Netflix Manager (Updated 02/10/07) (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
September 4, 2007
New netflixmanager.dll

Ok folks,

I had a few minutes today and took the challenge of parsing multiple page listings from the "Watch Instantly" section.

Attached is the latest netflixmanager.dll.

What's new:

PlayNowQueue has 3 submenus: DVD Queue, Recent additions, and Top 50

All of these pages use the same return format, so adding additional categories (like Genre) should be easy.

Keep those suggestions / ideas coming!



Portal Pro
January 13, 2007
Hmmm.... For some reason, no matter what I do all the WatchNow movies start in the lower right hand corner of the screen and get cut off. Very frustrating and I have no idea why.
Also, I see no references to a PlayNowQueue anywhere. How do you pull that up? Is it an RSS feed configuration option?


Portal Member
September 4, 2007
Hmmm.... For some reason, no matter what I do all the WatchNow movies start in the lower right hand corner of the screen and get cut off. Very frustrating and I have no idea why.
Also, I see no references to a PlayNowQueue anywhere. How do you pull that up? Is it an RSS feed configuration option?

Sorry, you'll need the new skin to get the menu. I have attached it.

What resolution are you running? What skin?

The attached file is for the Blue Two Wide skin.

The initial window should appear where the description normally appears. I have been using this in full screen mode.



Portal Pro
January 13, 2007
cool... nice to have those new functions for recent and play from queue, only problem is that regardless of what resolution is set for me (or what skin I use), the video is too small to fit in the window though it does start in the description area as you had mentioned.
I can not get the BlueTwo Wide Skin to work with 2.3.0 RC1, unfortunately though that may be the answer.
Is there any way to have the movie start full screen?
I suppose you could just send a mouse click event to the "fullscreen" button after a slight delay.
If that's not possible, how would I be able to just launch true IE as opposed to the IE web-browser (embedded) version as others have suggested is/was possible. I like the embedded version it just needs to be fullscreen or it gets chopped in half.
Thanks again...


Portal Member
September 4, 2007
cool... nice to have those new functions for recent and play from queue, only problem is that regardless of what resolution is set for me (or what skin I use), the video is too small to fit in the window though it does start in the description area as you had mentioned.
I can not get the BlueTwo Wide Skin to work with 2.3.0 RC1, unfortunately though that may be the answer.
Is there any way to have the movie start full screen?
I suppose you could just send a mouse click event to the "fullscreen" button after a slight delay.
If that's not possible, how would I be able to just launch true IE as opposed to the IE web-browser (embedded) version as others have suggested is/was possible. I like the embedded version it just needs to be fullscreen or it gets chopped in half.
Thanks again...

I've tried to figure out how to get it to go full screen with little success. I do know that it is running Windows MediaPlayer, so if I could find a way to get that to go full screen I would be all set.

Let me take a look at the problem and see what I can do.



Portal Pro
January 13, 2007
The problem is that right now even with the excellent new features you've added (and they've been ones I've wanted since Watch Now began so I can't thank you enough), I can't use the current version at all because the video is chopped in half in the lower right hand corner and I can't even see the "fullscreen" button to click on it. Is there any way you could make a version that goes back to launching Internet Explorer as a workaround?

Also, FWIW, I have been able to get the Watch Now movies playing in WMP manually using the instructions at:

or by using a combination of the User Agent Switcher Firefox plugin and this GreaseMonkey script:


Portal Member
September 4, 2007
The problem is that right now even with the excellent new features you've added (and they've been ones I've wanted since Watch Now began so I can't thank you enough), I can't use the current version at all because the video is chopped in half in the lower right hand corner and I can't even see the "fullscreen" button to click on it. Is there any way you could make a version that goes back to launching Internet Explorer as a workaround?

I'm taking a look at what it would take to have the choice as a config option.

As far has using those instructions for ripping the media.

#1 - I don't want to do anything to remove the copy protection
#2 - In order for this to work you need to download the entire file.
#3 - I've tried having WMP play from the URL directly and it doesn't seem to work. If anyone has been able to do this, I'd like to know how and I can try to work with it. I can get the redirected URL from the 302 message, but that one doesn't play either.



Portal Member
September 4, 2007
Latest Netflix Manager - now with full screen playnow!

Ok, it took a little time and some fancy mouse work, but I now have the plug-in working where it can play a netflix video full screen.

This was not a trivial effort, so please be kind in any criticism.

To go full screen, press whatever button corresponds to the info menu on your remote. On my MCE2005 remote, it was the "i" button. This will take it fullscreen.

To go back to non-fullscreen, hit the same button again.

In fullscreen mode, you can play or pause using the play or pause button. Sorry, no seek is available.

Hitting back will close the window and put take you out of the netflix manager.

Hitting stop will close the playback window.

I have tested this with 1024x768, 1280x720.

I have used the bluetwo and bluetwo wide skins as well.

This was tested with RC1

The zip file contains the new netflixmanager.dll and the skin file.

Let me know of any issues or problems.



Portal Member
March 30, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Thanks for this killer plugin!

Everything works as stated but I am having problems with viewing Trailers.

When I click to watch one, the screen turns black for a sec and then recycles back to the screen I was on.
Like the movie won't load or something.....

I have not tried the View At Home movie option yet.
I am using RC2

Any ideas?


Portal Member
September 4, 2007
Thanks for this killer plugin!

Everything works as stated but I am having problems with viewing Trailers.

When I click to watch one, the screen turns black for a sec and then recycles back to the screen I was on.
Like the movie won't load or something.....

I have not tried the View At Home movie option yet.
I am using RC2

Any ideas?

I haven't touched any of the trailer playback code as of yet. I'll have to take a look at those next.


Thanks for this killer plugin!

Everything works as stated but I am having problems with viewing Trailers.

When I click to watch one, the screen turns black for a sec and then recycles back to the screen I was on.
Like the movie won't load or something.....

I have not tried the View At Home movie option yet.
I am using RC2

Any ideas?

Netflix appears to have changed the format of the their trailers. The availability of the trailer is no longer indicated on the movie page.

I need to do a bit more research into this.

Also, I found that the full screen function is having issues for widescreen movies. I'm going to need to see how I can determine what the aspect ratio is to determine where to click the mouse.


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