[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (6 Viewers)


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  • March 19, 2009
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    Greece Greece
    Ok Sebastii my friend,

    V103 working without black screen!!!!

    But!!!!! (always a "BUT" hahahahaha) I am getting for around 1 second previous channel picture on channel change or sometimes a green screen.

    So generally 105---> black screen(no freeze) // 103--->no black screen BUT for around 1 second previous channel picture on channel change and sometimes green screen for 1 second on channel change.

    When we figure out these issues i got more issues to report.

    But for now 1 step at a time.

    PS. Thank you and the whole team for working on this one, u make me and i am sure many other users extremely happy with madvr support.


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    V105 +V107 core, problem just the same for me.:( Maybe I put the TV stuff in the wrong place (Media Portal/Plugins/Windows:unsure:) if false please can you be specific;). Was able to start as normal:confused:. Logs attached


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    there is a lock just before that line of code, so i have removed it for the testing, it can explain some freeze between channel @alexdepalma :p (so i have added log to know if it's
    I'm out of home until tomorrow's evening. Wil try.
    I know nothing about logs but in my logs yesterday 16:15 I remember an error certain line in the code... o_O Just to make sure ( I post too many logs):whistle:.

    Yep i have noticed it :) will look if it happen again (with v107) i have put debug .pdb like this we can get the line code information :).
    V107 is based on V105 installer from first post :p


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Ok Sebastii my friend,

    V103 working without black screen!!!!

    But!!!!! (always a "BUT" hahahahaha) I am getting for around 1 second previous channel picture on channel change or sometimes a green screen.

    So generally 105---> black screen(no freeze) // 103--->no black screen BUT for around 1 second previous channel picture on channel change and sometimes green screen for 1 second on channel change.

    When we figure out these issues i got more issues to report.

    But for now 1 step at a time.

    PS. Thank you and the whole team for working on this one, u make me and i am sure many other users extremely happy with madvr support.

    Yep the last frame is always a pain and more happening with madVR but i have try to stop this with renderblack event but like @Owlsroost explain to me it's maybe not the right part to put the change on TsReader.


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  • March 19, 2009
    Home Country
    Greece Greece
    I am currently watching football on v103 and everything seems to be fine. Channel zapping is fine with the only issue of 1 second of video from previous channel. Other than that it seems to work fine.


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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    I've got 2 issues. 102?/3/5 will show the dirty 'label missing' guide on first select, then is ok. 107 is only showing me a black screen. Some logs later..


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  • April 3, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    hi guys,
    observed the same issue with v105 and v107 aka the blackzap edition ^^
    client on v107 i also get the mad processing dxva surface failed within videos (its inlog 107 too before running tv again)

    singleseat is still running v103 -since a week or so
    seems pretty solid the only nagging thing the audience complains are the zapping times (idk i was on vacation^^) but it sounds similar like the zapping experience kotik observed

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    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Ok i think i know what happen :

    In log you're not getting :
    TsReaderPlayer: OnVideoReceived() callback neither in TsReader.log.

    So it's like TvPlugin didn't receive the order to stop to rendering the black screen while on my side i'm getting it.

    So 2 choices :

    1- The code was not triggered but it works here
    2- Tsreader was not updated.

    Attached is the same version, could you replace it from MP folder and TVServer folder ? :)
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Can you upload log to confirm that it's the same issue ? @joecrow :)
    @Kotik is was on V105 too ?

    I will retry (maybe at lunch) or tonight, maybe something goes wrong in my porting code :)

    Original logs from this morning were lost on restore to v103 (all ok btw), Reinstalled and tested v105 from approx. 11:30, same problem:(, logs attached.

    It seems to be the same as my previous post so i hope the tsreader will work :)

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