PowerScheduler++ 1.4.0.x - Stable versions for MediaPortal 1.4 (7 Viewers)


Portal Pro
November 30, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany
1) I have a singleseat/server running 1.3.0 with I have PS++ configured to standby after 15 minutes (PS++ forcibly shuts down/standbys the system), but it does not seem to honour this, instead it standbys after five minutes.
I am not sure, but from the log messages I think that you are running an older version of PS++ on your single-seat system too. It would be worth updating it and see if the bug remains. If so, I need the full tv.log showing the (re)start of the tvserver, so that I can see the configured values.
There should be not path problem with PS(++), but I will check this when I am at home again (now beeig abroad I have no access to my development system). And I will then also check the chances for your feature request.



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  • April 15, 2007
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    S5 is power off (soft off) and you cannot wakeup automatically from S5. So I think it is no big loss that PS++ cannot shutdown the PC any longer.
    My recommendation for power saving mode is using S3 (suspend to RAM). S4 (hibernate - suspend to disc) does not cooperate well with away mode, since all user actions mapped to S4 will not result in away mode (if necessary), but will hibernate the system.

    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for the quick response! Yes, of course S5 is power off, but my mainboard claims to support both wake on clock and wake on LAN (WOL) from S5. I haven't yet tested WOL, but I can confirm that wake on clock works, so I would prefer to use S5 rather than S3 and save power while waiting for a recording to start. S4 is out of the question for me, because the hibernate file would take up half of my SSD. Furthermore, my system shuts down almost instantly if I use S5, and it took several minutes with S4, even when I only had 4 GB RAM. Since the S5 support already existed in, why not continue to make it available?
    Of course, I also understand that the loss of support for this feature in 1.3.0 results from a redesign of other modules in MP, which is why I asked where I should post this request. I would like to at least raise a flag before 1.3.0 goes into beta.
    Thanks for all your work on this plugin!


    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Since the S5 support already existed in, why not continue to make it available? Of course, I also understand that the loss of support for this feature in 1.3.0 results from a redesign of other modules in MP, which is why I asked where I should post this request. I would like to at least raise a flag before 1.3.0 goes into beta.
    The incompatibility of S5 sleep mode has always been there, it is no "feature" of MP 1.3. In former versions of PS++ I violated MP interface definitions to allow "shutdown" sleep mode (and it worked well in most cases...). You could ask the MP developers team to modify the respective enumeration in the IPowerSettings interface, but that would mean that each implementation of the interface must then support the "shutdown" sleep mode. The other idea would be to extend the interface definition, which I could do on my own, since I provide my own PowerSchedulerInterfaces library with PS++. I will think about it when I am home again.

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    Retired Team Member
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  • May 5, 2009
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    I have a scenario that I think PowerScheduler++ might help with (with some adaptation). I was wondering if you might consider adding it to the plugin.

    I use my MP Server as a file server for the house. If I ever want to access the data from a non-MP computer, I use a WOL magic packet to wake up the server, however unless I am copying large amounts of data the MP Server goes back to sleep after 5 minutes (causing me no end of grief if I have a file open).

    Would it be possible to have an option in PS++ where the user can enter a list of IP addresses. PS++ could then ping each of those IP addresses in turn (say, once every minute), and only when ALL of the IP addresses are off-line for 5 mins will PS++ allow the server go back to sleep.

    What do you think? Useful? Possible?




    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I have the same configuration at home (Window Home Server) and I configured the server to wakeup on every packet on the network (not only WOL) addressed to it, which is working very well. You can also enter the accessed shares for all your PCs in the shares tab in PS++ which will prevent open files from hanging.



    MP Donator
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  • July 12, 2011
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    Would it be possible to have an option in PS++ where the user can enter a list of IP addresses. PS++ could then ping each of those IP addresses in turn (say, once every minute), and only when ALL of the IP addresses are off-line for 5 mins will PS++ allow the server go back to sleep.
    I had a similar problem once with a device which needed the server to be online but wouldn't open any windows share and didn't generate much lan traffic either. I used a script to ping the device and to switch the active power scheme to prevent standby:
    @echo off
    powercfg -getactivescheme | find /i "Ausbalanciert" && (goto OffLoop)
    powercfg -setactive 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e
    ping -n 1 -w 5000 | find /i "TTL" && (goto Online)
    timeout /T 60 /nobreak
    goto OffLoop
    powercfg -setactive 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c
    timeout /T 300 /nobreak
    ping -n 1 -w 5000 | find /i "TTL" && (goto OnLoop)
    powercfg -setactive 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e
    goto OffLoop
    Of course you would have to adapt the power schemes to your needs (I utilized "Balanced" and "High performance") and adapt the GUID (check with "powercfg -list" in a command prompt).
    Maybe it helps ;)

    P.S.: This will only work if PS++ won't force standby and let Windows handle everything.
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    Retired Team Member
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  • May 5, 2009
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    Thanks chaps.

    Waking up the server on any network activity might not be ideal, because it would pick up data from my iPhone checking email and the server will always be on (the iPhone would be excluded from the IP list in the suggestion I came up with).

    The batch file would probably work - I suppose it is the same solution as my suggestion, but using a separate script rather than integrating it with MP. I will give it a go.




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  • May 14, 2007
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    Very strange behaviour ... since I rebuild the HTPC from the scratch some time ago when sending it to sleep it immediatly wakes up again - you can do this 3 or 4 times before it really stays of. Also the 30 minutes inactive shutdown does not seem to work. I have attched the logs of the day - maybe you can see an issue - I couldnt identify why it's starting up again ...

    at the end of the Log you should see it.


    • MP.rar
      19.3 KB
    • TV.rar
      179.6 KB
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    Portal Pro
    October 10, 2012
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi there

    I have a couple of questions regarding sleep mode. Set it up on both server (HTPC) and client side yesterday. WOrks well when I physically put the computers to sleep by pressing the sleep button however a few issues mainly on client side. When client side is in home screen and media portal has just been opened, the computer will sleep properly but this morning I had a scheduled restart. I woke up 4 hours later and turned my tv on and noticed the computer (client) was in Away mode rather than full sleep. Last night I was watching a recording before I went to bed & I physically put the computer to sleep. Sleep timers are set at 60minutes.

    To check that sleep was working properly I closed MP and set the sleep timer to 1minute. Sleep worked fine and computer went to sleep. Then I opened MP and didnt touch anything just left it at home screen, again computer went to sleep. Now I started to watch a live tv channel and then pressed the home button. The tv channel was still showing in the corner in the little box but it was on the home screen. SHould the computer now not go to sleep after 1 minute as long as it is at the home screen even if a tv channel is displayed? After 4 minutes (sleep timer set to 1minute for the test) it was still awake.

    I then restarted the client side and reset the sleep timers back to 60 minutes for my test to see if it will sleep with MP just opened for the first time but doing nothing.. I checked server side downstairs this was also in away mode which I can understand because the client side was streaming tv from it not so long ago. However since the client was rebooted the client is sat at the home screen doing nothing and on the server side in TV server config for PowerScheduler++ it says RemoteClient is preventing sleep? Why would this happen if the client is not doing anything but sat at the home screen would it not just lose its connection from the server?

    So questions are why did the client not go back to sleep and only enter away mode after the reboot at 6am (sleep timers at 60mins and was in away mode at 11am)? Also why does it not enter sleep mode if I press the home button and the preview tv window is in the bottom corner still - only seems to enter sleep mode if I have just opened MP for the first time & not touched it? Maybe I am misunderstanding the behaviour of the client and the server side?

    If someone could shed some light on this then I would be greatful.

    Thank you.
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    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Very strange behaviour ...
    From the PS++ logs provided I cannot tell why your system wakes up; you have to look into the system event log in which the reason for every wakeup / resume is logged. Or you call "powercfg /lastwake" after the unexpected wakeup.

    I have a couple of questions...
    Please provide system info (software versions, single-seat / remote client, MP configuration ...), then describe your problem(s) one by one and send full logs for each situation. See on first post how to create logs.

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