My intention was to fix the recording bug (MPDisplay crashes reproducibly when a recording ends) only. This turned out to be an obvious error in the code where a null pointer exception must occur at the end of a recording when updating the EPG info. After downloading and getting the source code running I also checked if the playback issue when using WASAPI is still there (because I am using WASAPI). Since it was still there I also fixed the WASAPI bug (again). Makes not too much sense to create only incremental patches. Did not want to offend EWeiss. I knew that the WASAPI bug has been fixed in MPD 1.7 hotfix, but this fix obviously never made it into Github.
I will post the patch tomorrow when I am sure that it works at least on my HTPC reliably. Had no issues yesterday evening. And the End-of-recording bug is definitly gone;-)
I will post the patch tomorrow when I am sure that it works at least on my HTPC reliably. Had no issues yesterday evening. And the End-of-recording bug is definitly gone;-)