MediaPortal 2 Weekly snapshot (2015-11-07) (2 Viewers)


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Today I've done a fresh Windows on my main HTPC as I got issues with VisualStudio and other software. So I thought I would build a brand new Database... But this did not work due to tons of those errors:
    [2015-11-14 22:45:27,733] [390815 ] [51 ] [INFO ] - VideoMetadataExtractor: Exception reading resource '{e88e64a8-0233-4fdf-ba27-0b44c6a39ae9}:///D:/Serien/Eisenbahn-Romantik/Staffel 01/S01E224 - Die Weißeritztalbahn.mkv' (Text: 'Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.')
    After a few hundered videos I regulary got two or three "OutOfMemory Exceptions (I have 8GB RAM)
    [2015-11-14 22:49:02,139] [605222 ] [8332 ] [ERROR] - VideoThumbnailer: Exception reading resource '{e88e64a8-0233-4fdf-ba27-0b44c6a39ae9}:///D:/Serien/Eisenbahn-Romantik/Staffel 01/S01E706 - Die letzten Dampfrösser von Burma.mkv' (Text: 'Mindestens ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.')
    System.AggregateException: Mindestens ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. ---> System.AggregateException: Mindestens ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. ---> System.OutOfMemoryException: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.
    bei System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString()
    bei System.IO.StreamReader.<ReadToEndAsyncInternal>d__19.MoveNext()
    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
    bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
    bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
    bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
    bei MediaPortal.Utilities.Process.ProcessUtils.<>c__DisplayClass5.<ExecuteAsync>b__3(Object sender, EventArgs args)
    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
    bei System.AggregateException.Handle(Func`2 predicate)
    bei MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.VideoThumbnailer.VideoThumbnailer.ExtractThumbnail(ILocalFsResourceAccessor lfsra, IDictionary`2 extractedAspectData)
    bei MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.VideoThumbnailer.VideoThumbnailer.TryExtractMetadata(IResourceAccessor mediaItemAccessor, IDictionary`2 extractedAspectData, Boolean forceQuickMode)
    ---> (Interne Ausnahme #0) System.AggregateException: Mindestens ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. ---> System.OutOfMemoryException: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.
    bei System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString()
    bei System.IO.StreamReader.<ReadToEndAsyncInternal>d__19.MoveNext()
    --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
    bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
    bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
    bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
    bei MediaPortal.Utilities.Process.ProcessUtils.<>c__DisplayClass5.<ExecuteAsync>b__3(Object sender, EventArgs args)
    ---> (Interne Ausnahme #0) System.OutOfMemoryException: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.
    bei System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString()
    bei System.IO.StreamReader.<ReadToEndAsyncInternal>d__19.MoveNext()<---

    [2015-11-14 22:49:02,217] [605300 ] [59 ] [INFO ] - Loaded series 188331 in 10736 milliseconds
    [2015-11-14 22:49:02,951] [606033 ] [3304 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E705 - Wie die Eisenbahn in de Eifel kahm.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:49:03,902] [606985 ] [113 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E707 - Bahngeschichten aus dem Burgenland.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:49:04,698] [607780 ] [51 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E708 - Deutschland, deine Bahnschätze - heute Hamburg.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:49:12,560] [615643 ] [58 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E709 - 150 Jahre Märklin.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:49:17,474] [620557 ] [70 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E722 - Die Schwäbische Waldbahn - Neubeginn auf alten Gleisen.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:49:20,454] [623536 ] [3 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E721 - El Tren a la Tica - Bahnabenteuer in Costa Rica.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:49:23,340] [626422 ] [105 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E714 - Nilgiri Mountain Railway.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:49:30,750] [633832 ] [3308 ] [ERROR] - VideoThumbnailer: Exception reading resource '{e88e64a8-0233-4fdf-ba27-0b44c6a39ae9}:///D:/Serien/Eisenbahn-Romantik/Staffel 01/S01E719 - Welterbe zwischen Albula & Bernina.mkv' (Text: 'Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.')
    System.OutOfMemoryException: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.
    bei System.IO.StreamReader.Init(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean leaveOpen)
    bei System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean leaveOpen)
    bei System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize)
    bei System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
    bei System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
    bei MediaPortal.Utilities.Process.ProcessUtils.ExecuteAsync(String executable, String arguments, ProcessPriorityClass priorityClass, Int32 maxWaitMs)
    bei MediaPortal.Common.Services.ResourceAccess.ImpersonationService.ImpersonationService.ExecuteWithResourceAccessAsync(ResourcePath path, String executable, String arguments, ProcessPriorityClass priorityClass, Int32 maxWaitMs)
    bei MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.VideoThumbnailer.VideoThumbnailer.ExtractThumbnail(ILocalFsResourceAccessor lfsra, IDictionary`2 extractedAspectData)
    bei MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.VideoThumbnailer.VideoThumbnailer.TryExtractMetadata(IResourceAccessor mediaItemAccessor, IDictionary`2 extractedAspectData, Boolean forceQuickMode)
    [2015-11-14 22:49:59,251] [662333 ] [8287 ] [ERROR] - VideoThumbnailer: Exception reading resource '{e88e64a8-0233-4fdf-ba27-0b44c6a39ae9}:///D:/Serien/Eisenbahn-Romantik/Staffel 01/S01E720 - Kara Tren - mit Dampf durch die Westtürkei.mkv' (Text: 'Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.')
    System.OutOfMemoryException: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.
    bei MediaPortal.Utilities.FileSystem.FileUtils.ReadFile(String filename)
    bei MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.VideoThumbnailer.VideoThumbnailer.ExtractThumbnail(ILocalFsResourceAccessor lfsra, IDictionary`2 extractedAspectData)
    bei MediaPortal.Extensions.MetadataExtractors.VideoThumbnailer.VideoThumbnailer.TryExtractMetadata(IResourceAccessor mediaItemAccessor, IDictionary`2 extractedAspectData, Boolean forceQuickMode)
    [2015-11-14 22:50:02,839] [665921 ] [48 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E718 - Die Eisenbahn wie vor 50 Jahren.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:50:03,666] [666748 ] [112 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E717 - Nürnberger Spielwarenmesse 2010.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:50:05,132] [668215 ] [71 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E713 - Royal Scotsman.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:50:07,909] [670991 ] [108 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E715 - Zeitreise durchs Land der Windmühlen.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:50:08,720] [671803 ] [109 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E710 - Modellbahnzauber.mkv'
    [2015-11-14 22:50:10,155] [673238 ] [3301 ] [INFO ] - VideoThumbnailer: Successfully created thumbnail for resource 'D:\Serien\Eisenbahn-Romantik\Staffel 01\S01E712 - 175 Jahre Eisenbahn in Deutschland.mkv'
    And then the MP2 Server stops without any further notice (or log entry). The above sniplet is the end of the log file...

    I can not tell when this is introduced as I normally do a refresh with only a few new media items. But the last time I did a full new import (I think it was after the introducion of the .nfo support for series) those errors are not existant...Maybe something for @MJGraf ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Just for those who have no access to the internal forums... This bug that only shows up on large series imports, is fixed. I've used the "official" Summer15U1 Release in meantime (has the same bug, but it's better to fix bugs based on a full release, if possible) and I'm more than happy I finally could switch back to this weekly. The improvements, especially in TV part are too big to have fun with the Summer15 release any longer, once you have tasted the new features...


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  • July 11, 2011
    Arlington Heights, Illinois
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    For the first time sense building my Windows hyper-v server, I did a fresh install of this version but included the Client.
    When starting the client it uses up all 6 of my processors......
    I cannot find anything explaining this issue AND my dedicated Client Only machine does not seem to have this issue.


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  • January 13, 2006
    When starting the client it uses up all 6 of my processors......
    Seems like it's the MP"-Client only that uses so much CPU power.
    My first guess would be that the (virtual?) graphics card you have does not have enough power so that the rendering is mostly done on CPU cores. But this is only a wild guess...
    Does the CPU usage stay like that or does it get less when you wait for a while?


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  • July 11, 2011
    Arlington Heights, Illinois
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    It stays at 100% and thats just the Home Screen....
    I installed the Server/Client (bugsbunny) on the root of the hyper-v so as to have access to the TV card...
    The Client only (sylvester) has no issues...


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  • December 14, 2014
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    The MP2 UI renders with 60 FPS when the app is the active one.
    Since Hyper-V does not use any DirectX acceleration of the Host system, the rendering might be the reason for your problem.

    Does the CPU load go down when you switch do an different application, and MP2 client is in the background?
    If I remember right the rendering FPS is reduced then.


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  • July 11, 2011
    Arlington Heights, Illinois
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    As for my CPU usage.... It is the Video graphics...
    For some reasion the Win 2012 does not fully see the ATI video hardware..
    Something else for me to look into.... sigh.....


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  • December 17, 2010
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    goes from right to left
    It's irritating for the eye as it did not "know" where to start looking. Normally we start looking on top left corner. But the big orange line "forces" the eye to the right and then it must go back... And as an extra "workload" the progress bar is leading from left to right. So both "main lines" are "fighting" against each other and the eye did never know where to look.

    With the orange part of the line on the left the eye is guided to the Logo on the right, a very "natural" eye movement...

    If you ask an artist about picture designing he guaranteed will tell you that it's very difficult to get opposite leading lines being "harmonic". If you can mange this it will give a very interesting picture, but most of the time this simply is annoying.


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  • December 14, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    As for my CPU usage.... It is the Video graphics...
    For some reasion the Win 2012 does not fully see the ATI video hardware..
    Something else for me to look into.... sigh.....
    As written above, to my latest knowledge Hyper-V does not use any hardware graphics acceleration at all, and does not support it, no matter what you try. It will always use SW emulation for DX.

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