[plugin] IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
November 7, 2009
Home Country
Hungary Hungary
Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

Hey, Wile E!

As I see, counter is good now.

But there is a serious issue with the POP3 part.
I delete the database and then I set up an account. First time I start MP, plugin downloads the emails.
Some emails have no sender. I close MP, run it again and I see for example +30 new mails,
all of them are duplication of the previously downloaded emails. Some of them have sender, most of them don't.
I think version 0.8 doesn't have this issue but I don't have it anymore. Can you put it back or send me? Thx!


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  • October 14, 2008
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    Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

    Hey, Wile E!

    As I see, counter is good now.

    But there is a serious issue with the POP3 part.
    I delete the database and then I set up an account. First time I start MP, plugin downloads the emails.
    Some emails have no sender. I close MP, run it again and I see for example +30 new mails,
    all of them are duplication of the previously downloaded emails. Some of them have sender, most of them don't.
    I think version 0.8 doesn't have this issue but I don't have it anymore. Can you put it back or send me? Thx!

    Hmmm.... This is interesting. I have not done anything with the email processor since versions 7. I will go back and check to see what changed from version 8 to version 9. I wasnt sure if you wanted 8 or 8a, so I uploaded them both.

    Could you do me a little favor, and let me know which emails dont have senders? Also, is just the sender missing? The Subject, From and Body are okay? Maybe post a couple of screenshots with the bad & the good?

    Wile E.


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2009
    Home Country
    Hungary Hungary
    Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

    Could you do me a little favor, and let me know which emails dont have senders?

    It's totally random. If I have a message OK, next time I delete the db and set it up again, it could be wrong.
    I set up the plugin, got 250 messages, 25 of them doesn't have sender.
    Next time I start it over, got 247 messages, 7 of them are partially stripped. And so on...

    And when I exit MP and run it again, plugin gets 20-40 messages again, mostly stripped somehow,
    but all are duobles. And, of course, dates are totally mixed.
    And every time I start MP, another 20-40 messages get duplicated.

    Also, is just the sender missing? The Subject, From and Body are okay?
    Mostly only the sender is missing, but I see some messages with no sender nor subject, but body is OK.
    This time in the left side SENDER displayed as #detailfrom.

    Now 0.8 has this issue too here.
    BUT. I don't remember if I had this issue early at home where I use this same OS, MP, SVN on HTPC nor on PC with different OS, SVN. On both computers I use 0.8a for days. I'll be at home soon and I will check these things again.

    This screen shows an old issue too. This is an invalid message, I have it correctly encoded.

    EDIT - Now I'm at home. Guess what! Everything's fine :)
    I installed 0.9b, there are no messages without sender, no invalid mails, no duplications after several restarts.
    It's strange, because I use the same win7, even installed from the same dvd (only this one is not yet activated).

    Ok, let's go ahead. The front end part now looks error free, so I suggest you to review the text labels.
    The terms are not the same for imap and pop parts. I mean for example mark message as read vs mark as read :)

    But that what causes the above issues on the other computer... I have no idea.


    • Untitled.jpg
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  • June 3, 2009
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    Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

    Installed 0.9b

    I use the installer this time.
    So to answer the first question... if you placed VRM's skin file in the installer, then I use the same.
    With the older versions I replaced the file myself. (by the version posted by VRM).

    The first check is positive! screens refresh as they should, counters count correct.
    I did not remove the old database, and do not see the problems VRM has with pop3.

    But the other main problem is still there.
    At first it looks like this: No mailcounter showing, but new 'unread'emails present!
    mailcount not there.jpg

    Than I select the first 'unread' mail! The mail counter now appears, showing I have -1 unread mails.
    I select the same message to be unread again. Mailcount change to 0. But as you can see I have a lot unread mails.
    mailcount 0.jpg

    I reboot MP (no change)
    I reboot PC complete (no change)

    I send myself an email called "activate mailcount".
    Now I reboot MP with one email waiting on the pop3 server,... and voila now it shows the right count.
    mailcount is back.jpg

    Perhaps it has something to do with standby and resume. I use S3 and only powerscedular switches the HTPC on/off.

    I can not understand that this happes only to mine HTPC:confused:


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2009
    Home Country
    Hungary Hungary
    Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

    I can not understand that this happes only to mine HTPC:confused:

    It's only because you're still ignoring what I said before: when you start MP, plugin needs some time to synchronize the pop3 messages. More messages - more time. My mailbox have ~250 messages, it takes about 2 minutes for me every time, becaue it's not really about to synchronize but it downloads all the messages all the time when you start MP.
    And it looks like it doesn't depend on lan speed.

    I can reproduce your issue anytime, but I do know about this delay.
    I start MP and until the x unread message(s) hadn't appeared, I just don't want to check them :)

    While imap doesn't have this issue. You can set gmail to collect all your messages from all your accounts and you can set up only an IMAP acc for MP.

    I see you have flipped the background image. It fits better this way, I like that and already applied :D


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  • June 3, 2009
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    Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

    It's only because you're still ignoring what I said before: when you start MP, plugin needs some time to synchronize the pop3 messages. More messages - more time. My mailbox have ~250 messages, it takes about 2 minutes for me every time, becaue it's not really about to synchronize but it downloads all the messages all the time when you start MP.
    And it looks like it doesn't depend on lan speed.

    :sorry:, but I'm not ignoring you. It has nothing to do with time. Even if I wait an hour it will not show.
    But I think I know what the diferance is.
    My mailbox is alway's empty when I'm done. I use Outlook to collect/ archive my emails. So if I connect with my PC and Outlook, there are no emails on the pop3 server left.

    Email manager wil check on every start of the plugin you say.
    So the bug is that if at startup the mailcount on the server is empty...the tool wil not startup or function!
    There has to be at least "1" email on the server. That's not like it should be I think.

    Perhaps Wile E. knows where to look now.;)

    And you are right, I flipped the image. Totaly forgot to tell. But indeed I like it better this way in StreamedMP.


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2009
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    Hungary Hungary
    Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

    fmulders;563522But I think I know what the diferance is. My mailbox is alway's empty when I'm done. I use Outlook to collect/ archive my emails. So if I connect with my PC and Outlook said:
    So the bug is that if at startup the mailcount on the server is empty...the tool wil not startup or function![/B]
    There has to be at least "1" email on the server. That's not like it should be I think.

    Yeah, I can confirm this. I've just set up an acc with empty mailbox and now I don't have the status message anymore.
    I experience the negative number of unread messages too.

    Well done! Let's see if Wile E can do anything about it.

    Until then, perhaps you can configure outlook to leave a copy of messages on the pop server.
    I always do that.


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  • October 14, 2008
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    Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

    Okay, so to be clear :)

    - All the issues you (VRM) were having with the POP account(s) are now okay?
    - If you have an IMAP account set up in MP AND in Outlook, if you read the message in Outlook its not automatically updating in MP?
    - Change verbiage to be consistent between IMAP and POP :)


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2009
    Home Country
    Hungary Hungary
    Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

    Okay, so to be clear :)

    - All the issues you (VRM) were having with the POP account(s) are now okay?
    - If you have an IMAP account set up in MP AND in Outlook, if you read the message in Outlook its not automatically updating in MP?
    - Change verbiage to be consistent between IMAP and POP :)

    The pop issues don't appear on my HTPC.

    We had never problem with imap, i think :)

    But fmulders' issue is really real. When pop mailbox is empty when you start MP, plugin doesn't work well: no status message and counter doesn't know how/what to count.

    If you can, please change the way how plugin start. It should be deal with the database first (status message should reflect the current status) and then connect to the pop mailbox to check for new messages. This should eliminate the delay problem.

    And, again, imap needs mark all as read option.


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    Re: [plugin] NEW IMAP & Pop3 Email Manager

    Okay, for puposes of a TEST ONLY, I have attached a new eMail.dll file. Please delete your old email.db3 database before testing this new dll file.

    I have comletely refactored the POP message retrieval. Please test with these steps...

    1. Delete old email.db3 database
    2. Copy new dll to plugins->Windows folder.
    3. Configure your POP3 account in MP.
    4. Open MP and wait for the (n) Unread EMails message (Note: it could take a few minutes for the inital 'get' of POP messages.)
    5. Close MP.
    6. Open MP and see if the message immediately shows amount of unread emails (and icon is shown if applicable.)

    What has changed with this new version?
    - First time MP is opened after POP configuration it retrieves ALL messages.
    - On subsiquent 'gets', it gets a message count from the server and works its way through messages. It will add new messages in the database, checking existing messages as it goes along. Once it hits the first message that has a match in the database it stops. (Im making an assumption that all messages after the first 'match' have already been downloaded.)
    - I was storing the message date as a string in the database, and now it stores it as a DateTime (which it should have been originally.) The reason for this change is the way POP messages are retrieved. When I get message id's from the server I have to work my way backwards through the list in order to get the newest messages first. With this change the messages are no longer stored chronologically in the database, so I have to sort the messages before display, hence the need to change the field to a DateTime.

    This change will result in MUCH, MUCH quicker message retrieval and display. Like VRM, my get times for my POP account was around a minute or so, with this change it takes less than 10 seconds.

    Test it out and leave feedback...

    Wile E.

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