for taking time to support Girder !!!
    I hope you realize that I only intend to use the Girder plugin DLLs to communicate with your display. I do not intend to support feeding data to Girder, so Girder can display it on the display.

    So Girder should not be running (or at least not be using the LCD plugin)

    Just to be clear,

    Joe Dalton

    Yes sorry my sentence wasn't clear, I don't have a need for Girder support, only support for my VFD through the girder LCD plugin.




    MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2005
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    JoeDalton said:
    As I said earlier in reply to someone else, I haven't found a way to determine the selected menu item yet. The #selecteditem property is not filled and #selectedmenuitem or so is not available. I'll have to contact the MP developers for this one.

    Ok, I've read your answer :(

    JoeDalton said:
    For your second problem, what (in an ideal world) would be displayed on the screen while you are for example playing a CD, recording a TV program and are navigating in the home menu?

    My plan was to show only the current menu item (as soon as I am able to)
    in order to be able to navigate through the MP menu's without the need to put the TV or display on. (Remember, some users only have a 1x16 or 2x16 display, so there is no way to show all information in the display without scrolling)

    Yes, you're right again :) but then we have to find a way to have both info somohow together...
    For exemple the artist/title/duration and so on should be displayed when a CD is playing, but as soon as the user press a key, the LCD should display the menu or whatever the user has pressed for 5 seconds and then go back to the CD data visualization!
    I know that it might be very difficult to have it, but let's dream :)


    Portal Member
    September 20, 2004
    Hi Joe,

    only as information 8)
    The SED 133x Lui does not work with your Testprogramm.
    I think the initialisation is not right.
    I think you are right with working on your plugin instead of supporting all displays arround.

    But i think it would be good to support a Programm like LCDhype, becaus for all people, especialy with GLCD, they can do there own views.
    i.e. my LCD has 5 keys that i can use as i want (with LCDhype). In combination with the Web plugin i can select menueitems ...

    Sorry, my english is verry bad and so most of you do not understand what i am talking about.

    Thanks for your good work



    JoeDalton said:
    mfo said:
    Thank you for taking time to support Girder !!!
    I hope you realize that I only intend to use the Girder plugin DLLs to communicate with your display. I do not intend to support feeding data to Girder, so Girder can display it on the display.

    So Girder should not be running (or at least not be using the LCD plugin)

    Just to be clear,

    Joe Dalton

    that's more i like it.. :D hoping for ur success :roll:


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 27, 2004
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    archimede said:
    Yes, you're right again :) but then we have to find a way to have both info somohow together...
    For exemple the artist/title/duration and so on should be displayed when a CD is playing, but as soon as the user press a key, the LCD should display the menu or whatever the user has pressed for 5 seconds and then go back to the CD data visualization!
    I know that it might be very difficult to have it, but let's dream :)
    That is a good idea. It is always nice to get more functional feedback. I am too focussed on the technical side. :wink:

    I'll see if I can implement that. I'll definitely have to change my configuration rules to support that kind of behaviour.

    As soon as the new version I'm working on is stable again, I'll start with this.

    Thomas said:
    The SED 133x Lui does not work with your Testprogramm.
    I think the initialisation is not right.
    I think you are right with working on your plugin instead of supporting all displays arround.

    Thomas, I've put a new test program online that allows you to set parameters of the graphical mode too. Can you please test it?

    These are the config values you should use:
    Type: SED133x Graphic LCDs v1.2 (LUI USB)
    Port: USB
    Text cols: 40
    Text rows: 30
    Text delay: 1
    Graphic cols: 320
    Graphic rows: 240
    Graphic delay: 1

    Then press Init, SetPos and Text



    Portal Pro
    October 4, 2004
    You can get a good starting point for ideas on what informations/feedback could be useful to have on the display from having a quick peek at LCDC or FrontView for MCE 2005, since these programs are focused completely on this matter. Anyway, from what I understand, they handle multiple payloads by prioritizing them, so showing each time the payload with the higher priority.
    This way, e.g. while executing an audio cd you could show artist, track and time (lower priority payload), show volume change (higher priority payload) and callerID (highest priority payload) when they are triggered with a timeout of 5 seconds.


    Portal Member
    September 20, 2004
    Hi Joe,

    first the bad news: in your testprogram the file DLPORTIO.DLL is missing !
    After copying it into the mainfolder the program starts.

    Using the settings you wrote, there is no effect to the LCD.

    I took a look at my lcdhype installation and i found in the folder ..\LCDHype\controller\sed133x_usb an other folder named LUI with lui.dll in it.
    I copied that folder into the mainfolder of your testprogram and started the program again:

    Backlight : ok
    init : ok
    clear : ok
    At setpos and text there was no action on the LCD

    Thanks for your work



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 27, 2004
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    You really give me hard times :wink:

    JoeDalton said:
    :!: :!: This test program needs port95nt installed :!: :!:
    You can download it here: 95/NT Port I/O Driver

    I'm guessing you don't have port95nt installed because I get the same error on my other PC that hasn't port95nt installed on it. The DLL that is mentioned is just a part of it, and should not be copied in the LCDTest program folder, but is installed in the \windows\system32 folder.

    So please (re)install this program, and then reboot your PC.
    Then try the test program again.

    You could be right about the LUI.DLL though, although sed133x_usb_lui.dll doesn't seem to have any references to it.

    BTW, does LCDHype 3.8 work?

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