Mini Display Plugin (7 Viewers)

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  • January 20, 2008
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    I get the error in the enclosed screenshot when trying to configure minidisplay.

    I'm using drivers 7.2 for iMon and the problem started when I upgraded from RC2 to RC4

    This sounds a bit strange but try to disable TVService and after that enter MP config/plugins... I had a similar error and this was the workaround!

    Good luck!


    MP Donator
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  • July 12, 2008
    I get the error in the enclosed screenshot when trying to configure minidisplay.

    I'm using drivers 7.2 for iMon and the problem started when I upgraded from RC2 to RC4

    This sounds a bit strange but try to disable TVService and after that enter MP config/plugins... I had a similar error and this was the workaround!

    Good luck!

    Where do I disable this service? I didn't install TVServer and don't use the TV module of MediaPortal.



    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
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    Iceland Iceland

    Using RC4 with updated minidisplay from this thread. The plugin is unable to display some nordic letters "ð æ". I tried removing the translate definitions from the xml file, but that did not work. Any idea how to display them? Cyberdisplay can display them just fine.

    Otherwise, the plugin works great. XP2 SP2, mprc4, thermaltake dh101 (imon 7.40, lcd 2 + plus volume knob & front buttons)


    Can you please upload xml config for working CybrMage and for not working MiniDisplay ?


    Simone, -- I think this nordic character problem is more of a rc4 problem. I just tried cyberdisplay and it too causes errors. So I think I'll have to look at how to use custom characters or use a nordic language set with mp -- I like to use the English set for the kids.

    Can you tell me how to use your custom characters or the translate sections of the xml file? Thanks.

    Nevermind I found out how to do it in the advanced config for the font. Thanks again to Simone and Cybermage.


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  • June 1, 2008
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    iMon VFD with MiniDisplay doesn't work...

    Hello All,

    Hope somebody can help me. Today I have tried teo configure my iMon VFD display to be used with MiniDisplay. It doesn't work and I don't know what I'm doing wong.

    I have iMon manager installed for my iMon Pad remote. The remote works fine.
    In iMon manager i have set Frontview to "never".

    In the config of Minidisplay I have chosen "SoundGraph iMON USB VFD.LCD Plugin V23_11_2008" which comes with the MiniDisplay in Mediaportal RC4.
    The rest of the configuration of MiniDisplay I have left as it is. I have tried changing a few option but nothing helps.

    When I click on "Test Display" the computer is thinking for a moment, but nothing happens on the display. Also when I start MediaPortal nothing is displayed on the display.

    I have attached my MediaPortal.log. I am using iMON manager 7.40.0806 and my iMON firmware is 0x80.

    With FrontView in iMON manager the display works fine. So it is not a hardware malfunction.

    Hopefully somebody can help me out with this problem.

    Thanks in advance.

    Greetz, Niels


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 28, 2006
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    your look doesn't look any good:

    2008-12-03 00:27:20.733742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): Checking iMON/VFD Manager configuration
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.733742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): Checking Antec VFD Manager registry subkey.
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.733742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): T[B]he Antec VFD Manager registry subkey found.[/B]
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.733742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): The Antec VFD Manager registry entries are correct.
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.734742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): Found 0 instances of Antec VFD Manager
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.734742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): Checking SoundGraph iMON Manager registry subkey.
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.734742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): [B]The Soundgraph iMON Manager registry subkey found.[/B]
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.735742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): The SoundGraph iMON Manager registry entries are correct.
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.735742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): Found 1 instances of SoundGraph iMON Manager
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.735742 [Debug][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Check_iMON_Manager_Status(): iMON/VFD Manager configuration check completed
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.735742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): Autodetecting iMON Display device
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.736742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): attempting hardware information test
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.736742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): hardware information test - Opening SG_RC.dll
    [COLOR="Red"][B]2008-12-03 00:27:20.736742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): RC TEST returned DRVR: 0xffffffffffffffff, FW: 0xffffffff (HW: 0xffffffff), RC_HW: 0[/B][/COLOR]xffffffff, RF: 0x0
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.737742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): Closing SG_RC.dll
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.737742 [Info.][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Setup(): checking registry for ANTEC entries
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.737742 [Info.][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Setup(): ANTEC "LastVFD" key not found
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.737742 [Info.][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Setup(): checking registry for SOUNDGRAPH entries
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.737742 [Info.][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Setup(): SOUNDGRAPH registry entries found - HW: f
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.738742 [Info.][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.GetDisplayInfoFromRegistry(): Found display type match - iMON Type: f, Reserved: 0, Display Type: VFD
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.738742 [Info.][MPMain]: iMONLCDg.Setup(): Registry tests determined - iMON Type: f, Display Type: VFD Rsrvd: 0
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.738742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): Testing iMON Display device
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.738742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): opening display type VFD
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.888742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): iMON Display device found
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.888742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): current module = MiniDisplay - Setup - Display Options
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.888742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): _trows (Text Mode Rows) set to 2
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.888742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): _tcols (Text Mode Columns) set to 16
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.888742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): Completed
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.889742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Initialize(): called
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.889742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Initialize(): completed



    Portal Pro
    October 11, 2008
    Home Country
    Iceland Iceland
    Edit.... Niels your in good hands with Simone --
    .....[cut] .....

    . .....[cut] .....
    good luck



    MP Donator
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  • January 20, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    I get the error in the enclosed screenshot when trying to configure minidisplay.

    I'm using drivers 7.2 for iMon and the problem started when I upgraded from RC2 to RC4

    This sounds a bit strange but try to disable TVService and after that enter MP config/plugins... I had a similar error and this was the workaround!

    Good luck!

    Where do I disable this service? I didn't install TVServer and don't use the TV module of MediaPortal.


    As you can see in my post error on mp config exit i had nearly the same error and thought it could help you but without TV-Server you shouldnt have a TVService!
    Sorry then!


    MP Donator
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  • June 1, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hello Simone,

    Thanks for the quick response. Can you explain this to me? I am just a user of MP... ;)

    Thanks again!

    Greetz, Niels


    your look doesn't look any good:

    2008-12-03 00:27:20.736742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): hardware information test - Opening SG_RC.dll
    [COLOR="Red"][B]2008-12-03 00:27:20.736742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): RC TEST returned DRVR: 0xffffffffffffffff, FW: 0xffffffff (HW: 0xffffffff), RC_HW: 0[/B][/COLOR]xffffffff, RF: 0x0
    2008-12-03 00:27:20.737742 [Info.][MPMain]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): Closing SG_RC.dll



    Portal Pro
    May 15, 2008
    Same problem also for RC4...

    Autodetect is not working:

    2008-11-30 [Info.][Config Main]: iMONLCDg.GetDisplayInfoFromFirmware(): Searching for Firmware version = 4402
    2008-11-30 [Info.][Config Main]: iMONLCDg.GetDisplayInfoFromFirmware(): version match NOT FOUND
    2008-11-30 [Info.][Config Main]: iMONLCDg.Setup(): Hardware tests determined UNSUPPORTED display type!
    2008-11-30 [Info.][Config Main]: (IDisplay) iMONLCDg.Setup(): Display Type is NOT SUPPORTED - Plugin disabled

    but when you force it to be a VFD, seems to work fine based on provided log.


    so there isn't a solution for me? only after 20-30seconds i can use imon as keyboard and use mediaportal? while if set autodetect the imon remote is perfect but there is no text on vfd... i have antec vfd veris elite... thanks anyway


    MP Donator
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  • December 6, 2007
    Germany, Bayern
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    I used MP RC2 and Cybrdisplay for a long time with good results (only some contrast settings problems), Antec Fusion with Soundgraph LCD.

    I updated to RC4 and with this to Minidisplay. Everything works the same (even contrast settings have effect), but the "use top bar as volume" and "use bottom bar as prorgress indicator" function is broken (the line has missing pixels).

    Any idea? Thanx a lot.

    btw: if I wath TV, the display does not always show the correct channel/programme (but the last programme from guide I hovered). Can this be helped?
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