[Original Thread] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support (4 Viewers)

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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    Absolutely I didn't mean to imply that this was a critical you need to fix it now kind of thing. Just from reading through the thread I didn't see any mention of intentions to change that graphic, only explaining what it really meant and that it was not interactive. I just wanted to make sure it was at least on the list of things to be done at some point. The plugin is looking to be coming along pretty nice and I would just hate to have more inexperienced users who do not read through forums to be turned off of your work by something so trivial.

    No worries, If I have time and its a great idea I dont mind doing an 'instant' fix. I think we would all agree that projects we work on here are much different than work. At work we spend months working on requirements and user acceptance, here we just shoot fromt the hip. As much as we try to 'think outside the box' and build a great app, its not always possible to know how other users will use an application or perceive how an application should work until they use it.

    On the topic of future things to come. I had an idea that would definitely make this plugin stand out from any netflix plugin on any platform. The ability to add titles to user defined groups. For example, both myself and my wife have a large number of titles in the instant queue at any given time (200+). It would be downright awesome if we could somehow separate these into say, mine, hers, and communal. Or however one might want to break it down. With this could come the ability to have an "internal" group where titles go when they are no longer available for instant play. Perhaps another where titles can be added that are not currently available for instant play, which would be moved to say, a "newly available" group should they become available. I am thinking it probably wouldn't be a huge task to implement something like this when it gets to the point where features can start to be added.

    This is a great idea! We could store the movie Id with the corrisponding user Id in the database and therefor could filter the movies by user. It would be easy to add to the context menu (Add to Instant for x User)...

    Keep the idea's coming.... :)

    Wile E.


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  • April 5, 2009
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    This plugin is fantastic! Thanks for al your work on it!!
    Installed very easily and came right up, reading through the post it looks like the following are being worked on, just wanted to make sure it was not a setting or option I was overlooking..
    1) full screen
    2) hide mouse
    3) other remote buttons like pause, ff, & rew.


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  • October 9, 2006
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    Thanks again for all the work on this plugin. I love having Netflix back in MP!

    I've noticed a very small problem with an obvious workaround, but I'm wondering if it can be handled in the code. Or maybe there's another setting that I'm missing.

    My problem is that the screensaver comes on after a couple minutes of NetFlix playback and I have to give some input to return to the video, then I have to re-maximize the video also. Obviously I can just set my screensaver to a longer interval, but I'd rather not push it all the way to 2.5 hours or something for those times when I'm not using Netflix. I know the internal video playback somehow tells the screensaver to stay away until video is stopped, so I'm wondering if there's a way to have this plugin do the same. Just disable screensaver until return to home screen or press stop or something. Or maybe there is a setting I need to adjust to make this work with the plugin the way it is.

    Either way, thanks again for the great plugin!


    New Member
    January 19, 2008
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    Everything works very good so far. I am glad some one has taken up the torch. The only issue I have seen is seeing the individual episode for the latest season of Numbers and NCIS. Other videos with individual episode seem to be working fine.


    Portal Member
    October 11, 2006
    Hey all I just installed this program and cant seem to get it to work...I have authorized it but nothing is displayed when I go into MP. Any ideas?


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    This plugin is fantastic! Thanks for al your work on it!!
    Installed very easily and came right up, reading through the post it looks like the following are being worked on, just wanted to make sure it was not a setting or option I was overlooking..
    1) full screen
    2) hide mouse
    3) other remote buttons like pause, ff, & rew.

    Thanks for the feedback Winterescape!

    Yes, those among quite a few other things are being worked on (Instant movie search, Integrated browser, etc...)

    Do you happen to use Girder or Event Ghost?

    I've noticed a very small problem with an obvious workaround, but I'm wondering if it can be handled in the code. Or maybe there's another setting that I'm missing.

    Thanks for the feedback dcwp! That is a great idea about the screensaver, I will include it in the list...

    Everything works very good so far. I am glad some one has taken up the torch. The only issue I have seen is seeing the individual episode for the latest season of Numbers and NCIS. Other videos with individual episode seem to be working fine.

    :D wschom, The next release should fix the NCIS issue. I tried it on my latest build and it worked okay.

    Hey all I just installed this program and cant seem to get it to work...I have authorized it but nothing is displayed when I go into MP. Any ideas?

    Hi Jarritos,
    Which skin are you using?


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    I am using StreamedMP and MP 1.0

    Hey Jarritos,
    Are you using the Basic Home page? If so, did you add the NetFlixMain.xml in the StreamedMP menu editor?

    Also, if you are using the regular Home page, the plugin defaults to the Plugin menu.

    Let me know if your problem persists...

    Wile E.

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