erstmal vielen Dank für die tolle Arbeit.
Ich habe noch ein "Verbesserungsvorschlag".
Ich nutze zusätzlich zur Fernbedienung eine kabellose Tastatur und würde gerne Titel suchen z.B. bei Youtube mit der Tastatur eingeben.
Leider reagiert das MePo auf gewisse Tastenkürzel.
Es wäre super wenn man einen Schalter setzten könnte. Wie z.B. bei der Caps Lock-Taste, sodass Befehle nur noch als Buchstaben erkannt werden und nicht mehr als Befehle für MePo.
Ciao Nu
Das OnlineVideo plugin (0.16.0) läuft richtig gut, allerding gibt es bei mir Probleme bei Pro7 Videos für "Model WG".
Im Browser sind die Videos zu "Model WG" sind in Teile unterteilt, zwischen denen Werbung eingespielt wird.
Das Video zur letzten Folge vom 11.02. bleibt immer nach Teil 1 stehen, das Bild wird dann schwarz und man muss ins Menü zurück.
Im Browser an dieser Stelle Werbung eingespielt wird und danach neu gepuffert und mit Teil 2 begonnen. Außerdem funktionieren die Clips (Einzelteile der Folgen) nicht, es wird immer die ganze Folge von vorne gestartet.
Kann das jemand reproduzieren?
Ist es richtig, dass man nicht Vor- / Zurückspulen kann wie im Browser?
gruss2010-02-28 11:53:06.997673 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Play( Video)
2010-02-28 11:53:06.998673 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerlay
2010-02-28 11:53:07.004674 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
2010-02-28 11:53:07.006674 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: added EVR Renderer to graph
2010-02-28 11:53:07.031675 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Now active
2010-02-28 11:53:07.031675 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Renderer successfully added
2010-02-28 11:53:07.034675 [Debug][(14)]: Request
2010-02-28 11:53:07.061677 [Debug][(14)]: Client type: 6
2010-02-28 11:53:07.085678 [Debug][(14)]: DH pubkey position: 1205
2010-02-28 11:53:07.085678 [Debug][(14)]: Client digest offset: 398
2010-02-28 11:53:07.086678 [Debug][(14)]: Initial client digest:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.086678 [Debug][(14)]: 48 8B A6 AC 76 2C 87 5A 5E 77 EA C1 97 59 F3 C8 52 3A BA DC 85 04 1A 22 40 E6 A3 8E 5A 4C 0D 62
2010-02-28 11:53:07.186684 [Debug][(14)]: Type Answer : 06
2010-02-28 11:53:07.186684 [Debug][(14)]: Server Uptime : 5813775
2010-02-28 11:53:07.186684 [Debug][(14)]: FMS Version :
2010-02-28 11:53:07.187684 [Debug][(14)]: Server DH public key offset: 632
2010-02-28 11:53:07.230687 [Debug][(14)]: DH SecretKey:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.230687 [Debug][(14)]: 44 76 3C 1D F0 48 CF 07 42 E1 0D 87 31 D8 ED 9F 05 8D 53 1F D1 EA A8 12 0D A3 66 63 EF ED 7E D4 37 D5 56 52 BD 57 73 5D 77 03 63 A7 02 96 F1 79 A0 0F E0 6C 9D 2C BF CA 96 D2 AA EB 47 5E EC 6A 7A 47 21 11 7B B4 F3 DB 25 C6 6B 2A 21 6E D7 1C 9B E7 5D DC 1E 15 C0 AE C0 54 78 FE 18 93 93 DA FB 43 68 93 A3 BA E7 CD 90 8B 7E 18 FA 50 91 6C 29 1F 74 21 49 C6 23 F0 81 FD 2D 44 B7 CF CA 80
2010-02-28 11:53:07.230687 [Debug][(14)]: RC4 Out Key:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.230687 [Debug][(14)]: 8F 39 1F D4 EB 1D 80 8E D3 32 83 E3 0B BD AE 92
2010-02-28 11:53:07.230687 [Debug][(14)]: RC4 In Key:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.231687 [Debug][(14)]: DE 0F F6 CE 85 D0 61 B9 E2 FE ED 7F 79 F3 B2 5D
2010-02-28 11:53:07.231687 [Debug][(14)]: Client signature digest position: 398
2010-02-28 11:53:07.231687 [Debug][(14)]: Digest key:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.231687 [Debug][(14)]: D7 14 4C 4F C1 2A 4C FB BE 42 D4 67 1E DA EA 7C 64 51 B3 B5 FC 4A 00 75 8B 20 87 7C 73 1B 1E 60
2010-02-28 11:53:07.231687 [Debug][(14)]: Signature calculated:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.231687 [Debug][(14)]: 21 74 74 2C 95 FC 19 90 E0 C9 10 18 F0 06 C3 B9 B0 D9 C0 EE EC 58 3D 3E A8 B4 FA 86 A4 E2 97 9C
2010-02-28 11:53:07.232687 [Debug][(14)]: Server sent signature:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.232687 [Debug][(14)]: 21 74 74 2C 95 FC 19 90 E0 C9 10 18 F0 06 C3 B9 B0 D9 C0 EE EC 58 3D 3E A8 B4 FA 86 A4 E2 97 9C
2010-02-28 11:53:07.232687 [Debug][(14)]: Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server
2010-02-28 11:53:07.232687 [Debug][(14)]: Calculated digest key from secure key and server digest:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.232687 [Debug][(14)]: E8 E8 93 9C 37 E4 9F CD FA A4 FE 93 B5 11 A9 79 DD 7D 86 BF 3E BB 73 83 14 5D 2F F3 C2 C2 1E AD
2010-02-28 11:53:07.233687 [Debug][(14)]: Client signature calculated:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.233687 [Debug][(14)]: E3 E4 15 87 8B 19 AE DB DD AC 51 A0 FD F5 B1 8C 01 EC 60 01 85 37 92 AE AA C5 76 07 32 7B 5A DB
2010-02-28 11:53:07.233687 [Debug][(14)]: Handshaking finished....
2010-02-28 11:53:07.233687 [Debug][(14)]: Sending Connect
2010-02-28 11:53:07.833721 [Debug][(14)]: HandleServerBW: server BW = 2500000
2010-02-28 11:53:07.835721 [Debug][(14)]: HandleClientBW: client BW = 2500000 2
2010-02-28 11:53:07.835721 [Debug][(14)]: HandleServerBW: server BW = 2500000
2010-02-28 11:53:07.835721 [Debug][(14)]: HandleClientBW: client BW = 2500000 2
2010-02-28 11:53:07.836721 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 0
2010-02-28 11:53:07.847722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: _result
2010-02-28 11:53:07.847722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 1
2010-02-28 11:53:07.847722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:07.847722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: vKey, STRING:
2010-02-28 11:53:07.848722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: fmsVer, STRING: FMS/3,5,2,685
2010-02-28 11:53:07.848722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: capabilities, NUMBER: 31
2010-02-28 11:53:07.848722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: mode, NUMBER: 2
2010-02-28 11:53:07.849722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:07.849722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: level, STRING: status
2010-02-28 11:53:07.849722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: code, STRING: NetConnection.Connect.Success
2010-02-28 11:53:07.849722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: description, STRING: Connection succeeded.
2010-02-28 11:53:07.850722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: objectEncoding, NUMBER: 0
2010-02-28 11:53:07.850722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:07.850722 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: version, STRING: 3,5,2,685
2010-02-28 11:53:07.851722 [Debug][(14)]: server invoking <_result>
2010-02-28 11:53:07.851722 [Debug][(14)]: received result for method call <connect>
2010-02-28 11:53:07.853722 [Debug][(14)]: createStream: 2
2010-02-28 11:53:07.855722 [Debug][(14)]: sending ping. type: 3
2010-02-28 11:53:07.856722 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 26
2010-02-28 11:53:07.856722 [Debug][(14)]: sending ping. type: 27
2010-02-28 11:53:07.856722 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 26
2010-02-28 11:53:07.857723 [Debug][(14)]: sending ping. type: 27
2010-02-28 11:53:07.857723 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: onBWDone
2010-02-28 11:53:07.857723 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 0
2010-02-28 11:53:07.858723 [Debug][(14)]: server invoking <onBWDone>
2010-02-28 11:53:07.959728 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: _result
2010-02-28 11:53:07.959728 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 2
2010-02-28 11:53:07.959728 [Debug][(14)]: Property: NULL
2010-02-28 11:53:07.960728 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 1
2010-02-28 11:53:07.960728 [Debug][(14)]: server invoking <_result>
2010-02-28 11:53:07.960728 [Debug][(14)]: received result for method call <createStream>
2010-02-28 11:53:07.962729 [Debug][(14)]: invoking play 'MP4:13/V_38239_A7D8_aa81633_41723_16x9-lq-512x288-h264-c0_54ffbb7a395e40a11f5a8ec6019e812a.f4v'
2010-02-28 11:53:07.962729 [Debug][(14)]: sending ping. type: 3
2010-02-28 11:53:07.965729 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: _onbwcheck
2010-02-28 11:53:07.965729 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 2148092956
2010-02-28 11:53:07.965729 [Debug][(14)]: Property: NULL
2010-02-28 11:53:07.966729 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 0
2010-02-28 11:53:07.966729 [Debug][(14)]: server invoking <_onbwcheck>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.068735 [Debug][(14)]: received: chunk size change to 4096
2010-02-28 11:53:08.069735 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 4
2010-02-28 11:53:08.069735 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 0
2010-02-28 11:53:08.069735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: onStatus
2010-02-28 11:53:08.069735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 0
2010-02-28 11:53:08.070735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: NULL
2010-02-28 11:53:08.070735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.070735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: level, STRING: status
2010-02-28 11:53:08.070735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: code, STRING: NetStream.Play.Reset
2010-02-28 11:53:08.071735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: description, STRING: Playing and resetting 13/V_38239_A7D8_aa81633_41723_16x9-lq-512x288-h264-c0_54ffbb7a395e40a11f5a8ec6019e812a.f4v.
2010-02-28 11:53:08.071735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: details, STRING: 13/V_38239_A7D8_aa81633_41723_16x9-lq-512x288-h264-c0_54ffbb7a395e40a11f5a8ec6019e812a.f4v
2010-02-28 11:53:08.071735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: clientid, STRING: Pm7Ij0bn
2010-02-28 11:53:08.072735 [Debug][(14)]: server invoking <onStatus>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.073735 [Debug][(14)]: onStatus: code :NetStream.Play.Reset, level: status
2010-02-28 11:53:08.073735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: onStatus
2010-02-28 11:53:08.073735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 0
2010-02-28 11:53:08.074735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: NULL
2010-02-28 11:53:08.074735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.074735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: level, STRING: status
2010-02-28 11:53:08.075735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: code, STRING: NetStream.Play.Start
2010-02-28 11:53:08.075735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: description, STRING: Started playing 13/V_38239_A7D8_aa81633_41723_16x9-lq-512x288-h264-c0_54ffbb7a395e40a11f5a8ec6019e812a.f4v.
2010-02-28 11:53:08.075735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: details, STRING: 13/V_38239_A7D8_aa81633_41723_16x9-lq-512x288-h264-c0_54ffbb7a395e40a11f5a8ec6019e812a.f4v
2010-02-28 11:53:08.075735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: clientid, STRING: Pm7Ij0bn
2010-02-28 11:53:08.076735 [Debug][(14)]: server invoking <onStatus>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.076735 [Debug][(14)]: onStatus: code :NetStream.Play.Start, level: status
2010-02-28 11:53:08.081735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: |RtmpSampleAccess
2010-02-28 11:53:08.081735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , BOOLEAN: FALSE
2010-02-28 11:53:08.081735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: onStatus
2010-02-28 11:53:08.081735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.082735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: code, STRING: NetStream.Data.Start
2010-02-28 11:53:08.083735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: onMetaData
2010-02-28 11:53:08.083735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.083735 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: duration, NUMBER: 3375,322
2010-02-28 11:53:08.084736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: moovPosition, NUMBER: 40
2010-02-28 11:53:08.084736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: width, NUMBER: 512
2010-02-28 11:53:08.084736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: height, NUMBER: 288
2010-02-28 11:53:08.084736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: videocodecid, STRING: avc1
2010-02-28 11:53:08.085736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: audiocodecid, STRING: mp4a
2010-02-28 11:53:08.085736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: avcprofile, NUMBER: 77
2010-02-28 11:53:08.085736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: avclevel, NUMBER: 21
2010-02-28 11:53:08.085736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: aacaot, NUMBER: 2
2010-02-28 11:53:08.086736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: videoframerate, NUMBER: 25
2010-02-28 11:53:08.086736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: audiosamplerate, NUMBER: 44100
2010-02-28 11:53:08.086736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: audiochannels, NUMBER: 2
2010-02-28 11:53:08.086736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.087736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.087736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: length, NUMBER: 8438300
2010-02-28 11:53:08.087736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: timescale, NUMBER: 2500
2010-02-28 11:53:08.087736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.088736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.088736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: sampletype, STRING: avc1
2010-02-28 11:53:08.088736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.088736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: length, NUMBER: 8438300
2010-02-28 11:53:08.089736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: timescale, NUMBER: 2500
2010-02-28 11:53:08.089736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.089736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.089736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: length, NUMBER: 148851712
2010-02-28 11:53:08.090736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: timescale, NUMBER: 44100
2010-02-28 11:53:08.090736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.090736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: OBJECT ====>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.090736 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: sampletype, STRING: mp4a
2010-02-28 11:53:08.093736 [Debug][(14)]: Set duration: 3375,322
2010-02-28 11:53:08.093736 [Debug][(14)]: Set CombinedTracksLength: 165728312
2010-02-28 11:53:08.301748 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: _onbwcheck
2010-02-28 11:53:08.301748 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 2148092957
2010-02-28 11:53:08.301748 [Debug][(14)]: Property: NULL
2010-02-28 11:53:08.302748 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 1
2010-02-28 11:53:08.302748 [Debug][(14)]: server invoking <_onbwcheck>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.451757 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Added filter: ffdshow Video Decoder to graph
2010-02-28 11:53:08.529761 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 31
2010-02-28 11:53:08.531761 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Added filter: MPC - Video decoder to graph
2010-02-28 11:53:08.537761 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Added filter: ffdshow Audio Decoder to graph
2010-02-28 11:53:08.538761 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer Default DirectSound Device
2010-02-28 11:53:08.538761 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
2010-02-28 11:53:08.539762 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: added filterefault DirectSound Device to graph
2010-02-28 11:53:08.539762 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Filter: - try to connect: Output
2010-02-28 11:53:08.580764 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
2010-02-28 11:53:08.631767 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , STRING: _onbwcheck
2010-02-28 11:53:08.631767 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 2148092958
2010-02-28 11:53:08.631767 [Debug][(14)]: Property: NULL
2010-02-28 11:53:08.632767 [Debug][(14)]: Property: Name: , NUMBER: 2
2010-02-28 11:53:08.632767 [Debug][(14)]: server invoking <_onbwcheck>
2010-02-28 11:53:08.645768 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: MpcEngine: using texture size of 683x512
2010-02-28 11:53:08.771775 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayeruration:0
2010-02-28 11:53:08.776775 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.OnStarted() media:Video
2010-02-28 11:53:08.779775 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: OnlineVideos.GUIOnlineVideos deinit
2010-02-28 11:53:08.795776 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2010-02-28 11:53:08.833778 [Debug][(14)]: unknown datatype 12
2010-02-28 11:53:08.834778 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFullscreen init
2010-02-28 11:53:08.893782 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: xml:C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\Monochrome\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
2010-02-28 11:53:09.216800 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Loading AR modes from "movies" section...
2010-02-28 11:53:09.233801 [Debug][(26)]: PlaneScene: crop T, B : 0, 0
2010-02-28 11:53:09.233801 [Debug][(26)]: PlaneScene: crop L, R : 0, 0
2010-02-28 11:53:09.233801 [Info.][(26)]: PlaneScene: video WxH : 512x288
2010-02-28 11:53:09.233801 [Debug][(26)]: PlaneScene: video AR : 16:9
2010-02-28 11:53:09.234801 [Info.][(26)]: PlaneScene: screen WxH : 1024x688
2010-02-28 11:53:09.234801 [Debug][(26)]: PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
2010-02-28 11:53:09.234801 [Debug][(26)]: PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
2010-02-28 11:53:09.235801 [Debug][(26)]: PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(512,288)
2010-02-28 11:53:09.235801 [Debug][(26)]: PlaneScene: dst : (0,106)-(1024,682)
2010-02-28 11:53:09.290805 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Updating View State
2010-02-28 11:53:09.336807 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Hiding Search buttons
2010-02-28 11:53:09.357808 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9Helper: Playing -> Repainting, Frames 63
2010-02-28 11:53:09.381810 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Repainting -> Playing, Frames: 63
2010-02-28 11:53:09.733830 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 32
2010-02-28 11:53:09.950842 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 31
2010-02-28 11:53:11.150911 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 32
2010-02-28 11:53:11.253917 [Debug][(14)]: Send bytes report. (617855 bytes)
2010-02-28 11:53:11.357923 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 31
2010-02-28 11:53:12.557991 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 32
2010-02-28 12:38:12.751434 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 32
2010-02-28 12:38:12.957445 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 31
2010-02-28 12:38:13.131455 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer9: Cleanup DShow graph
2010-02-28 12:38:13.143456 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Dispose
2010-02-28 12:38:13.143456 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: SubtitleRenderer: starting cleanup
2010-02-28 12:38:13.144456 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: SubtitleRenderer: cleanup done
2010-02-28 12:38:13.144456 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: VMR9: Inactive
2010-02-28 12:38:13.146456 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: Default DirectSound Device
2010-02-28 12:38:13.146456 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: Enhanced Video Renderer
2010-02-28 12:38:13.146456 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: MONOGRAM AAC Decoder
2010-02-28 12:38:13.157457 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: MPC - Video decoder
2010-02-28 12:38:13.157457 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph: MPC - FLV Splitter (Gabest)
2010-02-28 12:38:13.158457 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Remove filter from graph:
2010-02-28 12:38:13.159457 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
2010-02-28 12:38:13.160457 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Process() player stopped...
2010-02-28 12:38:13.161457 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.OnEnded()
2010-02-28 12:38:13.164457 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: GUIVideoFiles: No LoadDirectory needed OnPlaybackEnded
2010-02-28 12:38:13.168457 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: VideoPlayer:ended
2010-02-28 12:38:13.173458 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Windowmanager: Goto previous window
2010-02-28 12:38:13.173458 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFullscreen deinit
2010-02-28 12:38:13.175458 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2010-02-28 12:38:13.178458 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Window: OnlineVideos.GUIOnlineVideos init
2010-02-28 12:38:13.178458 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: OnPageLoad. CurrentState:videos
2010-02-28 12:38:13.180458 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Updating View State
2010-02-28 12:38:13.181458 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: Hiding Search buttons
2010-02-28 12:38:14.057508 [Debug][(14)]: received: ping, type: 32
2010-02-28 12:38:14.181515 [Debug][(14)]: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
bei HybridDSP.Net.HTTP.HTTPServerSession.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
bei HybridDSP.Net.HTTP.ChunkedStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
bei RTMP_LIB.FLVStream.WriteFLV(RTMP rtmp, DataReadyHandler DataReady)
bei RTMP_LIB.RequestHandler.HandleRequest(HTTPServerRequest request, HTTPServerResponse response)
2010-02-28 12:38:14.182515 [Debug][(14)]: Request finished.
Habe gesehen, dass andere das Problem auch schon gepostet haben.
Bei mir funktionieren in den Mediatheken von SAT.1 / Pro7 nur ein Teil der Videos.
Wie bereits beschrieben Pastevka geht leider garnicht.
Hat jemand ne idee woran es liegt?
Windows 7 Ent X86
Online Videos 17
SAF 400RC1