MediaPortal 2 Weekly snapshot (2015-11-07) (1 Viewer)


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  • December 14, 2014
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    I'll have a look at it this week or weekend.


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Gute Frage, nächste Frage...;)

    Der Name "Weekly" würde ja eigentlich einmal pro Woche implizieren. Das ist allerdings noch nie passiert.:whistle: So was müsste auch automatisiert ablaufen, was es nicht tut. Im Prinzip kommt ein neues Weekly dann raus, wenn es genug funktionierende! Änderungen gibt, das sich so ein Zwischenrelease lohnt. Hängt also davon ab, wie schnell die Entwicklung voran kommt. Im Schnitt war das bis jetzt so ca alle 2 Monate der Fall.

    Ist jetzt nur eine private Vermutung von mir, aber die aktuelle Weekly ist vermutlich erst mal die letzte, bevor ein neues "richtiges" Release (Winter 15/16 Release?!?) erscheint. Denn es steht das MIA Rework unmittelbar vor der Fertigstellung und das erfordert sowieso ein neues, volles Release, einfach weil sich soooo viel dadurch ändert und verbessert. Ich hoffe darauf, das wir als Weihnachtsgeschenk eine neue MP2 Version mit integriertem MIA Rework, DLNA Server und MP2Extended bekommen...:D:whistle::coffee::love:

    P.S. das ist der englischsprachige Teil des Forums. So please continue in English


    Portal Pro
    June 14, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    Ok than thanks for the information.

    I looking forward to the Winter 15/16 Release and the MIA Rework. :)


    Portal Pro
    August 14, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Maybe I am the only one but...I read so much about MIA here and MIA there but I I never know what it stands for. Media Integration Architect, Media Import Assistent, Massive Import Accelaration, ...? :D


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  • February 27, 2011
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    Maybe this page (and below)
    That's a better link than I found (searched for "aspect" but the results weren't very good). I also think I've probably volunteered myself to update it with the MIA rework information.
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2010
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    A MediaItem is any kind of media. As example we will use a video file here but it also can be an audio file or an image or a game or whatever else may be useful...
    Such a video has lots of "properties" like duration, name, codec, size and also lots of "virtual" properties (aka metadata) like IMDB ID number, director, fanart,... Al those properties are called Aspects of this MediaItem. So voilà, here is the "MIA". Before the often named MIA Rework every Media Item only can have a single Aspect of one kind. And it was not possible to have "virtual" MediaItems like e.g. "Series", "Season" or an Audio "Album". All information about a series or an album used up to now is stored as an aspect of the series episode or the audio track. So it's hard to show information for series or audio albums at all. Or you can not stack multi part videos into a single movie (Cd1, CD2,...). With the MIA Rework this limitations will be gone what gives us many new opportunities to store and present data in our ML (Media Library). Something long time users of MP2 are desperately waiting for this to be included.


    Test Group
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  • June 10, 2013
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    I have the Hama remote, and started writing an AutoHotKey script to perform this mapping, but I did not complete it.
    I have now completed it. (y) Every button on the Ortek/Hama remote can be trapped by the AutoHotKey script and mapped to some other keystroke. :) The problem is that this is only about 75% of the solution. :(

    The Ortek/Hama has 48 buttons (excluding the mouse direction pad), but three of those buttons duplicate three of the other buttons, so the Ortek/Hama sends only 45 different codes (two of which are left-mouse button and right-mouse button).

    About 30 of the buttons have their conventional meanings. Some of these buttons are supported directly by MP, others buttons can be mapped using AutoHotKey plus the MP keyboard shortcuts. :) The problem is with the remaining buttons, which have names such as: My TV, My Music, My Pictures, My Videos, Recorded TV, Live TV, Guide. These buttons all imply a transfer to a different panel in MP, but there are no keyboard shortcuts to perform this transfer. :cry:

    For MP1, there is the "Generic Keyboard Input" plug-in. If it still works with MP 1.12, it provides a lot of capability (possibly making the AutoHotKey script redundant :eek:).

    For MP2, there is...? :confused:

    But the conclusion is that AutoHotKey does not provide a full solution for either MP1 or MP2. So some different solution will need to be developed for MP2.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK

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