Hello All
We are currently looking at returning weather back as part of the MediaPortal install, this should show fairly basic information for your locality, so added a poll to know if you consider this a worthwhile feature by default.
Please note, there are currently optional plugins to do this exact thing, would you be actively hunting these down, as I said we need all the feedback we can get regarding this.
In DefaultWide this would look like
Just to be clear, this project will be done by Micropolis who very kindly offered us a "easy setup" version of worldweather without the bells and whistles, but should have ip lookup for your locality, or manual city\town name search within the GUI as a backup, using different providers and will be kept outside the MediaPortal releases.
This of course is easily upgradeable to the fullblown WorldWeather plugin, if a user likes the more advanced features.
Update before I close this Topic, as it is now in construction stage.
WorldWeatherLite is coming along very nicely thanks to Micropolis, ip detection seems to work and picks up the main local City (the way ip lookup works, you would be very lucky to get exact match), plus integrated Town search from gui, must say it really is looking pretty cool, but he is not finished yet.
Will announce when we get an Area51 version for you all to test, really looking forward to getting this back into MP, upgrading to the fullblown WorldWeather version should not be a hassle for those people who enjoy all the bells and whistles
We are currently looking at returning weather back as part of the MediaPortal install, this should show fairly basic information for your locality, so added a poll to know if you consider this a worthwhile feature by default.
Please note, there are currently optional plugins to do this exact thing, would you be actively hunting these down, as I said we need all the feedback we can get regarding this.
In DefaultWide this would look like
Just to be clear, this project will be done by Micropolis who very kindly offered us a "easy setup" version of worldweather without the bells and whistles, but should have ip lookup for your locality, or manual city\town name search within the GUI as a backup, using different providers and will be kept outside the MediaPortal releases.
This of course is easily upgradeable to the fullblown WorldWeather plugin, if a user likes the more advanced features.
Update before I close this Topic, as it is now in construction stage.
WorldWeatherLite is coming along very nicely thanks to Micropolis, ip detection seems to work and picks up the main local City (the way ip lookup works, you would be very lucky to get exact match), plus integrated Town search from gui, must say it really is looking pretty cool, but he is not finished yet.
Will announce when we get an Area51 version for you all to test, really looking forward to getting this back into MP, upgrading to the fullblown WorldWeather version should not be a hassle for those people who enjoy all the bells and whistles
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