NEW: Moving Pictures 0.6.4 (3 Viewers)

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  • August 30, 2006
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    Ok, but what about the scenario where a scene rip of a movie, say one taken by a handheld camera in a movie theatre, is downloaded, and the RIAA or MPAA or whatever then use the server's logs to identify who uploaded that specific file hash? Couldn't it be stated that you couldn't have that hash key unless you had that illegal copy of the movie, therefore it could be used as evidence?

    And if the case was built that this person had the hash for dozens of movies that could only be scene / screener rips, couldn't that be used to build a case? Stranger things are already used as evidence by these guys.

    I don't see this approach as similar to that used by IMDB or the moviedb or anything - on those sites you're just asking for the movie's title, which could mean you have the DVD, you've saved it from your TIVO, you're just interested and don't own it, or you're just browsing the website's collection. It could be shown that it's extremely unlikely that you just happen to have the unique hash for a known R4 or DVD Screener rip. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that a good lawyer could show that the unique hash is a fingerprint and direct evidence that the software running on the accused's PC must have been in contact with the illegal file - especially if the software is opensource and can be examined to demonstrate that the hash could only have come from a particular source.

    I just think it's worth people understanding that these possibilities exist, and thus any plug-in should be optional.


    Portal Pro
    November 26, 2008
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    Canada Canada
    Its very easy to install. You basically unzip the archive, and copy the movingpictures.dll to your c:\program files\team media portal\media ports\plugins\windows directory.

    An installation MPI package would be nice :)


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    Its very easy to install. You basically unzip the archive, and copy the movingpictures.dll to your c:\program files\team media portal\media ports\plugins\windows directory.

    An installation MPI package would be nice :)

    Moving Pictures 0.7 will have an installer of some sort. Either an MPI or MSI (Windows Installer). Although we are still in Beta and 0.6 is really intended for cutting edge users. So it is kind of assumed everyone can copy a DLL.


    Portal Pro
    February 25, 2008
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    Belgium Belgium
    Hi, there still is a problem with updating the database. I just removed the folder and it still shows up in the database. Als a movie that is on my harddrive, he does not find. Using MoPi 0.6.4


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    • #46
    Hi, there still is a problem with updating the database. I just removed the folder and it still shows up in the database. Als a movie that is on my harddrive, he does not find. Using MoPi 0.6.4

    We will need much more information than that to help you. But this is not even the appropriate place to file a bug report either, this is the announcement thread for 0.6.4. :( Please see my signature for instructions on bug reporting.


    I am going to lock this thread. If anyone has a question or bug report, search the forum to make sure it has not already been answered, then create a new thread as needed.
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