[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (4 Viewers)


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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    Hi Seb,

    Ive been using your build with MadVR for 2 weeks now.
    I have to say. AWESOME WORK !!!!!!!

    Just wondering.
    I am currently still using v56. Is DVD playback sometims still an issue? Aspect ratio, menu function and more cpu/gpu load?
    I am just asking this. before I try to tilt every setting on my pc to try and fix it, while its a known issue. :)

    I can post logs if you want to at night.
    again..Great work here!!! hope this makes it in next release. :)

    I didn't test the DVD side, so right now, i have no clue if it works correctly, but you will tell use that :) :)
    I'm not getting great results with all DVDs, but it's hard to say it's madVR when they play up in EVR too. What is it with DVD Navigators?
    I think this could be a problem, I went back to 1.14 and the probematic DVD became fine. See attached log where i:

    Start the ISO
    Navigate the menu (first is ok with audio selector, second menu is jerky) aspect is correct 16:9 here
    Start a video, video plays really jerky and audio is just a stutter for a few seconds until becoming correct but video stutter remains.
    Hit stop
    Select the ISO again, select resume (taking me back to video above)
    Video plays but in wrong aspect ratio.

    I don't have many DVDs so hadn't really been checking this. Any ideas Seb?


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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    New madVR .19 out:
    * fixed: image doubling was sometimes activated although it shouldn't
    * deringing strength was slightly increased
    * deringing artifacts were slightly reduced
    * deringing now adds some grain to deringed image areas


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  • April 3, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    and fresh gpu drivers for nearly all gpu vendor ;)
    i quick looked on v62, default hd guide works again, nice seb (y)(y)(y)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    I didn't test the DVD side, so right now, i have no clue if it works correctly, but you will tell use that :) :)
    I'm not getting great results with all DVDs, but it's hard to say it's madVR when they play up in EVR too. What is it with DVD Navigators?
    I think this could be a problem, I went back to 1.14 and the probematic DVD became fine. See attached log where i:

    Start the ISO
    Navigate the menu (first is ok with audio selector, second menu is jerky) aspect is correct 16:9 here
    Start a video, video plays really jerky and audio is just a stutter for a few seconds until becoming correct but video stutter remains.
    Hit stop
    Select the ISO again, select resume (taking me back to video above)
    Video plays but in wrong aspect ratio.

    I don't have many DVDs so hadn't really been checking this. Any ideas Seb?

    Hard to tell, surely AR (Aspect Ratio) not handled correctly.
    I have few DVD test ISO on my HDD (DTS / Dolby) so that's not a movie, i need to search an old DVD disc lol.
    Those one i just tested were OK in aspect ratio on start and resume, but i have notice that i was able to reproduce the present queue from the value '2' only the first time i have started MP.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    It seems that i was able to reproduce it :
    When the DVD start (i have a wrong aspect ratio)
    [2016-05-16 07:12:40,493] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - DVDPlayer:Started playing()
    [2016-05-16 07:12:40,495] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: video WxH  : 720x540
    [2016-05-16 07:12:40,496] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: video AR   : 720:540
    [2016-05-16 07:12:40,496] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: screen WxH : 1920x1080
    [2016-05-16 07:12:40,497] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: AR type    : Normal
    [2016-05-16 07:12:40,498] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: PixelRatio : 1
    [2016-05-16 07:12:40,499] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: src        : (0,0)-(720,540)
    [2016-05-16 07:12:40,500] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: dst        : (239,0)-(1679,1080)

    I use the 'S' to reselect 'Normal' aspect :
    [2016-05-16 07:12:59,615] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: AR type    : Normal
    [2016-05-16 07:12:59,615] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: PixelRatio : 1
    [2016-05-16 07:12:59,616] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: src        : (0,0)-(1024,576)
    [2016-05-16 07:12:59,616] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: dst        : (0,0)-(1920,1080)
    [2016-05-16 07:13:03,518] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: video WxH  : 1024x576
    [2016-05-16 07:13:03,519] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: video AR   : 1024:576
    [2016-05-16 07:13:03,520] [Log    ] [MPMain   ] [INFO ] - overlay: screen WxH : 1920x1080

    Other aspect ratio give me the same as above but there is some calculation in AR Type.
    So maybe this is not trigger correctly on DVD video start.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi on my test it was ok no stutter need to test on other pc.


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  • April 3, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    tried v62 a bit more on singleseat with default hd, seems all good so far.:)
    also tried some dvd folders and images too, no problem with menu, most playback with correct ratio only some had a wrong aspect ratio,
    i retried the faulty ones with mphc same wrong result in ratio (too little scale around 1680) :LOL:
    i recall something about madvr smooth motion and dvd about menu, deintelacing and so on.... something about that 3/2 pull down... idk. my bad memory ^^ short version: tick the mad setting only if judder... maybe it fix ya jerky stuff @kenwonders
    i'm gonna hunt down some good old dvd from the roof :)

    the present queue from the value '2' only the first time

    only from curiosity what is your current setting in diverse queue mad settings


    MP Donator
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  • January 19, 2007
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    England England
    tried v62 a bit more on singleseat with default hd, seems all good so far.:)
    also tried some dvd folders and images too, no problem with menu, most playback with correct ratio only some had a wrong aspect ratio,
    i retried the faulty ones with mphc same wrong result in ratio (too little scale around 1680) :LOL:
    i recall something about madvr smooth motion and dvd about menu, deintelacing and so on.... something about that 3/2 pull down... idk. my bad memory ^^ short version: tick the mad setting only if judder... maybe it fix ya jerky stuff @kenwonders
    i'm gonna hunt down some good old dvd from the roof :)
    I don't have it on at all, as all my media is a nice 1 or 1/2 of available refresh rates. I also switch off tele in NVIDIA settings as that causes on the fly deinterlace artifacts.

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