if (box_size == 1) {
offset += 8;
if (data.Count < 8 + offset)
throw new CorruptFileException (
"Not enough data in box header.");
header_size += 8;
box_size = data.Mid (offset, 8).ToULong ();
throw new CorruptFileException (string.Format("Box header specified a size of {0} bytes but only {1} bytes left in the file", box_size, file.Length - position));
I uploaded a sample to our FTP (/Sample-Media-Files/Mp4 Big Atom). With that file the parsing of the 64 bit box size is larger than the file. With the proposed change it works and I verified the 64 bit box size with AtomicParsley.Do you have a sample file to test/debug that?
Talking to me?I guess you are running it with the Admin user.