My Burner - now with Video DVD burning :) (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
June 18, 2006
OK, thanks for the help about the XML file, the video option is there now but it does not work. I have converted some recorded dvr-ms to mpg then selected them to burn to dvd and things seem to be working. I get a message stating that the menus and iso have been created and then that the iso has been burnt and the disc is ready. Trouble is this whole process takes about 20 seconds to complete (from a 2.5GB file) and the DVD drive doesnt appear to come into action at all.

I have tried various video files and various discs all to no avail. When I turned the debugging on the temp folder has things in it but the iso inside is 0 Bytes.

Is there any simple fix to this problem?

Cheers, Dave.


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 30, 2005
    dsr96 said:
    OK, thanks for the help about the XML file, the video option is there now but it does not work. I have converted some recorded dvr-ms to mpg then selected them to burn to dvd and things seem to be working. I get a message stating that the menus and iso have been created and then that the iso has been burnt and the disc is ready. Trouble is this whole process takes about 20 seconds to complete (from a 2.5GB file) and the DVD drive doesnt appear to come into action at all.

    I have tried various video files and various discs all to no avail. When I turned the debugging on the temp folder has things in it but the iso inside is 0 Bytes.

    Is there any simple fix to this problem?

    Cheers, Dave.

    Hi Dave,
    Can you post your MediaPortal.log file so I can see whats happening.



    Portal Member
    June 18, 2006
    24/06/2006 17:51:49 Main: MediaPortal is starting up
    24/06/2006 17:51:49 Main: Assembly creation time: 22/06/2006 23:59:46 (UTC)
    24/06/2006 17:51:49 Main: Set current directory to: E:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    24/06/2006 17:51:49 Main: Verifying DirectX 9
    24/06/2006 17:51:49 Main: Verifying Windows Media Player
    24/06/2006 17:51:49 Main: Windows Media Player version 11,0,5358,4827 installed
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Main: Checking for running MediaPortal instance
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Application Version: RC4
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 SVN Build: 06-23-2006 / 0:57
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Main: Deleting old log\capture.log
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Main: Checking skin version
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Main: Init playlist player
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Main: Creating the WINLIRC device
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Initialising WinLirc...
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Winlirc process not found
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Main: Creating the WINLIRC device done
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Main: Init players
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 Main: Initializing DirectX
    24/06/2006 17:51:50 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
    24/06/2006 17:51:52 Windowmanager:closing current window
    24/06/2006 17:51:52 texturemanager:dispose()
    24/06/2006 17:51:52 TexturePacker:Dispose()
    24/06/2006 17:51:52 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
    24/06/2006 17:51:52 load localized strings from:language\English\strings.xml
    24/06/2006 17:51:52 fonts.Dispose()
    24/06/2006 17:51:52 Load fonts from skin\MCE\fonts.xml
    24/06/2006 17:51:52 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
    24/06/2006 17:51:53 Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:53 Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:53 Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:53 Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:53 Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:53 Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:53 Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 Loaded font:dingbats height:24 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 Loaded font:font32 height:32 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 Loaded font:font48 height:48 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 Loaded font:font72 height:72 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 Main: Loading MCE skin
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 LoadWindowPlugins()
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\Dialogs.DLL
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\madlldlib.dll
    24/06/2006 17:51:54 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\My Burner.dll
    24/06/2006 17:51:55 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
    24/06/2006 17:51:56 Loading references from skin\MCE\references.xml
    24/06/2006 17:51:56 original skin size:720x576
    24/06/2006 17:51:56 using sqlite 3.2.8
    24/06/2006 17:51:58 StartImportXML: Initialize
    24/06/2006 17:51:58 StartImportXML: Initialize
    24/06/2006 17:51:58 StartImportXML: Initialize
    24/06/2006 17:51:58 opening tvdatabase
    24/06/2006 17:51:58 tvdatabase opened
    24/06/2006 17:51:58 xml:skin\MCE\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    24/06/2006 17:51:58 xml:skin\MCE\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    24/06/2006 17:51:58 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\XihSolutions.DotMSN.DLL
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\XPBurnComponent.dll
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 Main: Loading windowmanager
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 load ScreenCalibration720x576.xml
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 Main: Resizing windowmanager
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 Main: Initializing windowmanager
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\MCE\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 Main: Activating windowmanager
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 xml:skin\MCE\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 Main: Initialized skin
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 Main: DX9 size: 720x576
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 Main: Video RAM left: 240640 KByte
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 MCE: No MCE remote found - support disabled until MP restart
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 MAP: using default mappings for Hauppauge HCW
    24/06/2006 17:51:59 Process: MediaPortal
    24/06/2006 17:52:00 HCWHelper: Starting up
    24/06/2006 17:52:00 Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV 88x TS Capture TV:True record:True priority:1
    24/06/2006 17:52:00 Commandprocessor:starting
    24/06/2006 17:52:01 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\MCE\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    24/06/2006 17:52:01 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:196
    24/06/2006 17:52:01 Main: Running
    24/06/2006 17:52:01 Main: Starting up
    24/06/2006 17:52:01 PlugInManager.Load()
    24/06/2006 17:52:01 Load plugins from :plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
    24/06/2006 17:52:01 PlugInManager.Start()
    24/06/2006 17:52:06 Commandprocessor:starting tv cards
    24/06/2006 17:52:06 Recorder:start card:Hauppauge Nova-T
    24/06/2006 17:52:06 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
    24/06/2006 17:52:06 DVBGraphBDA:CreateGraph().
    24/06/2006 17:52:06 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05\4&2e98101c&0&4af0
    24/06/2006 17:52:06 LoadDefs for device at PCI bus 2, device 9
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05\4&2e98101c&0&4af0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 defs loaded for device at PCI bus 2, device 9
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 video device moniker :mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05#4&2e98101c&0&4af0#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{5ea9c066-1dfe-41c5-a2de-00a0c9f21fc7}
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 captureDeviceDeviceName:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05#4&2e98101c&0&4af0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 FindInstance:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05#4&2e98101c&0&4af0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\pci\ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05\4&2e98101c&0&4af0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 serviceName:HCW88TSE
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HCW88TSE\Enum
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 Number of cards:1
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 card#0=PCI#VEN_14F1&DEV_8802&SUBSYS_90020070&REV_05#4&2e98101c&0&4AF0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 using card:#0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 Using card#0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 filter networkprovider='Microsoft DVBT Network Provider' check:False
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 filter tunerdevice='Hauppauge WinTV 88x DVB-T Tuner/Demod' check:True
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 CheckDevice:mad:device:pnp:\\?\stream#hcw88bda.m90xx#5&14778554&0&0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter:mad:device:pnp:\\?\stream#hcw88bda.m90xx#5&14778554&0&0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\stream\hcw88bda.m90xx\5&14778554&0&0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 serviceName:HCW88BDA
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HCW88BDA\Enum
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 filters available:1
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 filter#:0=Stream#HCW88BDA.M90xx#5&14778554&0&0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 using filter #:0=Stream#HCW88BDA.M90xx#5&14778554&0&0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 use unique filter moniker:mad:device:pnp:\\?\stream#hcw88bda.m90xx#5&14778554&0&0#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{91b0cc87-9905-4d65-a0d1-5861c6f22cbf}
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 Found Hauppauge WinTV 88x DVB-T Tuner/Demod=@device:pnp:\\?\stream#hcw88bda.m90xx#5&14778554&0&0#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{91b0cc87-9905-4d65-a0d1-5861c6f22cbf}
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 filter capture='Hauppauge WinTV 88x TS Capture' check:True
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 LoadDefinitions done
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 9 vmr9:ctor()
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 9 vmr9:ctor() done:True
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Adding filter <Microsoft> with moniker <device>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 tv home init:confused:ky Spts News
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): turn tv off
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Microsoft> with moniker <device>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Adding filter <Hauppauge> with moniker <device>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Hauppauge> with moniker <device>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Adding filter <Hauppauge> with moniker <device>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Hauppauge> with moniker <device>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...DONE
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured pin connections...
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <Microsoft>:0 with <Hauppauge>:0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <Hauppauge>:0 with <Hauppauge>:0
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System>
    24/06/2006 17:52:07 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
    24/06/2006 17:52:08 DVBGraphBDA:got 2 tuner statistics
    24/06/2006 17:52:08 Twinhan: check for twinhan driver
    24/06/2006 17:52:08 Commandprocessor:running
    24/06/2006 17:52:08 DVBGraph:Grab epg for :BBCi
    24/06/2006 17:52:08 DVBGraph: start graph
    24/06/2006 17:52:09 DVBGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:15
    24/06/2006 17:52:09 DVBGraph: tuning details: frequency:506000 kHz ONID:9018 TSID:4100 SID:4479 provider:unknown
    24/06/2006 17:52:09 DVBGraphBDA:confused:ubmitTuneRequest() frequency:506000 kHz Bandwidth:8 ONID:9018 TSID:4100, SID:4479
    24/06/2006 17:52:10 DVBGraph:confused:etHardwarePidFiltering to:0,1,10,11,12,D3,D2,117F,1FFF,
    24/06/2006 17:52:11 DVBGraphBDA: signal strength:0 signal quality:100 signal present:True locked:True
    24/06/2006 17:52:11 DVBDemuxer:BBCi audio:FFFFFFFF video:FFFFFFFF teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:117F subtitle:0 program:4479
    24/06/2006 17:52:11 DVBGraph: wait for tunerlock
    24/06/2006 17:52:11 DVBGraph:TuneChannel done signal strength:0 signal quality:100 locked:True
    24/06/2006 17:52:12 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
    24/06/2006 17:52:12 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:52:12 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:52:12 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:52:12 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIRecordedTV init
    24/06/2006 17:52:12 dvrms:create thumbnail for E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\World Cup 06_ Paraguay v... -
    24/06/2006 17:52:12 wait for pmt :-1
    24/06/2006 17:52:13 Windowmanager:goto previous window
    24/06/2006 17:52:13 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIRecordedTV deinit
    24/06/2006 17:52:13 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:52:13 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:52:13 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:52:13 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
    24/06/2006 17:52:13 tv home init:confused:ky Spts News
    24/06/2006 17:52:13 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): turn tv off
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 add cmd:MediaPortal.TV.Recording.StopTvCommand #1
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 wait for pmt :-1
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 DVBGraph:Got PMT version:12
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 DVBGraph: OnPMTIsChanged:database\pmt\pmt_BBCi_9018_4100_4479_5.dat
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 DVBGraph:confused:endPMT() set demux: video pid:0 audio pid:0 AC3 pid:0 audio1 pid:0 audio2 pid:0 audio3 pid:0 subtitle pid:FFFFFFFF teletext pid:0 pcr pid:1FFF
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 DVBDemuxer:BBCi audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:117F subtitle:0 program:4479
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 DVBGraph:confused:etHardwarePidFiltering to:0,1,10,11,12,D3,D2,117F,1FFF,
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 update dvbt channel:BBCi
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 DVBGraph: grab epg for BBCi
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 Command:confused:top all card except card:-1
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 Command:MediaPortal.TV.Recording.StopTvCommand time:0 msec
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 Recorder: Card:Hauppauge Nova-T grab epg tv channel:
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 Windowmanager:goto previous window
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 Recorder: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:52:14 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    24/06/2006 17:52:17 OnMessage : MessageType.GUI_MSG_CLICKED
    24/06/2006 17:52:23 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
    24/06/2006 17:52:23 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:52:23 Recorder: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:52:23 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:52:23 window:MediaPortal.GUI.GUIBurner.GUIBurner init
    24/06/2006 17:52:29 *****Setting current share:-Previous:
    24/06/2006 17:52:30 *****Setting current share:-Previous:
    24/06/2006 17:52:31 *****Setting current share:-Previous:
    24/06/2006 17:52:32 *****Setting current share:-Previous:
    24/06/2006 17:52:34 *****Setting current share:-Previous:
    24/06/2006 17:52:38 WindowManager:route MediaPortal.GUI.GUIBurner.GUIBurner:760->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogYesNo:100
    24/06/2006 17:52:38 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogYesNo init
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 WindowManager:unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogYesNo:100->MediaPortal.GUI.GUIBurner.GUIBurner:760
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 BurnDVD Add File: H:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\Recordings\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 BurnDVD BurnType: VIDEO_DVD
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: BurnVideoDVDInit - TempFolderPath: E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: BurnVideoDVDInit - BurnFolderPath: E:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Burner
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: BurnVideoDVDInit - Debug Mode: True
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Starting Video DVD File Conversion and Burning
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Processing H:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\Recordings\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_FileConversion - CurrentState: Step1 CurrentFile: H:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\Recordings\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Convert Video Step Exited: - Step1
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Convert Process Exited: DVR MS Step Skipped
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_FileConversion - CurrentState: Step2 CurrentFile: H:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\Recordings\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Convert Video Step Exited: - Step2
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Convert Process Exited: AVI to MPG Step Skipped
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_FileConversion - CurrentState: Step3 CurrentFile: H:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\Recordings\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: MPG AV Splitter Filename Extension: - .mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Calling MPG AV Splitter - Filename: E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Entered SplitMPGAudioAndVideo Conversion - SourceFile: H:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\Recordings\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006.mpgDestFile: E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Converting "Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006" to DVD format : Stage 1 of 2
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Starting: Split MPG Audio and Video - mpgtx.exe - Exe Arguments: -f -d "H:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\Recordings\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006.mpg" -b "E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg"
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Convert Video Step Exited: - Step3
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Convert Process Exited: Split MPG Audio and Video - mpgtx.exe
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_FileConversion - CurrentState: Step4 CurrentFile: E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: MPG AV Merge: Step4 File: - E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: MPG AV Merge: Step4 Extension: - .mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: MPG AV Merge: MP2 files Exist: E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg-0.mp2 - False
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: MPG AV Merge: M2V files Exist: E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg-0.m2v - False
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: MPG AV Merge: M2V files Exist: E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg-0.m1v - False
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Convert Video Step Exited: - Step4
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Convert Process Exited: MPG Merge Failed Split AV Files Files Not Found
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_FileConversion - CurrentState: Step5 CurrentFile: E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Convert Video Step Exited: - Step5
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Convert Process Exited: ComSkip Skipped
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_FileConversion - CurrentState: Finished CurrentFile: E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006-avsplit.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Completed File Conversion For: H:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\Recordings\Costa Rica v Poland - 20_06_2006.mpg
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Starting Video DVD Burning Steps
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Video DVD Burn Preperation for 1 Video files.
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_DVDCreation - CurrentState: Step1
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Entered MenuGeneration Process -
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Creating DVD Menus
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Finished MenuGeneration - Copying MenuGen Executable
    24/06/2006 17:52:40 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Finished MenuGen Executable Copy - Starting MenuGen Execution
    24/06/2006 17:52:48 epg-grab: MHW ready...
    24/06/2006 17:52:48 epg-grab: no MHW events, try DVB EPG:BBCi
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Burn DVD Step Exited: Step: - Step1
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - DVD Burn Process Exited: Generating DVD Menu - menuGen.exe
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_DVDCreation - CurrentState: Step2
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Starting ConfigXMLCreation -
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Creating Config file for DVD Generation program
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Burn DVD Step Exited: Step: - Step2
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - DVD Burn Process Exited: Config.xml Writer
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_DVDCreation - CurrentState: Step3
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Entered DVDFilesCreation -
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Creating DVD filesystem
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Starting DVDFilesCreation Process - Args: -o "E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\DVD_Image" -x "E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\Config.xml"
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Finished Config XML Creation -
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Burn DVD Step Exited: Step: - Step3
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - DVD Burn Process Exited: DVD Image Creation - dvdauthor.exe
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_DVDCreation - CurrentState: Step4
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Entered ISOFileCreation -
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Generating ISO image of DVD filesystem
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Starting ISOFileCreation - Args: -V "MyDvd" -o "E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\dvd.iso" -dvd-video "E:\Documents and Settings\David Rowland\My Documents\My Recordings\Temp\DVD\DVD_Image"
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Burn DVD Step Exited: Step: - Step4
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - DVD Burn Process Exited: DVD ISO Creation - mkisofs.exe
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_DVDCreation - CurrentState: Step5
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Entered VideoDVDBurn - BurnOption: False
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Burning ISO image to DVD
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: Burn DVD Step Exited: Step: - Step5
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - DVD Burn Process Exited: DVD Burning is Disabled
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: NextStep_DVDCreation - CurrentState: Finished
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Performing Cleanup of Temporary Files
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Temporary Files Not Deleted: In Debug Mode
    24/06/2006 17:52:56 My Burner Plugin->BurnVideoDVD Class: StatusUpdate: - Completed Video DVD Burning
    24/06/2006 17:52:59 Windowmanager:goto previous window
    24/06/2006 17:52:59 window:MediaPortal.GUI.GUIBurner.GUIBurner deinit
    24/06/2006 17:52:59 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:52:59 Recorder: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:52:59 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:52:59 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    24/06/2006 17:53:02 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
    24/06/2006 17:53:02 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:53:02 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:53:02 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:53:02 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
    24/06/2006 17:53:02 tv home init:confused:ky Spts News
    24/06/2006 17:53:02 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): turn tv off
    24/06/2006 17:53:03 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
    24/06/2006 17:53:03 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:53:03 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:53:03 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:53:03 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVGuide init
    24/06/2006 17:53:03 turn tv on
    24/06/2006 17:53:34 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVGuide deinit
    24/06/2006 17:53:34 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:53:34 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:53:34 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:53:34 GUIWIndow.LoadInclude: Could not find file 'E:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\MCE\common.time.xml'.
    24/06/2006 17:53:34 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVProgramInfo init
    24/06/2006 17:53:42 Windowmanager:goto previous window
    24/06/2006 17:53:42 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVProgramInfo deinit
    24/06/2006 17:53:42 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:53:42 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:53:42 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:53:42 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVGuide init
    24/06/2006 17:53:42 turn tv on
    24/06/2006 17:53:47 Windowmanager:goto previous window
    24/06/2006 17:53:47 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVGuide deinit
    24/06/2006 17:53:47 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:53:47 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:53:47 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:53:47 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
    24/06/2006 17:53:47 tv home init:confused:ky Spts News
    24/06/2006 17:53:47 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): turn tv off
    24/06/2006 17:53:55 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
    24/06/2006 17:53:55 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:53:55 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:53:55 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:53:55 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVSearch init
    24/06/2006 17:54:17 Windowmanager:goto previous window
    24/06/2006 17:54:17 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVSearch deinit
    24/06/2006 17:54:17 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:54:17 Recorder: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:54:17 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:54:17 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
    24/06/2006 17:54:17 tv home init:confused:ky Spts News
    24/06/2006 17:54:17 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): turn tv off
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 add cmd:MediaPortal.TV.Recording.StopTvCommand #1
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 Command:confused:top all card except card:-1
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 Command:MediaPortal.TV.Recording.StopTvCommand time:15.625 msec
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 Recorder: Card:Hauppauge Nova-T grab epg tv channel:
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 Windowmanager:goto previous window
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 Recorder: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 Main: DX exclusive mode: False
    24/06/2006 17:54:19 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    24/06/2006 17:57:24 epg-grab: EPG ready...
    24/06/2006 17:57:29 epg-grab: EPG parsing...
    24/06/2006 17:57:29 open radiodatabase
    24/06/2006 17:57:29 Radio database opened
    24/06/2006 17:58:39 DVBGraph:EPG done
    24/06/2006 17:58:40 DVBGraph:Grab epg for :confused:ETANTA SPORTS
    24/06/2006 17:58:40 DVBGraph: start graph
    24/06/2006 17:58:41 DVBGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:10
    24/06/2006 17:58:41 DVBGraph: tuning details: frequency:482000 kHz ONID:9018 TSID:8197 SID:8390 provider:unknown
    24/06/2006 17:58:41 DVBGraphBDA:confused:ubmitTuneRequest() frequency:482000 kHz Bandwidth:8 ONID:9018 TSID:8197, SID:8390
    24/06/2006 17:58:41 DVBGraph:confused:etHardwarePidFiltering to:0,1,10,11,12,D3,D2,118,1FFF,
    24/06/2006 17:58:42 DVBGraphBDA: signal strength:0 signal quality:100 signal present:True locked:True
    24/06/2006 17:58:42 DVBDemuxer:confused:ETANTA SPORTS audio:FFFFFFFF video:FFFFFFFF teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:118 subtitle:0 program:8390
    24/06/2006 17:58:42 DVBGraph: wait for tunerlock
    24/06/2006 17:58:42 DVBGraph:TuneChannel done signal strength:0 signal quality:100 locked:True
    24/06/2006 17:58:44 wait for pmt :-1
    24/06/2006 17:58:45 wait for pmt :-1
    24/06/2006 17:58:45 DVBGraph:Got PMT version:9
    24/06/2006 17:58:45 DVBGraph: OnPMTIsChanged:database\pmt\pmt_SETANTA SPORTS_9018_8197_8390_5.dat
    24/06/2006 17:58:45 DVBGraph:confused:endPMT() set demux: video pid:0 audio pid:0 AC3 pid:0 audio1 pid:0 audio2 pid:0 audio3 pid:0 subtitle pid:FFFFFFFF teletext pid:0 pcr pid:1FFF
    24/06/2006 17:58:45 DVBDemuxer:confused:ETANTA SPORTS audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:118 subtitle:0 program:8390
    24/06/2006 17:58:45 DVBGraph:confused:etHardwarePidFiltering to:0,1,10,11,12,D3,D2,118,1FFF,
    24/06/2006 17:58:45 update dvbt channel:confused:ETANTA SPORTS
    24/06/2006 17:58:45 DVBGraph: grab epg for SETANTA SPORTS

    Hope that helps, Cheers.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 30, 2005
    Cant see anything out of place there.
    What files do you get in your Temp files location? Can you take a screenshot of the dir including the sizes?



    Portal Member
    June 18, 2006
    Inside the DVD_Image folder are two folders, VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS. The VIDEO_TS folder has a 174KB VOB file in it called VTS_01_0.


    Thanks for the help.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 30, 2005
    dsr96 said:
    Inside the DVD_Image folder are two folders, VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS. The VIDEO_TS folder has a 174KB VOB file in it called VTS_01_0.


    Thanks for the help.

    OK, your missing all of your processed video files. Can you post the contents of your Config.xml (this is the DVD Author config file that tells the app what videos to include).



    Portal Member
    June 18, 2006
    <button> jump titleset 1 menu; </button>
    <button> jump title 1; </button>
    <button> jump vmgm menu; </button>
    <post>call vmgm menu;</post>


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 30, 2005
    dsr96 said:
    <button> jump titleset 1 menu; </button>
    <button> jump title 1; </button>
    <button> jump vmgm menu; </button>
    <post>call vmgm menu;</post>

    Right....there should be lots of paths to your processed videos there!
    Thats why its not working :p
    Can you try something for me? Can you make a copy of the video and put it on your C root. (e.g. c:/video.mpg) and select this file in the plugin.



    Portal Member
    June 18, 2006
    I tried putting it on root of the hard disk but I get the same problem.
    When I checked, the text displayed on the forum is not the same as the output of my Config.xml file, here is an image of it.




    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 30, 2005
    dsr96 said:
    I tried putting it on root of the hard disk but I get the same problem.
    When I checked, the text displayed on the forum is not the same as the output of my Config.xml file, here is an image of it.


    OK, can you change your MyBurner Temp folder to C:/Temp and try again?
    Sorry about all this....just trying to work out what it could be.


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