No HD picture with MP 1.0 (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
October 24, 2008
Home Country
Ireland Ireland
Yes, a recording of a HD channel plays fine in my videos using PDVD8 with HW acc


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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    Yes, a recording of a HD channel plays fine in my videos using PDVD8 with HW acc
    And this is what i do not understand..... because if the TV-Server is running on the same PC, then there is no real difference between tuning this channel in MyTV, and playing the recording in MyVideos (in both cases is used).

    I have been testing MyTV + PowerDVD8(+ latest update) and hw-decoding=on during the weekend.
    I am not able to reproduce this issue. I can watch the HD channel i have access to without problems.

    So i am running out of ideas on this issue. :(


    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2008
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    yes, it's very odd. But at least I can consistently recreate the issue, so maybe you do not have a clean build? Has the changed between RC3 and MP 1.0 ?? Maybe you could explain the role of this file and also and if there are other similar files that could have changed?


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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    so maybe you do not have a clean build?
    sorry, but assuming that i do not have a clean built/installation is.... well... funny :p

    Has the changed between RC3 and MP 1.0 ?? Maybe you could explain the role of this file and also and if there are other similar files that could have changed?
    Actually i start to wonder, if it is something specific in your setup.
    Because if there would be a general issue with h.264 LiveTV + PowerDVD, you can be sure that this would have been noticed by our team, and forums would go mad with bugreports.

    I am sorry, but i can not help you any further. Maybe someone else has an idea. :sorry:


    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2008
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    I'm glad I was able to amuse you. It's good to laugh.

    However, my problem is solved by using MP 1.0 client with RC3 TV server - I made no changes to my setup between RC3 & MP 1.0. There was at least one other person that had same issue.

    Maybe while you are falling off your stool, you might want to review the forums ! :oops:


    Portal Pro
    July 13, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I have been following this thread with interest, even though the replacement file solved my problem.

    In view of all the above, I now have a question about future releases. Which version of the tsreader code will be included? Was there an odd bug which affected only a few users? It seems strange that there have been so few reports of this particular problem - there must surely be many users receiving HD channels who have now upgraded to 1.0.


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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    the filter is currently been worked on. but i can not tell you if this will cure the issues reported in here.
    the main cause of the problem seems to be the combination of + video filters

    some combinations simply do not work atm. BUT this issue seems to be stream specific (TV-Channel/provider), it is not a general issue which occurs with all HD Channels in the world.
    even worse, it does not occur with any HD Channels our team members are able to receive. so we can not reproduce this issue at all.

    so right now my advice is to test different video-codecs and stick with the working one until we have more news on the rework of TsReader.


    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2008
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    Can I suggest that there may be a difference between BBC HD channel on DVB-S and h.264/mpeg4 channels in Ireland on DVB-T in terms of specifications of encoding/decoding?

    I am reliably informed that the Irish DVB-T service is the same as that in Sweden and Denmark - perhaps there is a MP user there that could test the reception of mpeg4 channels using MP 1.0.


    Portal Pro
    October 24, 2008
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    It turns out that AC3 Filter causes a problem with MPEG-4 DVB-T Irish channels when used with PDVD8. I now use MPA Decoder which also allows AC3 audio on BBC HD. This means that I can use hardware acceleration.

    So all is well and stable with my setup - the next step after a calm period will be to look forward to the maint release.

    Thanks for all comments and help.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    nice finding!

    i also had issues with AC3 filter in the past which was the reason that i started to use MPA.
    turned out that AC3 filter has no pro at all in my setup/usecase, MPA does a nice job here. :)

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