MPBlue PPC client release 0.0.4 (11 Viewers)


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
well, I tried it, but i quickly ran into problems..
the graphics implementation in the compact frameworkd is very limited..
alpha blending is not supported..
unfortunately all the graphics for the xlobby client are alphablended. and it doesn't look very good...

but I think we should now focus on functionality instead of kick ass graphics..
there are ways to make it look incredibly slick, but it requires some work..
(check some of the skins in netremote, they also don't support alphablending..)


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 14, 2005
    yea I totally agree.... Having cool GFX is cool but having a totally working option with lesser graphics is what I am looking for...


    New Member
    November 1, 2005
    Can mediaportal accept sendmessage commands? If so XLobbyMC could be stripped down to a lite-ppc-only screens version (something I've been contemplating doing) that only uses sendmessage to control MediaPortal...unfortunately it probably wouldn't take feedback very well...but would work anywhere in the house unlike a regular remote. Could certaintly be configured as a remote to control everything, just not something that would let you see the weather on it, or search for an album.


    Portal Pro
    February 19, 2005
    Mr S

    Actually I thinking the other way around. i.e. You tap tv on the PPC and the screens change on MP... the only plugin that does this so far is my keys.. direct mapping to a specific fucntion...BTW I noticed that I can get music and TV to play the same time using MPB... only worked once but interesting none the less.. not sure I want to be able to listen to rolling stones and watch eastenders at the same time though...

    I was really thinking of MPBlue as more of a universal remote, but i agree for some funtions it make sense not to link them... stilll I think it would be good if screen feedback of some sort could be displayed on the PPC to denote where about you are..

    For instance if I'm whatching TV I and wnat to change channel I don't want to have to browse though several PPC screens just to pick a channel... I'd rather browse back from the TV sceen to musis or some such, if I change my mind about watching TV... if you get me jist...

    .....VS .Net Pro hey... can't afford that... think the PPC2002 SDk only supports eMbedded C++, but will download anyway..

    tha's all for now.. misses has gone nuts...


    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2004

    It looks like wa are on the same level,
    apparently there was a communications issue :p

    I too would like MP to switch to TV the moment you choose a TV channel to watch..
    or it stops the TV mode when you selected a movie to watch..


    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2004
    just a small update..

    I'm mainly experimenting with fullscreen modes in PocketPC and using the hardbuttons. the Wake On lan function works (it does in the current release also.. just enter you MAC adress in the default.xml skin file)
    the nowplaying functions works for music (no coverart, and nog binding with the skin yet)



    Portal Pro
    February 19, 2005
    couple of things

    Mr S.

    I finally have the CVS, trying to compile, but having difficulty. Seems I'm missing the mpbMessage class from the server CVS... does seem to be on sourceforge.

    Some advice for me... how do you implement the web services, do you need to have the server running in order to add them as web refernces in clinet in VS. Never tried this before. ( Now playing service isn't currently recoginsed in the client code.)

    BTW. not sure how you feel, but now the .Net 2.0 CF has been released we can do alphablending with DX in the GUI. I know your consentrating on the functionality at the moment. But it may be something to look at to support overlays etc like the BlueTwo mock screens... only issue is it will only run on PPC2003 and WM5.0

    Anyway when I get to grips with this I'll try to start contributing some functionality, rathe then just mouth ;-)

    (BTW Music tree problem was an issue on my PPC2002 CF 1.1, now using PPC2003 with CF 2.0, works like a charm )



    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2004
    only issue is it will only run on PPC2003 and WM5.0
    make that WM5 only... (the DX classes that is.)

    there is a GAPI utility from MS that is supposed to do alphablending, but it can not read the alpha channel in a png..

    I'm stull using PPC2002, so for the time being.. well, You get the picture..
    I'm not sure what's wrong with the CVS version.. i will commit everithing I have now, this should solve it..



    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2004
    Yes, the server needs to be running..
    if you use the current smartclient sln file, the webreferences are already configured, when you make changes, you have to right click the reference, and select update web reference..


    Portal Pro
    August 25, 2004
    Melbourne, Australia
    I just had a brainwave - its not very helpful, but I thought it was quite interesting:

    Seeing as you're having so much trouble with graphics, you could have used Flash to create the PPC frontend! Flash on PPC can easily connect to web services, has many controls (including list and grid controls) and its graphics will most likely be better than .NET graphics. This way it can even be accessed via the net, without having to be installed on the PPC!


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