PowerScheduler++ test versions (3 Viewers)


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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
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    Re: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 RC

    When you install 1.2.0 Final it overwrites the PowerScheduler++ with the standard PowerScheduler files, so you need to re-install the PowerScheduler++ plugin even if you are only doing an upgrade from 1.2.0 RC to Final.

    Ahhhhh that explains it!!



    Portal Pro
    January 19, 2011
    Trier, Germany
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    Re: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 RC


    do you know some compatibility problems with some plugin?
    Yesterday evening and today before going to work I saw that my HTPC isn't hibernating anymore.
    I've installed 1.2.0 on release day and I suppose it is since this day.

    Sorry for not adding logs but I'm at work at the moment. They will be added this evening.

    I watched into the logs and saw that there is no issue preventing the htpc to hibernate from TV-Server side.
    He wrote something like the following into the logs while running with MP Client opened:

    Prevent hibernate because of network activity: false
    Prevent hibernate because of processes: false

    Every prevention is false, so he should hibernate but he doesn't.

    Than I tried to let him hibernate with MP Client closed and it worked.

    Than I tried to let him hibernate with MP Client opened in debug mode and it worked.

    Than I tried to let him hibernate with MP Client opened without debug mode but with all plugins deactivated and it DIDN'T work.

    That is some kind of behavior which I have never seen.
    Do you have some ideas what I could try next? It's really confusing me.

    This evening I will also attach some logs.



    MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
    Home Country
    Wales Wales
    Re: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 RC


    do you know some compatibility problems with some plugin?
    Yesterday evening and today before going to work I saw that my HTPC isn't hibernating anymore.
    I've installed 1.2.0 on release day and I suppose it is since this day.

    Sorry for not adding logs but I'm at work at the moment. They will be added this evening.

    I watched into the logs and saw that there is no issue preventing the htpc to hibernate from TV-Server side.
    He wrote something like the following into the logs while running with MP Client opened:

    Prevent hibernate because of network activity: false
    Prevent hibernate because of processes: false

    Every prevention is false, so he should hibernate but he doesn't.

    Than I tried to let him hibernate with MP Client closed and it worked.

    Than I tried to let him hibernate with MP Client opened in debug mode and it worked.

    Than I tried to let him hibernate with MP Client opened without debug mode but with all plugins deactivated and it DIDN'T work.

    That is some kind of behavior which I have never seen.
    Do you have some ideas what I could try next? It's really confusing me.

    This evening I will also attach some logs.


    See my post above - did you remember to reinstll PowerScheduler++ after upgrading to 1.2, easy thing to forget!


    Portal Pro
    January 19, 2011
    Trier, Germany
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    Germany Germany
    Re: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 RC

    Thx 4 the fast reply.

    No I haven't forgotten to reinstall it.
    It was the first thing I saw when I checked my configuration :)

    I stopped the TV Server.
    Reinstalled PowerScheduler (he said:"Release is for rc only)
    And restarted the TV Server again.

    hmmm I reinstalled it two times now. First time without a reboot BEFORE installation. After that it didn't work.
    Than I completely stopped the TV Server Service (disabled it completely in Windows), rebooted Windows, installed PowerScheduler, rebooted, configured and now it works. :)

    Love your plugin :)


    MP Donator
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  • February 4, 2011
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    AW: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 RC

    Good morning guys, I'm having a problem.

    I configured ps++ for the S4 on a single seat setup. The system is to enter S4 only when on home screen.
    Last night I triggered ps++ to wake and reboot my system but found the system still running this morning.
    I turned on the tv and saw mp running in tv guide. This is my default setup and therefore nothing special.
    But is that the reason for the system not to hibernate?
    Because when got woken for a tv recording it isn't in home screen as well but will hibernate after the recording is finished....




    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    AW: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 RC

    PS++ will definitifely not go to standby if you have configured "Standby only on home screen" and the MP client is running and is not on home screen. Why it worked when recording tv is not clear to me - to check it I would need logs.


    BTW: Be careful with S4, because all user actions mapped to S4 will not enter away mode if necessary (e.g. active recording), but always enter S4. Considering this you could use S4 for all automatically triggered standbys and S3 for all user actions. Nethertheless I recommend using only S3 (hybrid sleep) for Vista / Win7.


    MP Donator
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  • February 4, 2011
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    AW: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 RC

    I know that S4 and away mode don't fit together and that entering S4 kills all present recordings.
    Thats why I don't actually switch off the computer but zap to home screen and wait until ps++ enters S4. This way I can use S4
    without loosing the ability to "switch off" my computer when recordings are beeing made and without using S3 which I don't want to.
    It may just be a personal preference but I don't want my system standing by all the time especially when not using it for several days in a row.
    So I figured out how to work around this problem. Only thing I have to solve now is the reboot issue.



    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Future PowerScheduler++ Test Versions for MP 1.3

    Since MediaPortal 1.2.0 final is released now, I will make a stable version (PowerScheduler++ 1.2.0) out of the latest test version as soon as possible and put it on the PowerScheduler++ homepage. In the meantime you can use PowerScheduler++ 1.8.0 for Mediaportal 1.2.0 final.

    This test thread will then continue with a new alpha version of a PowerScheduler++ targeted for Mediaportal 1.3. It will provide a new GUI that will simplify the configuration of a HTPC's standby and wakeup functionality and will also set the Windows power options to some reasonable values (depending on the selected profile). The other side of the coin is that some "legacy" options will be dropped out (e.g. no more "Allowed standby hours") and PowerScheduler++ will completely rely on Windows when going to standby (no more "PowerScheduler++ forces system to go to standby when idle" option). Moreover I am intending to overcome the functional difference between local clients (single-seat) and remote clients, but this is definitifely experimental and will need a lot of testing...
    If you have wishes or comments for the new alpha version, I will be glad to hear your ideas.



    Portal Member
    August 31, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 RC and final

    Hi !

    First of all .. PS++ runs great. I had several problems using the normal PS. But now all is fine.

    But I have a question about using MePo / PS++ and a recording schedule ...

    So what will happen if I setup a recording schedule, exit MePo, end the TV Server and send the computer to Sleep (S3).
    Will the computer wakeup for the schedule or not?

    Or in other words ... Are schedules deleted if you close the TV Server before the computer goes to sleep mode ?

    Greetz Dominik

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