- March 28, 2009
- 72
- 2
No idea how to watch a movie that shows the 'play' option.
I posted how earlier in the thread.
Yeah I'm not doing something right. I get the context menu to pop up, but it just says DVD Queue Management and has three options...
1 Move to 1st position
2 Remove from the queue
3 View Similar titles
Nothing that gives the option to play now.
I am still getting a lock-up in the skin when I try and choose 'Instant Queue', 'DVD's at Home', 'Rental History' or 'Recommendations' from the main menu - it seems that these options cannot find any data so it's getting stuck in a loop.
Ok yeah that was the problem, whenever there is no data for a list it locks up. Just went into my new Netflix account (they should pay you a referral fee lol, I wouldn't have gotten it were it not for your plugin) and set up my recommended list and added some movies to my instant queue and it is behaving much better. Now I just have to figure out how to control the movie from my imon remote.
Is there any way to start the movie in full screen automatically?
Further update...
This is looking good, some things I have noticed that you may already be aware of...
Keyboard shortcuts for the Netflix player only seem to work once you have used the mouse to get the player to go full screen, so being able to start the movie full screen would allow easier remote/keyboard functions for play/pause etc (unless of course I am doing something wrong which is highly likely lol)
I can only get the player to stop/close by pressing alt+F4 which returns me to the My Netflix but the plugin seems to have locked up again at this point and I am unable to navigate menus.
.net 2.0 sp2
.net 3.0 sp1
.net 3.5 sp1
Latest SVN of 1.0
2.9a My Netflix
Looking good so far though