Outlook Mail Plugin (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 17, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
I believe RC4 broke this plugin?
At least now I can't get MP to show my any e-mail. Anybody can confirm this?

Nvm. Was to quick. Reinstalled it and it works fine again.


Portal Pro
March 10, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
joz puh, no work for me. It works here also, but the user settings gets deleted when installing RC 4 ... I should have used another folder for the settings. grrr.

@ rekenaar
sry for the late response, I tried the code for vb but I couldn't get it to work on the first try. (I tried a c# version from microsoft before, but just got errors. I don't like the dirty solution to start the send/receive event through the outlook menu bar.)
If you or anyone else get it to work, please send me a class file (and a description of the needed references), or add it to the svn :)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Canada Canada
    Is this plugin still supported? I am using Vista Ultimate RC1 with MP 1.0.2 and Outlook 2007. When I install and press the Configure Plugin button I get a message "File not Found". When I go into MP Configuration, all the options are greyed out and I can't enter anything. No error message in any log file I can find. Is it because my Outlook.pst is in MyDocuments instead of the usual location?

    EDIT: Sorry, got it, have to press the Create button first DUH! But i get the annoying message from Outlook that an external program is trying to access Outlook!


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands

    Get that too everytime, do the following (translated from dutch office, sorry)
    Go to extra -> pick securitycenter (or trustcenter literally translated). Pick the tab access on programming level, and then check the radio button called something like (it's the bottom one for me) "never warn me for suspicious activities".
    Then the annoying message should be gone. The weird thing is that outlook is supposed to be recognizing nod32 (my AV) but it never is. So this setting is the only way from keeping it from nagging.


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Canada Canada
    Thanks Joz, I use nod32 as well and Outlook is not recognizing it either. I did see that bottom option in Trust Center but Outlook says "Not recommended" so I was hesitant that it may cause security risks, but if you use it, I'll try it! :)


    Portal Pro
    March 10, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hey guys,

    yes I've still two essential things on my todo list for the plugin, besides cleanup, documentation, user friendlyness...

    Finally I found some promising code snippet (not that Outlook menu stuff) for the Send/Receive function and I'll try another way to read out the folder content which should be XX times faster then...

    Hopefully I'll understand my old code and both things will work. ;)

    Mhh something like an overlay info window for new E-Mail notification would be cool too. Has anyone code for this or does someone knows a plugin which has some notification window like this?


    Portal Pro
    March 10, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Thanks for the tips dakota_ii, but I've still no line coded yet :/

    Exchange is not working? Have you tried it? The plugin just uses the folders and items of outlook so until now I thought it would also work.
    I have no Exchange server here...

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