Stopped tv and started again
wait some time
first attempt
skip back for 30 sec do nothing, continue from end
second attempt
pressing back button gui shows wrong values( end instead of -15 or -30 etc) playing continue from end of timeshift
third attempt
step back works as expected (looking past of timeshift)
log3(consists log 2):
looking some time of tv and then trying to go back more (looking past currently) droped me to the end of timeshift.
In addition to what Spragleknas already mentioned:
It is very important for us that you post all logs, which means that we need the logs from server and client. Also client and server should have the same time (or almost the same time).
glad that this one has found its way into the bug list. I have to apologize for my poor feedback style - very little time myself and almost 24/7 operation of Mediaportal by my family