LiveTV freezes and shows a lot of artifacts (3 Viewers)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    but MP is not reading the DVB EPG frequently

    So this means, even if DVB-EPG would work properly on idle and timeshift/recording, it won't guarantee actual and exact Information in the guide?
    I don't think anything or anyone can guarantee actual and exact information in the guide... unless tuners were constantly dedicated to EPG grabbing and the provider updates the guide information appropriately.
    Software like DVBViewer reads the now/next information continuously while timeshifting. MP does not do this... but even if it did, it only ensures that the current and next programs are up to date.
    All I can say is that most of the time the guide information will be correct, and the same results can probably be achieved in other ways.


    Portal Pro
    December 16, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    unless tuners were constantly dedicated to EPG grabbing and the provider updates the guide information appropriately

    I am of course aware that this is a prerequisite.

    Software like DVBViewer reads the now/next information continuously while timeshifting. MP does not do this... but even if it did, it only ensures that the current and next programs are up to date

    That's all I ask.
    If I start an recording on 5 pm, but the start was moved to 6 pm and is of course ending one hour later, MP should recognise this change.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    That's all I ask.
    It is easy to explain what we want, but much harder to implement. ;)
    Of course even such a solution as DVBViewer has is only updating the now/next info for some channels... so it is not perfect.
    What more can I say - the DVB EPG grabber doesn't do this now, and as far as I know it never has. Of course we would like to add the feature for a future release... but as per my earlier comments I cannot make any commitment about if or when that will happen. As far as I know nobody is currently working on the feature; we are focussed on other functions which I think are just as important.


    Portal Pro
    December 16, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Seems like my last post sounded for you like nagging. That wasn't my intention.
    Please consider it more like a feature request or a thought what could be improved.

    I don't want to annoy someone, but for now the DVB-EPG isn't a good alternative compared to any kind of Web-EPG.
    Because of the good implementation of Web-EPG, I also understand that DVB-EPG is on a low Position on your priority list.


    Portal Pro
    August 12, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Another reason why DVB EPG is so important is that no alternative have data for all channels. Also, beside the fact that some live shows overdraw it's air time, sometimes channels rapidly change their program (e.g. if something like 9/11, etc. happens).

    So in my opinion a working and correct DVB EPG is a basic requirement for watching TV. Otherwise TV-Support is not a main feature of MediaPortal, just a nice-to-have feature. I believe most of us watch TV and additionally want to have the possibillty to watch movies, online videos, listen to music, etc.

    I hope someone will work on this in the future :) Maybe we could start a poll to find out which should have the highest priority for your roadmap :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hello again Snoopy87

    Another reason why DVB EPG is so important is that no alternative have data for all channels.
    If this is the case for you, you can still use EPG Collector. EPG Collector grabs the EPG using your tuner and exports it to an XMLTV file.

    Also, beside the fact that some live shows overdraw it's air time, sometimes channels rapidly change their program (e.g. if something like 9/11, etc. happens).
    I accept this, but right now I'm not able to solve this problem for you.

    So in my opinion a working and correct DVB EPG is a basic requirement for watching TV. Otherwise TV-Support is not a main feature of MediaPortal, just a nice-to-have feature. I believe most of us watch TV and additionally want to have the possibillty to watch movies, online videos, listen to music, etc.
    I agree... but there is no point in having an EPG if your tuner is not working or the TV engine is not stable. That is why I focus first on other things. I'm not saying EPG is not important - just that other things are more important right now.

    I hope someone will work on this in the future :) Maybe we could start a poll to find out which should have the highest priority for your roadmap :)
    Sure, I also hope so. The poll would be interesting... but it probably won't change what I decide to work on.



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  • October 28, 2008
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    I believe that you are the exception to the rule.

    DVB EPG works fine for me too, and I think we are in the majority ;)

    (and I run with both the 'idle' and 'timeshift/recording' grabbers active)


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 28, 2008
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    Snoopy87 - have you tried using something like ProcessLasso to lower the process priority of the database engine (MySQL) ?

    I found I needed to do this for MS SQL Express years ago - it might help to stop database activity affecting playback.

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