What about the display updates every 8 seconds? Is there anything you think is causing the problem?
I've got an irTrans display in my Zalman HD160 case - my display also 'hangs' at random - would be great if this could be fixed!
Hello chemelli:
My next question has nothing to do with new features but with bug-fixing!
In my Origen S16V the IrTRans VF210-Display sporadically hangs whe I scroll through EPG or play music and meanwhile scroll through the directory to search for the next music title to play. I can force this behaviour but can not 100% say when it hangs next. But it is very annoying when you just hear music and have either to reset your htpc to see something on display again or to turn on your TV, stop MP in windows task manager and restart it.
I already opened a thread about that problem in the german section but got no answer to this problem, please see: (log-Files are there)
Meanwhile I got the information from another user here, that this is a known problem and caused by a call to the lcd-hype driver - function sendText which sometimes hangs off or rather the function call to that functin doesn´t come back. My question is now if there is a way to write a native driver for that display and minidisplay or are all displays in minidisplay controlled by external drivers? Who can make such a driver? I just dont know who is the right contact person for that request, but what i already know is when i give this question to irtrans they will not feel responsible.
So can you tell me, if it is possible to get a solution for that problem? As you already said: MiniDisplay should work for everyone.
I've exactly this problem with my Origen S14V
15 days since I tried everything.
I've last driver version of Irtrans, last firmware, put last version Dll'Irtrans found in LCDHype version 1.1 (version 1.0 packaged with MP) in MP directory, this problem is always here..... I've try re-install completly my OS and software, without sucess.
This happens mostly concern when using the remote and never got to use a keyboard.
I'm desperate....MP user.
Will I be forced to change the mediacenter without solutions to this problem? This would be a shame that the only problem I encounter with MP. I hope not ... I love MP and I love my case....
MiniDisplay should work for everyone.