I cant wait no more for the new version
I hope that the themoviedb.org importer will also import movies in german
I hope that the themoviedb.org importer will also import movies in german
Do you need an Windows 7 tester
Could you please update the Skin designers guide with any changes in 0.70 so they can prepare?
New labels etc.
Do you need an Windows 7 tester
That's a good one, testing a beta software on a beta OS
To those asking about filtering and sorting, yes Moving Pictures will support sorting by most details a normnal person would want to sort by: Title, DateAdded (this will work even for databases built as far back as last August when we first launched), Year, Certification, Language, Score, Popularity, Runtime, and FilePath
Filtering will be included in Moving Pictures 0.8, so we are not quite there yet, although you can of course still filter by the watched flag.
That's correct, sorting will be available in the Moving Pictures 0.7, the very next release. We had a few additional developers start to help out on the project so a few things were moved up. For what it's worth ZealotSix is the person who implemented the sorting functionality.fforde,
I am not sure if I am reading right... but, are you saying that sorting will be in 0.7 and filtering in 0.8 ?
If so, that is a great supprise, I thought both were put off until 0.8 !
That's correct, sorting will be available in the Moving Pictures 0.7, the very next release. We had a few additional developers start to help out on the project so a few things were moved up. For what it's worth ZealotSix is the person who implemented the sorting functionality.fforde,
I am not sure if I am reading right... but, are you saying that sorting will be in 0.7 and filtering in 0.8 ?
If so, that is a great supprise, I thought both were put off until 0.8 !