Sorry for inattention. I have tried it too with same result. But improved log said that script can't find 'tskill.exe' while it exists.
11.02.2009-13:07:07: Starting "restart.vbs" with "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WScript.exe" (v. 5.7)
11.02.2009-13:07:07: Looking for "tskill.exe" in "C:\WINDOWS\system32"
11.02.2009-13:07:07: "tskill.exe" not found
11.02.2009-13:07:07: Kill utility will be "taskkill"
11.02.2009-13:07:07: Executing "taskkill /T /F /IM MediaPortal.exe"
I found error. You should write:
If FileSys.FileExists(syspath + "\tskill.exe") Then
Sorry for inattention. I have tried it too with same result. But improved log said that script can't find 'tskill.exe' while it exists.
11.02.2009-13:07:07: Starting "restart.vbs" with "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WScript.exe" (v. 5.7)
11.02.2009-13:07:07: Looking for "tskill.exe" in "C:\WINDOWS\system32"
11.02.2009-13:07:07: "tskill.exe" not found
11.02.2009-13:07:07: Kill utility will be "taskkill"
11.02.2009-13:07:07: Executing "taskkill /T /F /IM MediaPortal.exe"
I found error. You should write:
If FileSys.FileExists(syspath + "\tskill.exe") Then