it's been a while...
Work is getting crazy when the year is ending ;-)
I'll check back with you as soon as possible...
Just gimme a wish list and i'll be back with an update once i have my few days off later this month ;-)
I'm having problems with your sleeptimer plugin, but I'm not sure if it's really the plugin.
This is what happens: I'm activating the sleeptimer, set it to eg. 15 minutes. After 15 minutes my system will hibernate. So far so good.
But when I now wakeup the system, it'll resume, show mediaportal for a tiny second, and then hibernate again. If a try to wakeup my system now, everything works fine.
Could this be related to the plugin, or do I have to look somewhere else within mediaportal? I have disabled auto-hibernate in windows and also in the powerscheduler.
you are always able to stop the sleep timer by pressing the 'action'-Button a few times... the next step beyond the configured maximum sleep time will stop the sleep timer...