This problem is not the same as @cladinshadows85 is/was having (I don't know if he/she solved it - please always report back when you get support, it's common courtesy!).
Back to you, I think your problem is timeout related. Set a higher BrowserHostWaitTimeout in OnlineVideos.WebAutomation.BrowserHost.exe.config. If you still have problems, disable the loading spinner to see what's happening in the browser player window.
Hi Ministerk,
thanks, looks like you were right with that one, I already turned off the spinner, but I changed so many settings, that I think I lost myself anywhere.
I ran into one issue affter another that day while setting up the new MP, and today I found the reason for one of them what I'd like to share with you.
I usually set IE to delete the history on exit, which did not cause any problem so far. But now (after turning off the spinner) I had the issue that the NetFlix login page claimed that there were technical problems, I should try to log in a few minutes later, while logging in with the browser was no problem.
It took a while to find out, but ut seems that deleting history setting in IE changes anything with cookies or something so that login with OnlineVideos was not possible anymore.
Just if someone runs into the same issue...