Please help me with IRSS Learning/Blasting problems. (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 5, 2012
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United States of America United States of America
nor do i have a programdata folder inside c:, lol wait, oddly enough tho i went to the irss folder in start
then all programs i see the log folder, i open it and the path is C\programdat\irss\logs, yet i dont see the
programdata folder in c when i go to it in my computer. ?????????????? here r my logs[DOUBLEPOST=1368141947][/DOUBLEPOST]i found the ircommands folder, its empty, i had learned the codes for my stb remote using translator but deleted them when i decided to try and relearn them, what shall i do now?


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  • October 12, 2008
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    In the IRSS configuration, do you have just the MCE device selected for input and output? I see references to Hauppauge IR stuff in the logs.



    Portal Pro
    October 5, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America
    yes i do have just the wmc stuff checked, but still havent figured out y when i hit learn when in the ir commands tab it fails immediately before i even get to press a button on my stb remote and point it at the ir receiver


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  • October 12, 2008
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    Ya, I'm trying to figure that out too. The logs weren't much help actually.

    2013-05-08 21:53:32.945600 [Debug][GenericPCQueue]: Received Message "LearnIR"
    2013-05-08 21:53:32.945600 [Error][GenericPCQueue]: Failed to learn IR command

    Maybe try to unplug the MCE device from the USB port... give it a few seconds... and then plug it back in...

    Or maybe a reboot?[DOUBLEPOST=1368149595][/DOUBLEPOST]Actually... after doing the unplug/reboot things... if things don't work... try this:

    launch the Debug Client.
    Hit "Connect"
    The window in that tool tells you want devices are registered on that IRSS server... post the result.


    Portal Pro
    October 5, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America
    ok, thanks alot, ill try these and report back quickly[DOUBLEPOST=1368150478][/DOUBLEPOST]i unplugged the ir receiver, and restarted, still failed to learn ir immediately, when i open debug client and hit connect i get this in the status window

    received message event notify
    philips mce usb ir receiver spinel plus 14058401
    philips mce usb ir receiverr spinel plus 0482d8ba08002c05

    these just keep repeating, so what does all this mean?[DOUBLEPOST=1368150648][/DOUBLEPOST]when i hit learn in debug client a message shows up saying irss isnt setup to support learnnig. ?????????????


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  • October 12, 2008
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    hmmmm... looks like the server is confused about the device.... it should read one line that it has a receiver and one line that has a transmitter.

    Ya, it's confused.... I would unplug the USB again... go to control panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager... Uninstall the MCE device if it's there... then plug it back it. This is trying to get the device re-detected by windoze so IRSS can properly detect it... once this is done, try the debug client again.

    Anyone with an MCE device know how to uninstall it so it will get detected properly?


    Portal Pro
    October 5, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America
    ok ill give this a try, thaks soooooooooooooooooo much man, ive been trying to get my hauppauge colossus setup with my wmc remote for 8 months[DOUBLEPOST=1368151841][/DOUBLEPOST]i was able to uninstall it and plugged it back in, now in device manager it says microsoft ehome infrared transceiver , and in debug client i hit connect and it says

    received message registerclient response success

    im going to try and learn the ir codes in translator now, i assume this is what i should do[DOUBLEPOST=1368151905][/DOUBLEPOST]just tried to learn codes in translator in the ir commands tab again and its still failing right away


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  • October 12, 2008
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    Good stuff... some success, believe it or not :)

    After it's successfully detected by Windows, you need to restart the IRSS, I think... You can do that by opening up hte IRSS config, checking and unchecking something and clicking OK... it will prompt you to restart the server... say OK.

    See if the Debug client gives you more info...

    The response you showed means the debug client just connected to the server, but the server doesn't know about any device.


    Portal Member
    January 25, 2008
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    ok ill give this a try, thaks soooooooooooooooooo much man, ive been trying to get my hauppauge colossus setup with my wmc remote for 8 months[DOUBLEPOST=1368151841][/DOUBLEPOST]i was able to uninstall it and plugged it back in, now in device manager it says microsoft ehome infrared transceiver , and in debug client i hit connect and it says

    received message registerclient response success

    im going to try and learn the ir codes in translator now, i assume this is what i should do[DOUBLEPOST=1368151905][/DOUBLEPOST]just tried to learn codes in translator in the ir commands tab again and its still failing right away

    In translator under setting do you have localhost selected as server? If not set to local host and try again.


    Portal Pro
    October 5, 2012
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    ok now in debug it says
    received message registerclient response success
    received message activereceiver response
    microsoft mce

    but when i go to translator and the ir commands tab it still fails right away when i click learn

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