Confirmed - and fixed for next test version.
Cool, thanks. Sounds like you've covered all the issues I mentioned in the next version
Confirmed - and fixed for next test version.
... can we please move grabber related stuff to the respective forum thread? I think it is not really related to "code", but configuration and maybe script details - plus there is other ppl that might be able to help - especially with english countries, as sometimes IMDB provides differnet data depending on the country you are.
Regarding the problem you posted: Best would be to post the scripts you currently use - (and if you want/can verify results in grabber interfafce first). That way others have a possibility to reproduce.
For this respective problem:
So behaviour of IMDB script is correct - can verify here - it displays the "also known as" title as Ttitle.
IMDB-Full works here as "intended" - shows what I do in settings - USA title, number of titles, etc.
True - didn't apply that to the manual updates in GUI. We could also add that to MF GUI - but would need to sync to settings then between MyFilms and AMCU.Just wanted to say how much i like what you did with the Cover and fan art managers its really nice to be able to delete the unused covers from the GUI after you download a bunch and pick the one you like and being able to set a limit to the number of fanart downloaded is a good feature (it only seems to work it the stand alone app though).
We might think about that for a future release - maybe adding it to google and see, if there is enough bad we could not have a feature to preview and select the fanart in the GUI before it is downloaded.
It is already - but only visible, if you change catalog type to 4.x (and save). It is not available for AMC 3.x.I have my full Db (over 750 movies on a network setup ) on the ver.4.x catalog and am using it now, it seems to be working fine. Its nice to have the watched status in its own watched field. Are you going to add the trailer field in ver. 4.x to the drop down box on the trailer tab in MF configuration anytime soon?
Edit: The new "Box sets" features is really cool too.
Thanks for your efforts Guzzi.
Hi TLD - there have been several updates to both Trakt and MyFilms plugin within last time ... so it is important, to get it tested - and solve possible issues.I have noticed something, don't know if it's a known bug or not. If i enable MyFilms in Trakt it crashes MP after a few minutes when in the my films plugin. I can have Trakt enabled in the MyFilms plugin and it works fine when i watch a movie it shows up on the Trakt webpage. This may have something to do with the fact that i have the "Moving Pictures" plugin enabled also it trakt with Moving Pictures categories enabled, i don't know but i thought i'd mention it.
It is already - but only visible, if you change catalog type to 4.x (and save). It is not available for AMC 3.x.I have my full Db (over 750 movies on a network setup ) on the ver.4.x catalog and am using it now, it seems to be working fine. Its nice to have the watched status in its own watched field. Are you going to add the trailer field in ver. 4.x to the drop down box on the trailer tab in MF configuration anytime soon?
Thanks, commented it there, so we don't forget about it...Hi Guzzi, I add the fanart selection feature to Google.
YesIt is already - but only visible, if you change catalog type to 4.x (and save). It is not available for AMC 3.x.I have my full Db (over 750 movies on a network setup ) on the ver.4.x catalog and am using it now, it seems to be working fine. Its nice to have the watched status in its own watched field. Are you going to add the trailer field in ver. 4.x to the drop down box on the trailer tab in MF configuration anytime soon?
Is it the entry in the drop down box that says "source trailer"?
Hi Ted,I reinabled MyFilms in Tratk and caused the crash again. So here is what happened.
I'm using MyFilms-V5.2.0.2226, AMC V 4.1.1 Beta and Tratk V, I have a network setup as you know.
My main HTPC is also the media server i have the MP tv server on another computer that has the tv cards on it
I uninstalled the existing MyFilms and AMC versions i had on all machines then i installed AMC V 4.1.1 on my TV server and entered 1 movie from a share on the media server into the AMC Db then saved as an xml on a share on the media server.
I installed MyFilms on the TV server and used the setup wizard to do an initial setup then went in the MyFilms configuration and set UNC paths for fanart, movies, etc.
Then i populated the AMC Db xml with AMCU, This is all a new MyFilms configuration. Then i checked all the movies to get the covers, fanart, etc i like. Then i imported the xml back into the original AMC Db so that would be safe. Then i installed MyFilms on the other computers transferred the MyFilms.xml and the MyFilmsAMCSettings_Movies.xml (AMCU configuration) to the other computers.
Everything was working fine at this point, i imported a movie with one of the client machines and could watch movies with no problem.
Then i went to the My films configuration on the main HTPC (media server) and enabled the Tratk plugin and then in MP configuration i enabled the MyFilms on the Tratk plugin.
Then i started MP back up and went to watch a movie on the media server and about 5 minutes into the movie i get the mediaportal has to close popup so i restart the computer and try again and the same thing so so i restart MP and go to the tratk settings in the plugin section of the GUI and disabled the MyFilms tick box and back to MyFilms and everything is fine again.
Attached are all logs and xmls if you need anything else let me know.
Thanks Guzzi
Hi TLD,Can't figure how to send a PM here.