AW: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 RC and final
Hey Dominik,
this is exactly the topic I am concerned about, too.
I have several problems with waking up from S3 which was executed by PS++ automatic-idling-function and also via
the MePo Menu...
I made now a lot of test-runs and also wrote a batch which is showing if there are timers for waking up written into the
bios / cmos.
As long as TV-Service is running the timers are existing, if I am going to stop the service manually timers are gone, no waking up for recording far so good...
"My Problem":
If PS++ is sending my system into S3, the TV-Service is getting killed / stopped - no wake up!
Maybe PS++ and MePo are "too fast" within sending system to S3(?)
If I am going to exit manually from MePo the TvService is still running / Timers are existing - but then the automatic idling function of PS++ is not working any more...
I have not tested with the most actual version of PS++ but I will do soon...
if there would be a function implemented into PS++ which gives the user the option and the possibility to enable and define something like:
- return to homescreen before S3/S4
- stop live tv before S3/S4
- exit MePo before S3/S4
- Pause between steps before S3/S4 = xxxx ms
- "keep tv-service alive" before S3/S4
- stop / start / restart tv-Service.exe when reactivating / resuming system (just to make sure to have a "clear" service)
- Pause between steps before reactivating / resuming = xxxx ms would be more than great
(I think that would be a good solution for waking up problems)
Hey Dominik,
this is exactly the topic I am concerned about, too.
I have several problems with waking up from S3 which was executed by PS++ automatic-idling-function and also via
the MePo Menu...
I made now a lot of test-runs and also wrote a batch which is showing if there are timers for waking up written into the
bios / cmos.
As long as TV-Service is running the timers are existing, if I am going to stop the service manually timers are gone, no waking up for recording far so good...
"My Problem":
If PS++ is sending my system into S3, the TV-Service is getting killed / stopped - no wake up!
Maybe PS++ and MePo are "too fast" within sending system to S3(?)
If I am going to exit manually from MePo the TvService is still running / Timers are existing - but then the automatic idling function of PS++ is not working any more...
I have not tested with the most actual version of PS++ but I will do soon...
if there would be a function implemented into PS++ which gives the user the option and the possibility to enable and define something like:
- return to homescreen before S3/S4
- stop live tv before S3/S4
- exit MePo before S3/S4
- Pause between steps before S3/S4 = xxxx ms
- "keep tv-service alive" before S3/S4
- stop / start / restart tv-Service.exe when reactivating / resuming system (just to make sure to have a "clear" service)
- Pause between steps before reactivating / resuming = xxxx ms would be more than great
(I think that would be a good solution for waking up problems)