You can read Joris's instructions on how to add the lines and my notes regarding the icons on page 1 of this thread.
The only issue with this display is I have about 50-50% MP startup failure with this plugin enabled. I use it on a Windows XP machine and I am not sure if this problem can be reproduced on Windows 7. Chemelli: can you also try i t on a Windows XP some day? Not so many of us have switched to W7 yet.
Latest SVN, Windows XP. Nothing special. You can click on My System link for more info. As I know, Simone revised the minidisplay plugin code and it works fine now.
You may want to remove lcdinfo.exe from startup. And also you may need to restart DriverCoreSvc.exe from time to time - it locks up if left idle for a long time, but if you keep MediaPortal running, it doesn't lock up.
If configured properly, lcdinfo can show time, CPU usage and your plugin information in sequence. When MP is not running, it can show time, MCE info, and CPU usage. DriverCoreSvc.exe doesn't lock if at least one default parameter is selected. There is probably another bug: on my system if no parameter selected in lcdinfo, drivercoresvc could jump to 50%. Without lcdinfo at all drivercoresvc also locks up if left idle for a long time.
I personally don't use lcdinfo anymore, but some people might want to show time or cpu and minidisplay. The best solution would be to get drivercoresvc lock up issue confirmed and fixed by Matrix Orbital and kill lcdinfo but drivercoresvc fix is out of our control.