MP plugin for Video Transcoding (8 Viewers)


Portal Member
January 14, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Updating utils.dll, seems to breaks WebEPG, so I've had to revert back. But will keep my eyes on this plugin. Very promising.


Portal Pro
January 28, 2007
Home Country
France France
Hello All,

The new version is available and add theses features , bug fix following:

1. Fix the percentage issue in 2 pass with FFMPEG and Mencoder
2. Fix Mencoder freeze in 2 pass mode
3. Add Powersechuler support, return the enconding queue status to notice powerscheduler of enconding activities
4. Add the source MyVideos (all shares declared in Movies Folder Setup)
5. Update the version of FFMPEG, normally fix some enconding issue.
6. Add the possibility for DVR-MS file to extract the MPEG2 stream before to transcode it with the profile selected, this extraction is made by the MP code (DVRMS2Mpeg) and requires cyberlink powerDVD

I test some transoding of DVR-MS with FFMPEG and Mencoder with this version, i see no audio sync issue, or image freeze. So i think to improve the quality of this plugin, it is to work together on dvr-ms sample file (~300MB or 10Min of best quality), and post the result of transcoding when a problem occurs , what do you think ? then goal it is to find the best parameters combinaison to obtain the best image.

Macfox: Thanks for your test, i will work if it is possible to build a plugin version for 2.2.0

pierremenard: Can you test the extract of MPEG2 since DVR-MS file ? thanks a lot

Next version:

1. Add CD source and DVD source (possibility to rip)
2. Scheduling ( automatically transcode TV Recorded following different rules)
3. A video preview

Your feebacks are welcome. :D

Bye Fabrice


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  • April 6, 2006
    Verona (Italy)
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Hello All,
    So i think to improve the quality of this plugin, it is to work together on dvr-ms sample file (~300MB or 10Min of best quality), and post the result of transcoding when a problem occurs , what do you think ?

    @pierremenard: Can you test the extract of MPEG2 since DVR-MS file ? thanks a lot

    I'll try today. But since my dvrms comes from dvbt, I can not change the quality of dvrms file.

    I'll let you know and thank you very much!


    p.s. I use "process lasso" in order to manage ffmpeg thread priority (so I can still use mediaportal while transcoding). Is it possible to set "idle" priority to ffmpeg by default?


    Portal Pro
    January 28, 2007
    Home Country
    France France

    Normally i put the priority Low when i execute the process, i see task manager "inferior to normal", it is ok for you ? now i can add a new property in the profile to choose the priority.

    If you have special issue (video not fluid or audio sync pb) , i think it is good to post 5 min of source and 5 min of ranscoding result ?



    MP Donator
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  • April 6, 2006
    Verona (Italy)
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    Italy Italy
    For my processor "idle" is fair (I've got a 2ghz celeron). Anyway, if there's an open option in configuration it would be better for anyone. The same would be awesom for dvr-ms to mpeg.

    I found an issue: after correcty converting to mpeg, the plugin is on "error".

    I think it's a problem with command line:

    2007-03-14 [Info.][PoolThread7]: ExternalTranscoder[Transcode][2passMode][pass1] Command line C:\Programmi\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\transcode\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe -i "" -aspect 4:3 -vcodec xvid -vtag XVID -s 720x576 -b 1536k -r 25 -async 1 -mbd 2 -qmin 2 -bug autodetect -acodec mp3 -ab 128 "D:\RegistrazioniTv\I Simpson\unknown-07_03_2007.[Transcoded with profile Alta qualità].avi" -pass 1

    As you can see there is no input file. Moreover, I saw the new "tag" in file name "[Transcoded with profile Alta qualità]", would it be possible to have an option to avoid it?

    The complete log it's here:


    p.s. I had a look the mpeg file and there is no quality issue, so probably won't in the final xvid.


    Portal Pro
    January 28, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Ok thanks, i will fixed this stupid bug ;)

    But can you execute the command manually just to test if after the transcoding with FFMPEG, no issue are visible.

    C:\Programmi\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\transcode\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe -i "D:\RegistrazioniTv\I Simpson\unknown-07_03_2007.mpg" -aspect 4:3 -vcodec xvid -vtag XVID -s 720x576 -b 1536k -r 25 -async 1 -mbd 2 -qmin 2 -bug autodetect -acodec mp3 -ab 128 "D:\RegistrazioniTv\I Simpson\unknown-07_03_2007.[Transcoded with profile Alta qualità].avi"

    Thanks for your test



    MP Donator
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  • April 6, 2006
    Verona (Italy)
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    But can you execute the command manually just to test if after the transcoding with FFMPEG, no issue are visible.

    Absolutly smooth and perfect! Just tried with 5 minute dvrms. Just one pass XVID enconding, like your posted command line. (I converted dvrms to mpeg with you plugin, just after "error" appears.

    When planning the scheduling, please let the option of selecting wich files to encode (and not the whole tv database). I'm telling you this beacuse I had several problems setting up crunchie not to compress the unedited dvrms files (before ad cut).

    Thanks again!



    Portal Pro
    January 28, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    ok it is good sound ;)

    I will provide tomorrow new version which fix this problem.

    For the scheduling , i think create two way:

    1. when a new TV recorded is added in DB, the plugin take it (at a specfic hour - customizable), and transcode it.
    2. you can post different file (of diffirent source) to be transcoded during the night.



    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2006
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Hey I really like this plugin since it's not possible to compress movies recorded with TVE3 in the TV-section.

    I have tested the plugin today without any problems - although when I reach 99% the compression is finished and never reach 100%. Then I have to press Back/Exit on my remote and plugin is showing 100%. There are no problems with the compressed file though.

    Thanks a lot for this great plugin!



    Portal Pro
    January 28, 2007
    Home Country
    France France

    thanks a lot for all testers.

    here a small update of the version which fix the problem describe by pierremenard about dvrs-ms Mpeg extraction.


    Don't hesitate to share your profile settings , to find the best paremeters tuning. the goal is to include theses best profiles by default in the plugin.


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