New plugin - OnlineTVShows???? (hulu, joost, etc..) (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 16, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Cool, i didnt know anyone else was developing a similar plugin. Can you provide a link to the plugin? I cant seem to find it.

Your plugin, what sites does it currently support? I understand that end users will be able to add pretty much any website that they want.
Is your plugin designed to play any video content? Mine is designed for professional content, TV shows and Movies. I have no intentions of supporting other videos like hulu's trailers and clips, or videos from like youtube, etc...

With your playback using MP's windows media player, does that support clicking? For example clicking on a play button. Because i can get it to display the video, i just cant click on play with the mouse using it (it seems that has been disabled).

I would love to work together on a plugin, as long as we have the same end goals for it.


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  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
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    Cool, i didnt know anyone else was developing a similar plugin. Can you provide a link to the plugin? I cant seem to find it.
    Here it is : Repository - [mp-plugins] Index of /trunk/plugins/OVS

    Your plugin, what sites does it currently support?
    Sites supported are actually, French sites :
    Some of them :
    Le Canal Cinema, France Television, Google Video, Koreus, LCI, Miro, Vodeo TV
    and providers :
    Alice, Darty, Free, Orange, SFR
    I understand that end users will be able to add pretty much any website that they want.
    To be clear again : only if website with real rss.
    Is your plugin designed to play any video content?
    Well, normally, with VLC, you should read many video content (except flash, I think).
    Mine is designed for professional content
    hmm, what kind of professional ?
    I have no intentions of supporting other videos like hulu's trailers and clips, or videos from like youtube, etc...
    Well, as each update site is a service project, it's possible to add (or not) all you want and, activate (or not) needed DLL.

    With your playback using MP's windows media player, does that support clicking? For example clicking on a play button. Because i can get it to display the video, i just cant click on play with the mouse using it (it seems that has been disabled).
    What do you mean ? we have thumbnails for Main Services/Categorie/Video on GUI plugin (skins buggy, not finished) then, simply clicking on it do action.

    The plugin is not out, yet.
    We talk about it here :
    Un Peu De Vod Dans Ce Monde De Brutes - MP-FR .:: Le forum ::.
    It's in French but, you can already see screenshots to see how it looks.


    Portal Member
    October 6, 2008
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    Not sure if either of you have Boxee or access to it but they have both Hulu, Joost and about 10 other online sources built into their app.

    It streams right in their app no external windows.

    Also they have Hulu working via the RSS feeds from Hulu which actually works very well.

    Just something for you to look into for some additional help getting this working.

    Online media is the one big thing that Media Portal is missing right now. If we can get Hulu, Joost and Netflix working as a built-in feature of Media Portal it will be hands down the best HTPC product out there. These features should really be built into the core of the app not 3rd party plug-ins but at this point whatever works to get it added is great.


    Portal Member
    February 4, 2009
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    Boxee was asked to stop supporting Hulu awhile back. People have hacked Hulu allow it to be used with Boxee and xbmc.


    Portal Member
    October 6, 2008
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    Actually in the last update they added Hulu support back in via the RSS feeds.


    Portal Member
    February 4, 2009
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    Cool, I stand corrected. Either way I agree with you that Hulu and other online videos are the only thing missing in MediaPortal.... well and a Linux client but that is for another post.


    Portal Pro
    May 2, 2007
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    Boxee last said their Windows was alpha invite only, but if you are a registered user of Boxee, you can get the windows download by following this link - Boxee :: Login Boxee was my hope for Hulu intergration but it failed went Hulu killed boxee. I looked at possiably coding a Hulu solution, but I didnt even know where to start. I am a semi-new C# programmer if you need any help Keith, just IM me.


    Portal Pro
    February 16, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America
    I guess i should post an update.

    The good news - I have a working version of this plugin and have had one for a few weeks now. I'm actually now watching American Dad!

    The bad news - I'm not ready to release it :) I still have a few major components that need to be completed.

    I think I've got someone helping me with this plugin (tonyscha), i'm trying to get him going and hopefully development will speed up a little.

    Keith what can I do to help with this?

    1) Logos from hulu and joost that can be used on pretty much any skin (if possible)
    2) Network images (tbs, fox, cbs, etc...)
    3) It would be cool if someone could figure out how to play HD videos via hulu's embed videos (or any other way for that matter)
    4) Some logos for this plugin and maybe a new title since i'm planning on playing movies also.

    I guess the biggest thing is i'm trying to figure out is the skin file, there is one big thing i'm not sure how it works. Once i get that i think i might be ready for some beta testers :)


    New Member
    March 25, 2009
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    United States of America United States of America
    Woo hoo

    That would be an awesome plugin! Count me in if you need any help beta testing!


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