Parallel Port Power Control Plugin (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 20, 2006
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
No support for serial device at the moment. I don't know of any specific devices. If I could get hold of a USB or serial device I'd be happy to code for it. The parallel port is easy because it's TTL. It's easy to switch pins on or off.

But in saying that any relay device that is designed to work with the PC could easily be used and coded for since it would come with some code examples. Or at worst a wrapper could be writter for whatever software was included with the device.

The device from jaycar would work but from the looks of it, the relays look a bit small?? They may not be suitalbe for switching mains power. It's says 10amp but how many volts? Yes plug-in supports up to 8 devices.

Easiest way, bit more expensive tho is to use some solid state relays.

I have 4 of these conected directly to my parallel port. Mind you it only switches active. switching neutral and active would be ideal but then I would require 2 realys for each port!! That gets really expensive. Mind you I picked up my realys for NZ$ 5 each, ages ago, wish I'd bought more now! If it would help I can provide a circuit daigram of how to connect the relays and some photos of my device. I will alos look for a diagram on how to use standard relays( like the jaycar link you provided). If people find this plugin useful I'm happy to expand it in any way people want :)


New Member
January 13, 2007
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I see what you mean by the size of the relays I swear the the the 12v 4PDT relays I put into my xbox for the controller ports were a lot larger than that. I would prefer to use a larger relay due to the fact that I believe by using 240v would create a lot of heat buildup. The price of those relays only leave me to say ouch they are expensive. I wonder if these could be purchased for cheaper at, but since this is US based website they may only provide up to 110V support.

I think at Dans Hardware they stock a 100% compatible parrellel to usb converter, which supports all the data lines in a port not in like some converters which dont. I had this problem when trying to hook up a programer via usb to serial once then I found out they only support up to so many channels, so I had to go purchase another one for it to work to support my pic and avr programmer, and it worked brilliantly.

If you are able to send those pictures and diagrams that would be sweet. I think I might have some spare blank pcb to start ethcing the the circuit board today.


Portal Member
November 4, 2006
Hi Rhys.Goodwin.
You'd a great idea and now, to use it, I've some questions:

- Have you got a schema of pins? (Is it right to use pins 2 to 9 like positive pole and pin 25 like negative pole?)
- The output power of LPT port is 5V and how many Amperès? Anyway Is it possible control directly a 6V relay?
- Is it possible to make output like an impulse using a timer? (Because I have to activate relay just for a second)

Thank you very much!!!



Portal Pro
November 20, 2006
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
-Yes pins 2 through 9 are correct. and use any other ground pin (25 is good)

-I would definatly not suggest running a realy straight of the prarllel port! Even a small one! the realy is a coil, when the electro-magnetic field collapses when your turn the realy off it will dump a spike of power into your parallel port! I think that's what will happen anyway! (I'm an electronics engineer, not even close!)

-Yes you can make it pulse, I have run a stepper motor off the parallel port pulsing it quite fast. (Of course you would need different software other than media portal plug-in) If you tell me what you're trying to do then maybe I can help?

-Here is a basic circuit for driving a relay. It might look complex if you're not used to electronics, but give it a go! you really need some thing like this for driving off the parallel port, there just isn't enough current. (Remember these are data pins designed for signalling!)

Here is a circuit and some info on driving a stpper motor. could be used to drive realy too. It's better coz it uses a darlington array IC. makes things a bit more simple; rather than having a seperate transistor for each pin.

Also have a look at these circuits, especially the second and thrid ones, they look really good and simple too. Note the optical isolator, this means that the higher voltage/current are not connected directly to your parallel port, only trigged by light!

I'l try to get some photos of my solid state relay box soon,
don't have a camera at the moment.


Portal Member
November 4, 2006
Thank you.

My idea is to use your plugin to get on lights of my room that already has relay circuit (made by electrician). I just want to get an impulse to send lamp relay.

So, in the end, I've to made a circuit with a transistor and a relay for every lamp that I want to get on? Or there's just a relay that include transistor?
Sorry for my inexperience but I'm a student of mechanical engineer and electronic is a strange world for me).


Portal Member
November 4, 2006
I tried to make a think is alright??

But pin 25 where I've to plug?

Really thank you for your time..:D


Portal Pro
November 20, 2006
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
There we 25 goes to ground. This looks like it should work. But I also don't know enough about this subject to comment. did you get this circuit from someone or an internet site that had tried it or knew what they were talking about?

You will need one of theses circuits for each "channel" you want to control.

When you get it working let me know how you want the software to work and I can modify it for you. :)

Good luck! And I take no resonisibilty if you blow up your parallel port or PC! Do you have an old PC you can test with or an old PCI parallel port card?

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