MePo-Green for 0_2_1_0 (2 Viewers)

What font do you like best for MePo?

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Portal Pro
October 1, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Hi Glen!

Can't wait to test out the new skins.
I've downloaded the 4:3 skin but the 19:9 green link is wrong, you get an "ops! Page not found" message.

Have a nice day!


P.S MePo isn't old enough to drive a flying car, is he? ;)


Portal Pro
October 1, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Glen, you've been busy!

and what a job you have done! Great!!
Love the new animated myMusicvideos and it comes to a very smooth natural rest.
OSD's look very nice now. Did you change then as well?

Have a few questions and comments, as usual.

After testrun 4:3 Green
  • No MP logo on Home and animated on plugin
  • When you go through the animations in home, they runs two loops the first time you pass them but second time it only runs one loop. Is this right?
  • Still 2 MePos in down-left corner of Last.FM Radio
  • MePo bullits still left here and there (TV and Config)

:D Glen, you and little MePo really make's it a little more easy to keep smiling when I turn on the telli. Not even Mr. Bush can stop my smile!
So, I vote to make MoPo our new MP spokesperson,,,, or MoPo for President!

/ Karl-Åke


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  • September 29, 2005
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    could you change the OSD pause and 2x, 4x 8, 16x, and 32x OSD items too ?

    they are still BlueTwo


    Portal Pro
    February 4, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi grassynoel,

    First I must say that I love your work and your dedication to it. You are a great artist.

    I can only think of one thing that bothers me with MePo (there's always something, isnt it? ;) ). The TV-Series plugin has been updated for a while and the xml-file for it doesn't work any longer. Right now I'm using the file from BlueTwo and it works ok, but MePo is misplaced in the upper left corner, just above the header. I know that you have alot to do, but it would be a very nice fix since the TV-series plugin is a very popular plugin.

    We could never thank you enough :)


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  • September 6, 2006
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    [*]No MP logo on Home and animated on plugin

    Known issue.

    [*]When you go through the animations in home, they runs two loops the first time you pass them but second time it only runs one loop. Is this right?

    That's none of my doing, they are listed to loop twice. Why they loop once the second time I'm unsure.

    [*]Still 2 MePos in down-left corner of Last.FM Radio

    To do (*sorry, I forgot it*)

    [*]MePo bullits still left here and there (TV and Config)

    The long bullet with the little mePo logo on the left hand side?



    Portal Pro
    June 2, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    I must say this is a great skin! However, some of the latest changes I am not too keen on. It may be just me but, if i had the talent, I would have done the following....

    1) I didnt mind the continuous looping animations (with exception of the my weather icon as you can see the end of the loop when it jerks a bit). If the weather animation looped better then I would prefer all icons to be continuous animations and not just run once or twice as in the latest release.

    2) Not keen on the arrow next to the highlight strip in home. Looked better without that.

    3) The new My musicvideo animation is great, but it seems to run slower than all the other animations.

    4) When you go into my pictures with a list view, the little marker to the left of the highlighted line appears behind the thumbnail picture and therefore looks untidy.

    Please dont take the above points the wrong way as I think you are doing an incredible job with this skin. I just wanted to offer some constructive criticism.

    Cheers and keep up the fantastic work!!



    Portal Pro
    December 12, 2005
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I don't use the skin by default but like to keep track of all possebilities, so I switch to Mepo every once in a while. I must say liked the continuing animations better to. it somehow feels unnatural they stop.


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  • September 6, 2006
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    I had them looping but got comments that they get annoying when they loop. My initial instinct is to keep them looping.. i know, A poll.



    Portal Pro
    November 20, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Music Videos


    Love the MEPO skins.

    After putting on the new version I have noticed when I click on a song in MyMusicVideos that it does not appear anymore, just flashes for a second and nothing.

    Has anybody else found this or is it the plugin as it has been working ok before.

    Keep up the excellent work.

    Sorry grassynoel is a bug in latest SVN

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