MCE Standby Tool 0.9.69: native MP support (1 Viewer)

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Where MST is located is not important, mines in Documents folder.

    It's where MP is located that's important, and by the sound of it you have correct installation path for this, but it is not being recognised by MST.

    I take it you are using version (latest) found in the about tab.

    Sorry i'm stuffed on this one, the only difference is i have installed MP RC3 + latest SVN.


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  • November 21, 2006
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    I take it you are using version (latest) found in the about tab.

    Sorry i'm stuffed on this one, the only difference is i have installed MP RC3 + latest SVN.

    yapp, it is that version you've mentioned which i have installed... :(

    is anybody out there who has installed MST with MP stable and a working MP tab?

    are there any ticks to check or unscheck in order to enable the MP tab?

    if nothing helps i'll give "startonwake" a try. maybe that helps to reinitialize the tv card.


    Portal Member
    September 21, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Hi there,

    to decide whether to show or hide the MediaPortal tab, MST searches for "MediaPortal.exe" in the path given in registry value "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\ApplicationDir"

    If this value is missing, MST automatically goes for "C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe". If the file is there, MST will show the MediaPortal tab, otherwise it won't.

    Just tried this on a standard german WinXP Pro SP2 PC without MediaPortal installed and with MST v0.9.75. (Creating a 0byte-fake file named "C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe" by hand made MST show the MediaPortal tab)

    Hope this helps

    Good luck


    MP Donator
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  • November 21, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    hi phe, thanx...some questions

    Hi there,

    to decide whether to show or hide the MediaPortal tab, MST searches for "MediaPortal.exe" in the path given in registry value "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\ApplicationDir"

    just to make sure...i have to find via "regedit" whether there is such a key in the registry, right?
    and what has to be the value there?

    If this value is missing, MST automatically goes for "C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe". If the file is there, MST will show the MediaPortal tab, otherwise it won't.

    could this be the problem --> C:\Programme\Team i have no blank space here MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe

    i have no blank space in the naming of the folder ....\Team Mediaportal\.....
    could that be the problem?

    Just tried this on a standard german WinXP Pro SP2 PC without MediaPortal installed and with MST v0.9.75. (Creating a 0byte-fake file named "C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe" by hand made MST show the MediaPortal tab)

    Hope this helps

    Good luck

    i'll give it a try with no blank on a 0byte-fake file named "C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe to find out.
    if so, can I edit MST to find it on an folder like that and how?

    thanks again for ya help.

    edit: just tried it. with a blank in "Team Mediaportal" MST finds it an shows up a MP tab.
    with a folder w/o blank like this"TeamMeadiaportal" MST doesn't come up with a MP tab.

    *horrible* I have to reinstall MP with a blank.... *cry*


    Portal Member
    September 21, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    stooooop :-p
    hope you read this before reinstalling, there's one thing left to try
    ...7 minutes too late

    hi ieb,

    just to make sure...i have to find via "regedit" whether there is such a key in the registry, right?
    and what has to be the value there?
    yes, you're right,
    i think you need to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\ApplicationDir via regedit and set the value to your MP-directory ("C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal", without blanks)

    could this be the problem --> C:\Programme\Team i have no blank space here MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe
    If that registry value is missing or empty, MST only checks for MediaPortal.exe in the standard MP-directory " C:\Programme\Team[BLANK]MediaPortal\MediaPortal", where it fails to find the file because you've installed MP to "C:\Programme\Team[NO-BLANK]MediaPortal\MediaPortal" so the MP-tab won't be shown in MST.

    you're welcome


    MP Donator
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  • November 21, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    hi phe,

    not toooo late. i'm right now on a different machine, where i checked out this issue with the fake folders.
    that was a nice idea indeed.

    so i'm gonna edit the value in the registry at first and set the directory path without a blank ;) and check then whether MST shows the MP tab as soon as i'm back home.

    just in case of having trouble ...may i send you PN? I think in German it's much more easier ;)



    Portal Member
    September 21, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    hi ieb,

    have you been able to figure it out?
    i've had another look at those MST registry settings.
    Seems like setting "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Herman van Eijk\MceStandbyTool\MediaPortal\FakeTarget" to 1
    enables the MP tab (so you may forget what we had found out about the paths)

    Klar, wenns noch Probleme gibt ist PN/deutsch auch ok. :D



    MP Donator
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  • November 21, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    hi phe,

    oh i'm tired...i tried so much. went to bed 3:30... maybe i could have saved time if i would have read ur post earlier. ;)

    nevertheless, here's the story.

    first i couldn't find the reg key... it doesn't exist.

    anyway, then i created a fake folder parallel to the existing MP installation with the [blank] ;) and the MP tab shows up.
    MST then seemed to work properly, but after wake up from resume the tv card was'nt re-initialized.
    so no recording worked.

    then i tried a tool named startonwake. this one did the trick, but after resume it initiates a reboot.
    okay that works my opinion it's a crippled method. so i cancelled it.

    and then i made a mistake... didn't made a backup....and tried the latest TT driver and the horror began.
    this tt budget s2-3200 is a diva.

    okay, i thought , it's too late. make a new installation without the blank. said and done.
    worked like a charm with MST.

    some other , unconditionally needed ehhh would say "features" ;) needs registration via "regsvr" and i couldn't reg 'em coze the reg-path needs it w/o [blank].....

    this evening or even night ;) i'll try the reg-key you've described in ur post. thank you so much for your help. i'm not a geek like u seem to be... ;) i'd never thought of changing reg's unless another, more experienced guy had tried it successfully :) .

    and now, ist out.........................

    so far from me,

    i'll report if that reg in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Herman van Eijk\MceStandbyTool\MediaPortal\FakeTarget
    changed to valu "1" will have the desired effect.



  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
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    Norway Norway
    hveijk: Great that you have implemented MP support!

    I need to run a batch-file after waking up (starting and killing an application, namely DriveSpeed). Any way this can be done?

    EDIT: Ah....
    A new feature request I often get is to make MST run something at suspend or resume.

    MST can actually to do this since version 0.9.47.

    It needs a little registry editing, in a future version I will include it in the user interface and extend the selectable events (before starting eHome/Mediaportal, after starting eHome/Mediaportal, when a recording starts/stops, extender connects/disconnects etc. etc.) and error checking.

    Until than use the following method:

    Open the registry key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Herman van Eijk\MceStandbyTool

    Here you will find two values (strings):


    Here you can enter the executable or script (including the full path).

    Some possibilities:

    * Use devcon to start, stop or recycle device drivers
    * Use setres to force a screen resolution change
    * Use taskkill or “net use start/stop” to start or stop services or programs

    Please share your application so others can profit or I might even turn it into a MST feature.



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    hveijk: Great that you have implemented MP support!

    I need to run a batch-file after waking up (starting and killing an application, namely DriveSpeed). Any way this can be done?

    EDIT: Ah....
    A new feature request I often get is to make MST run something at suspend or resume.

    MST can actually to do this since version 0.9.47.

    Does this also work if the system is waking up for a schedule?

    I noticed that the most tools like "Hibernate Trigger", or "Girder" do not react on this event properly. Normal wakeup from standby works pretty well but it does not if the system wakes up itself (i.e. for a schedule).

    The effect of the tools I have tested was that they simply do nothing after such a scheduled wakeup as long as you do not hit any key on your keyboard...

    (You can use the tool "wakeup.exe" to test the behaviour)

    Because of this I build myself a small application that is able to see this event as well. This solved my problem with scheduled recording on my technotrend card.


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