yeah, it appears that the skin macro #movingpictures.settings.homescreenname isn't defined.
as such, you get the macro text "#movingpictures.settings.homescreenname" instead of whatever should replace it.
My problem is that I would like to switch from Kodi to Mediaportal. In Kodi, putting an Extras folder in the same folder as the movie automatically manages all the extras on the Bluray, so my library is organized in this way. Moving everything would be a very long job (I have more than 2800 movies), plus I would lose the Extras...
My problem is that I would like to switch from Kodi to Mediaportal. In Kodi, putting an Extras folder in the same folder as the...
Hello, is it possible to exclude some folders from the Moving Pictures scan? My movies are organized in separate folders...
I've updated dlls in first post.
Summary / Overview was always empty
Collections were not filtered to official ones
Studios were not populated
Fallback to english tagline didn't work
Score / Popularity now empty instead of dummy rating and unknown popularity numbers
Also I've tried to compile plugin against MP 1.34 x64 and...
I've updated dlls in first post.
Summary / Overview was always empty
Collections were not filtered to official ones
Hi! has movies in their API now.
API itself looks ok now so I decided to add TVDB to Moving Pictures. Check it if you...
I was not previously aware of the "Drive Free Space" plugin, and it is not easy to find. (There really ought to be an easier way of finding plugins.) There is this thread that introduces the plugin, and this thread that details some changes to the Titan skin made by Gary Martyn (from 2013 :eek: ).
I installed the plugin on my Aorus...
I was not previously aware of the "Drive Free Space" plugin, and it is not easy to find. (There really ought to be an easier way of...
I have a multiseat MP setup running version 1.33. I use the Titan skin and yesterday I decided I would update all my plugins on my...
Got a solution,
with this log entry, I found this site, which helped me:
Got a solution,
with this log entry, I found this site, which helped me...
I have a problem, that i cannot start reocordings anymore and I cannot delete old recordings with MP1. This started two...