HomeY, I did as you suggestet. I must admit that I wasn't really aware of this options in the watchdog. Most of the time I found the watchdog pretty annoying, so I disabled it (must have been with the early MP 1 versions) and since I never experienced any mentionable MP crashes since MP 1.2.3, I never really had it running again...
So... back to topic
Even without the plugins, I can reproduce this behaviour, I have the Watchdog-generated zip file attached. I hope this will help.
TNX for the report, now we're getting closeO.k... here's the result:
Having visualization completely disabled, the music playback works fine. If I enable either Milkdrop or the default WMP visualization Alchemy(?) the music playback skips every but the first file of a playlist. But as a matter of fact, I fail to see the connection between a visualization and the music playback skipping all files but the first.
It throws the error during startup, since it checks for missing .dlls at that point. Did you check if the .dll is actually present in the folder?Concerning the missing dll:
I don't have any idea since when this error occurs, but since the LCD Display works fine, it doesn't really matter to me. I don't know if this error existed previous to my update or not.
That sounds like a good idea, since this issue only seems to happen on specific systems. But that's also the reason for the warning:Here's another thing concerning the deployment:
But what happened during the update? As experienced before, the installation program wasn't able to terminate the tv service which made the installer stuck. When I finally terminated the tv service manually, the installer reported an error, but marked the new version of the tv service as installed.
As one might suspect, the new MP installation didn't work correctly when it came to watching TV.
Since I wasn't able to fix the tv service manually, I finally had to select a new installation in the MP installer and everything worked fine in the resulting installation.
At this point, my scrum master would certainly say that our deployment tool would need a validation mechanism for the finished installation
Maybe you could take this as a suggestion for future versions?
btw: Concerning all the effort I've gone through to get the Milkdrop plugin running in MP, I would really enjoy being able to activate the visualization again. So, any ideas?
I just enabled visualisation (WMP Alchemy) and on the first attempt it seemed to 'hang' after the first song. Then i hit STOP, started playback of the 2nd song and then the fun begin It played for 4 seconds and skipped to the next song. That played for 4 seconds, and it skipped again, and so on till i hit STOP again. But... that was only on the first attempt, the few attempts after that didn't fail and music played fine, so need to look into this further.
Might only be related to Milkdrop...
If we can reproduce the problem, we can (try to) fix it