PureVisionHD 1080 (12 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    Remote users normally have a button assigned to switch between Fullscreen and GUI, whilst keyboard users can press X. I don't have any experience with touchscreen, but I assume such users just touch the area and don't need to navigate right as such, but even if they do I don't think that justifies making the interface so problematic for the remote/keyboard users (who I'm sure must be the majority).
    Well, that´s a good point! Maybe I "overdesigned" the possibility to jump right when video/music details are shown. Let me think about removing this navigation possibility ;)


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Re: AW: Re: AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    Remote users normally have a button assigned to switch between Fullscreen and GUI, whilst keyboard users can press X. I don't have any experience with touchscreen, but I assume such users just touch the area and don't need to navigate right as such, but even if they do I don't think that justifies making the interface so problematic for the remote/keyboard users (who I'm sure must be the majority).
    Well, that´s a good point! Maybe I "overdesigned" the possibility to jump right when video/music details are shown. Let me think about removing this navigation possibility ;)

    It would be great if you could do that. :) Whilst you're looking at it, I've got some other suggestions that I hope will help you make this skin as awesome and user-friendly as possible ;)

    Firstly, I'd like to ask you to consider removing the bottom left RSS button. That also has non-intuitive behaviour, in that if I'm on e.g. the Music menu and go past the last entry and onto the RSS button if I then go up, instead of taking me to where I was, it jumps back to TV which is obviously annoying, particularly if the user accidentally overshot the bottom of the menu and didn't mean to go to the button. I also think it can be confusing for users to lose the cursor from the menu in this way and it's not really obvious that this is where it's gone.

    I think it's unnecessary to have that button as users can just use the "RSS" entry in the Internet Menu (I've just tested editing it to <hyperlink>16001</hyperlink> and that works fine to open my InfoService feeds, the same as the RSS button does) and if you removed it perhaps you could make the menus loop (i.e. make the cursor go back to the top of the menu when pressing down on the bottom entry) which I think users would find more intuitive (and useful if they're near the bottom of the menu and want to get to something near the top), but if that's too tricky, just letting it remain on the bottom entry when pressing down would be fine as well.

    On the EPG I think it's rather confusing having the Group box at the top rather than the left, as it's accessed by pressing left when on a channel name, so the user won't expect the cursor to go up to the top of the screen. I also think the highlight on the box is too dark and needs to be brighter, like the highlight on programmes/channel names. I also wonder whether the previous/next day and decrease/increase timeblock arrows really serve much purpose, as remote users can use buttons for these (I use rewind/ffwd for the timeblock and skip back/forward for previous/next day) and keyboard users have F7/F8 and I/U to do the same thing, so it's just an unnecessary area where the user can go off the main track and "lose the cursor". I can see perhaps they'd be useful for touchscreen users, but I'd imagine they're too small and close together to be used like this easily, so perhaps an option would be to remove them and put bigger buttons elsewhere, that can't be navigated to by remote/keyboard users.

    I've also found a little bug that only seems to affect PureVisionHD Xmas. If I select something that's not installed (i.e. Internet - Comics), the cursor jumps back to the TV Menu (which isn't an issue) but it's not really on that, as if I then press up or down I can see the picture next to the clock cycling through the entries on the Internet menu. If instead of up or down the first button I press is right, it jumps to the video window. I've tested the non-Xmas PureVisionHD and with that it still jumps to the TV menu but navigates normally from there. I wouldn't worry about this much as a) most people will edit the menus to remove stuff they don't use/have installed and b) people will only be using the Xmas skin for a short while and I'd rather you spent what time you have working on the non-Xmas skin. I just thought it worth bringing to your attention in case it's helpful in future :)


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Just wanted to let you know I've found a couple of workarounds for the lack of Standby button (with the Topbar disabled).

    I renamed the Settings - Minidisplay item to Standby and edited BasicHomeButtons260.xml so the entry contains <action>99</action> which brings up the Shutdown menu. I actually prefer having a menu item rather than an off-menu button, as it means the user doesn't have to go off-menu with the potential confusion that can cause when they wonder where the cursor's gone and it's saves me having to explain how that works to other users ;)

    I've also assigned * to Action_Shutdown (not Action_Close_Dialog which I tried first and which did nothing) under Global in Keys and Sounds, which puts the following in keymap.xml

    <sound />

    and I should be able to assign the remote's Power button to *, so the Standby menu item isn't strictly necessary but could be handy for some people without a suitable/spare remote button.


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Rather strangely (and annoyingly) this isn't working on another system I'm trying to setup (in fact it's not working on the original system anymore either!)

    I've got the remote's Power button mapped to Action_Shutdown and it does bring up the Shutdown Menu, but the menu item I've created doesn't do anything and nor does another one I've created to Close MP. As the remote can bring up the Shutdown Menu, it doesn't really matter if I can't call that via a menu item, but I do rather need a Close item (ideally with a Confirm dialog).

          <control Style="BasicHomeButton">
            <description>Shutdown normal push button</description>
          <control Style="BasicHomeButton">
            <description>Close normal push button</description>

    Also, now the editor crashes every time I try to click EDIT with my Custom profile selected. With Default selected it works normally. I then noticed that only BasicHomeButtons200.xml - BasicHomeButtons250.xml were in my Custom folder, so the rest must have got deleted when it crashed. I've copied 260-280.xml and common.rss.xml and BasicHomeInfoRecentlyAdded.xml in there from the Default folder but it still crashes.


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Re: AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    AFAIK the BasicHome Editor doesn´t know nothing about <action> properties. That´s why it´s crashing ;)

    Thanks but it can't be that, as it's not crashing on my other PC when editing my Custom layout and I've got the standby item defined there as well (although it's not working!)

          <control Style="BasicHomeButton">
            <description>Standby normal push button</description>

    I haven't defined a Close item on this PC yet, so maybe the editor can't cope with two <action> entries, but then again when the BasicHomeButtons260.xml (and others) disappeared I copied it over from default which doesn't have any <action> entries, but it was still crashing.

    Oh well, I'll just make a backup of Custom to remind me of what I've changed and start again.


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    Tried something similiar like you, and get the same crash and only 5 files copied (BasicHomeButtons200.xml - BasicHomeButtons250.xml).
    EDIT: The BasicHome Editor only crashes when <action> is set in the default layout, because it can´t handle that. It can only handle <hyperlink>.
    But finally, both shutdown buttons are in topbar, so normal users will find and use that ;)


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Re: AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    Tried something similiar like you, and get the same crash and only 5 files copied (BasicHomeButtons200.xml - BasicHomeButtons250.xml).
    EDIT: The BasicHome Editor only crashes when <action> is set in the default layout, because it can´t handle that. It can only handle <hyperlink>.
    But finally, both shutdown buttons are in topbar, so normal users will find and use that ;)

    Yeah, but I'm not "normal" ;)

    Kinda weird I had this working before and now it doesn't!

    I'm trying to avoid having to enable the topbar as it's rather cluttered/confusing when the user only needs Close and Shutdown (not even Shutdown really as I've got the remote's Power button doing that now). I could just edit the topbar.xml to only leave the Close button there, but it would be nicer if I didn't have to enable a plugin for one button ;)


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    Merry Xmas to all of you and your beloved ones :D

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