Could you tell me which version of MovingPictures you are using? And is there at least 1 movie in your database (probably it is). If you are using an older version of MovPic, try to update to the latest beta. Hope this helps.
Could you tell me which version of MovingPictures you are using? And is there at least 1 movie in your database (probably it is). If you are using an older version of MovPic, try to update to the latest beta. Hope this helps.
Hi I am using but I don't think I can upgrade as I am using MP and I was under the impression that the latest moving pictures cannot be used with lover than MP 1.1?
I guess they changed the DB structure. Oh well, I guess I will wait for 1.1 to be released. THANKS!
Suggestion: create the XML file with title sort done via SQL. Because running the default title source via mootools.js takes 5-10minutes on an older system even when opening the resulting page for the first time (on a large collection). The same sort via SQL queries goes a lot faster due to optimized binaries used for SQLite.
Addow has not changed the default items pulled from movie details. You will need to check the box saying customize movie list xml and add the missing items.