NEW! Moving Pictures 0.7.5 Available (4 Viewers)

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  • December 16, 2008
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    I understand the concept you are describing but will need detailed steps on getting it done. Please share on this thread or PM.



    MP Donator
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  • May 7, 2008
    FlashFXP Development Team
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    I understand the concept you are describing but will need detailed steps on getting it done. Please share on this thread or PM.


    I have not been able to find a new style program that has the capability of changing the modified date to created date in batch or multiple files other than the following old one : Directory Report Directory printer, find duplicate files, rename files, track disk usage, and maintain your files - all in 1 tool

    I select the directory then all of the files and press F6 or (right click - modify dates) ... Then copy one date to another ... Enable setting of created date ... set created to modified date

    Once you have done that to the files... then delete your MP database and re-do it...

    It is a bit of work, but, if you like the order as I do, its worth it :)

    Let me know if that makes enough sense.


    MP Donator
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  • December 16, 2008
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    Thanks - I'll give that a shot.


    Portal Member
    March 8, 2009
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    Distinguish different collections


    Since a few weeks I'm a user of mediaportal and I like the moving pictures a lot.
    I'd only like to have a possibility to distinguish different collections when I enter Moving Pictures.
    Maybe this is already possible, but I don't know how to do it.
    What I mean is :
    On my harddrives I have different collections of films all stored in different directories like :
    Dutch movies

    I'm able to let Moving Pictures scan all thes directories, but when I enter moving pictures I can only scroll to all the movies together. What I'd like is :
    * Enter Moving Pictures.
    * Select a collection ( f.e. Comedy, Disney or all). The directory name is the name of the collection.
    * Only scroll to movies belonging to this collection

    I hope it's clear, what I mean and if this is already possible I'm sorry for asking, but then I'd like to know how to do it. If it's not possible I hope it will be implemented in the future.

    Kind regards,


    Portal Pro
    September 3, 2008
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    In short Dreesje, something like this is coming, but not yet possible with 0.7.3. Filtering (and possible filter by folder) will be available in 0.8.0


    Portal Member
    March 8, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Thank you for this answer marvenius. This filter option would be very nice.
    I'l wait for 0.8.0.



    Portal Member
    August 23, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    This is a great plugin...but are their any plans to implement the ability to scan for new movies from within the MP interface?

    The main thing that's keeping me from using it is the fact that I have to exit MP and load the configuration program to add anything new.


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    This is a great plugin...but are their any plans to implement the ability to scan for new movies from within the MP interface?

    The main thing that's keeping me from using it is the fact that I have to exit MP and load the configuration program to add anything new.

    Actually new movies will be automatically imported even while in the GUI so long as Moving Pictures finds a match that it is pretty sure about. If Moving Pictures feels good about a match, it will auto approve the movie and it will be immediately added to your collection. The only time you have to goto the config screen is if you have a movie that is not matched with a high degree of confidence. If you are using the IMDb scraper generally you should be getting something like a 90%-95% auto approval rate. On the Importer Settings screen you can also adjust the threshold for the auto approval process (i.e. allow Moving Pictures to be a bit less picky when deciding if it should auto approve a match).

    What you are asking for though, a screen to interact with the importer, is definitely coming. It is currently planned for version 1.0 though so it will not be implemented for a little while. If there is a lot of demand for it, we may pull it back to version 0.9, but honestly it is not something that people bring up very often. If you (or anyone else for that matter) want to see this get pulled forward, go star the issue on Google Code (the star icon in the upper left of the page). This will allow you to keep up to date as we make progress and design decisions about the feature, but it also acts as a voting system. Generally the issues with more stars will get worked on sooner than issues with fewer stars...


    Portal Member
    July 21, 2008
    Is a My Trailers and Moving Pictures integration still planned? I remember it being mentioned in the earlier stages, just wondering if that idea died out. I would love to watch a few trailers before the movie starts.
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