Good question!, I'm curious about that as well, as I have a very small fanless (VIA EPIA MINI-ITX based) PC that (though I haven't tried it) can boot directly from a USB-key, so I don't even need a CompactFlash to IDE/ATA converter, and I got a USB 2.0 PCI-adapter in it which has an internal USB-connector too so can just connect the USB-stick inside the computer via that.Will the client be ablle to run on a 1 or 2GB IDE Flash Storage -DiskOnModule.
No HDD at all in the system just an Flash IDE Drive.
The first version won't have plugin support, however this will be added soon after the release.
After more intensive team internal testing, a public preview version will be released.Just want to understand what you mean about first version.
Good question!, I'm curious about that as well, as I have a very small fanless (VIA EPIA MINI-ITX based) PC that (though I haven't tried it) can boot directly from a USB-key, so I don't even need a CompactFlash to IDE/ATA converter, and I got a USB 2.0 PCI-adapter in it which has an internal USB-connector too so can just connect the USB-stick inside the computer via that.
However I'm not sure one can fit both the Windows XP Home-Edition or Professional-Edition (or 2003 Server) operating-system and MediaPortal on just 1GB (or 2GB), even with the virtual-memory page-file disabled in windows, (plus I'm not sure how well Windows and MediaPortal run without a virtual-memory). Best would probebly be if one could install and run MediaPortal on Windows XP Embedded or Windows CE 6.0 (with the .NET Compact Framework 2.0) as those have a much smaller footprint for the Windows operating-system.
Speaking about Windows CE 6.0 and the .NET Compact Framework 2.0. Does MediaPortal support the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 and run on Windows CE 6.0?, have anyone tried it? .NET Compact Framework 2.0 is not exacly the same as the normal .NET Framework 2.0, they both do the same thing but the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 doesn't have all the libraries/classes that the full .NET Framework 2.0 so MediaPortal code might have to altered just a bit to support both.
Now Windows Operating-Systems usually only run on x86 processor/hardware-platforms, however a other cool thing about Windows CE 6.0 is that it supports ARM, MIPS and SH4 processors/platforms as well. Though Windows CE 6.0 does not support as many device drivers as Windows XP and Windows XP Embedded does (which both supports the same device drivers), and Windows CE 6.0 does only support the .NET Compact Framework 2.0, (while Windows XP and Windows XP Embedded both support the full standard NET Framework 2.0), but is so happens that the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 is the same .NET Compact Framework 2.0 that will run on the Xbox360 when the XNA Framework for Xbox360 is released by Microsoft in December this year, (thus also making it possible to port MediaPortal to the Xbox360 when the XNA for it comes out).
According to the diagram (pdf) tv card should be placed in server. so the question is: do I need one or three tv cards if I have 3 media center computers? sorry for a dumb question but it's not clear for me...
The first version which will be made publicly available wont have plugin support yet as said, we'll add it soon after so people can extend the server with various featuesJust want to understand what you mean about first version. You mean the first SVN released version of the first final version, will not have plug-in support?
The only client there is right now is MediaPortal, so if you can run MP on your flash card then the answer is yes.Will the client be ablle to run on a 1 or 2GB IDE Flash Storage -DiskOnModule.
No HDD at all in the system just an Flash IDE Drive.
As always things take (much) more time then we first thought.When will it be released?