MPBlue PPC client release 0.0.4 (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
February 19, 2005

You even said it in almost your first post.... what time did I go to bed last night trying to figure out what the hell I'd done... or not done...

Thanks... I may even have something usefull for you in a few days.

Trying HardwareButton in CF 2.0 to see if I can use it for volume control... not sure if there's a way to do this for 1.1 or PC2002... sorry.

Need to figure out how to display TV icons from the database and use them to send channel numbers to MP. i.e. if you click the BCC1 icon on MPblue it will send the correct channel number to MP and change th channel.

I can see my social life ebbing away...


Portal Pro
February 19, 2005
spoke to soon

MPMusic MPNowPlaying and MPTV all have binding errors in when adding the Web refernce to the client.

See error below from VS

Custom tool error: Unable to import WebService/Schema. Unable to import binding 'MPMusicBinding' from namespace ''. Unable to import operation 'GetArtists'. The datatype '' is missing.

K:\MPBlue\MPBlue\MPBlueClient\MPBluePocket\Web References\MPMusic\


Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
OK, not sure what is happening here.. sorry..

just some thoughts about CF2.0..
I know that MP is based on .NET 2.0, but this has no real big issues for end users, just install the correct framework and presto..

the compact framework is a whole different story, bu choosing the CF2.0, you are ruling out a lot of users.. in another thread i heard someone saying to buy a cheap PocketPC just to use as a remote.. CF2.0 kind of prevents that...

so i prefer to keep developing for CF1.0... most of the features in CF2.0 kan be done in CF1.0 if you look hard enough.. check out, a lot of really smart people there..


Portal Pro
February 19, 2005

I'm gonna try a complete CVS reinstall and start again...

BTW are you using Core and Database from 1.3.0 or 2.0.0RC1

Looks like some of the datatypes in 2.0.0 are different (Lists<> insetad of arraylists etc)

Anyway thanks for the pointer to the PCforum... I'll stick with CF1 if that's what your in favour of.



Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
I'm still using 1.3.0...

in the latest MPBlue CVS, I use direct SQL Queries on the Music Database, so there i won't have any issues with the datatypes, the TV part is not written by me.
Scrappy is the one you need.. but I think is is too busy to keep developing.. Scrappy?


Portal Pro
February 19, 2005
CVS still not committed properly

Hate to say it, but the mpbguimessage.cs and several other files mentioned in the sln are still not commiting to the CVS folders on Sourceforge...

Just thought I'd let you know... I've got them all from the rar file though..

thanks for the link.. i'll take a look.



Portal Pro
February 19, 2005


Ok I've written a method that brings back an array of TVIcons (if there is one) and the Channel Number as a string. TVicons are base64 encoded ( thanks for the pointer :wink: )

I've tested it from a windows form and all seems to be working well 8) , but now I'm stuck... :(

1. I was using VS 2005... doesn't like it one bit kicks up all kinds of errors for the client... hence all my other posts... I switched back to C# VS 2003 Standard on my laptop and all is well, only Standard doesn't come with PPC extensions :x So I can only do Windows and Sever side stuff at the moment.

2. What I want to do on the PPC skin is to count the number of channels on the server and dynamicly assign a button to each channel, with the texture set to the 'TvIcon.bmp' from the server. Then when each button is pressed the Controller sends the channel number to MP and changes to that channel. Simple...

Just can't seem to figure out how do do this with the skin attibutes and XML, any suggestions.

Doesn't help that I can't complie anything for PPC either..any suggestions to that problem.. like free C# PCC IDEs would be most gratefully recieved.



Portal Pro
May 18, 2004
Hi Flipit,

looks like you're on a roll..
maybe you need to take a look at the list class in mpbSkinning..
you probably can modify the property's and the draw method to incorporate a image?

sorry that it is not working out with VS2005..
maybe if you import eerithing in a new VS2005 CF1.0 solution?


New Member
November 16, 2005
PocketPC interface

Just came across this thread and realised that Media Portal is now the ONLY choice for what I am trying to achieve.

Would like to say a big thank you for all the (unpaid) effort you guys are putting in.

Unfortunately, I can't get MP to work with my AIW 9800 AGP pro, but I am not going to let that stop me now that there is a PocketPC interface being done. Can anyone suggest a new graphics card for me which works well 'out of the box'?

I am fed up of the ATI anyway as there is a bit of motion 'stutter' when watching fast action. Money is not too important.

One final thing, any thoughts on integrating any home automation stuff into the remote interface? If it could be made to control say X10 units I think it would actually be quite funny as the system as a whole would then start to rival the real high end (>$50,000) touch screen packages.... :lol:

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