[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (4 Viewers)


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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    Still not sure what is going on, was playing TV for half an hour then the AtmoLight dropped out, then MP crashed as I quit. I had to sneak a quick config change to Ambibox inbetween songs, so we can do this:


    Sorry for clogging thread :)


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  • January 19, 2007
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    That is not a special feature for tonight. I'd blame 7 year old twins, but it belongs to the missus. The other effects I want to hook together with DMX so they can be staggered. I think I had a flashback. :sick:

    Anyway yes madVR thread... v60 currently running, stable without atmolight.


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  • January 7, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Could you try with the latest AtmoLight version (, was just officially released so should be in MediaPortal Extension Manager :)
    If it does crash with that one please attach the logs and will take a look.


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  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    yep evr works, damn u mean tv guide :LOL:

    edit: that one i can reproduce on other clients with default hd skin
    it acts like the guide osd gets opend in the backround of the video presentation if i want to open it directly
    the screenshot with misplacement from old post is from what comes out if i open programm guide on the tv main menu

    Good i can reproduce it with DefaultHD too :)


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  • April 3, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    thanks for that, glad ya can ^^
    through playing with the weard present queue on my little problem client i've noticed something odd:

    if i turn on television first, without having played something else previously.
    the present queue stays at 2 and never gets filed up properly, no wonder the presentation goes wrong

    Screenshot (10).jpg

    even found a second walkaround to push the present queue up as it should be, simply open the miniepg ^^ (or switch to the second tuner)
    Screenshot (11).png
    Screenshot (12).jpg
    tada^^, queue full -frames happy -drops disappear

    i then tried on other two machines both are clients (one igp, one nvidia), they act the same.
    Screenshot (30).png Screenshot (31).png
    no drops but its there too - present queue 2 - on first solo tv run ^^ - should be 8
    i can not note the bug on strong hardware that has no problems getting along with low queues. it only gets really bad on weak hardware

    edit: retried with some files on first run, queue full everytime, it appears to only happend with live tv
    Screenshot (^^).png
    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    Could you try with the latest AtmoLight version (, was just officially released so should be in MediaPortal Extension Manager :)
    If it does crash with that one please attach the logs and will take a look.

    Sadly it was with 1.18. I've just cleared logs and reconfigured and replicated. I would suspect there could be a consistent amount of time before failure.. Logs attached!

    Maybe you should mod your pro-ject also ;)
    View attachment 178846
    That is cool :) Though I have a Grado cartridge, so I expect it will add loads of buzzing :(

    no drops but its there too - present queue 2 - on first solo tv run ^^ - should be 8
    i can not note the bug on strong hardware that has no problems getting along with low queues. it only gets really bad on weak hardware
    I have seen present queue of 2 a lot too, despite configured for 4. It doesn't cause bad for me but probably my hardware spec.


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  • January 7, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Sadly it was with 1.18. I've just cleared logs and reconfigured and replicated. I would suspect there could be a consistent amount of time before failure.. Logs attached!

    Thanks for the logs, looks like there were some internal render errors as well which might be causing some problems.
    Noticed that at 12:05 when the AtmoLight error occured there's an Power event, did the machine enter sleep / idle mode by any chance?

    Also it worked for 4 minutes or so but stopped after that right?


    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    Sadly it was with 1.18. I've just cleared logs and reconfigured and replicated. I would suspect there could be a consistent amount of time before failure.. Logs attached!

    Thanks for the logs, looks like there were some internal render errors as well which might be causing some problems.
    Noticed that at 12:05 when the AtmoLight error occured there's an Power event, did the machine enter sleep / idle mode by any chance?

    Also it worked for 4 minutes or so but stopped after that right?
    The machine was just running, no power event that I could see (but I'll go look in a minute to see which one and why)... there were no user actions when the lights stopped working. Cheers for the help Rick :)

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